REV. CHARLES BUCK, [AUTHOR OF THE THEOLOGICAL DICTIONARY.] CONTAINING THE YOUNG Christian's Guide; OR, SUITABLE DIRECTIONS, CAUTIONS, AND EN- BELIEVER ON HIS FIRST ENTRANCE INTO THE DIVINE LIFE. A TREATISE ON Religious Experience: IN WHICH ITS NATURE, EVIDENCES, AND ADVANTAGES, ARE CONSIDERED. TOGETHER WITH, ANECDOTES, RELIGIOUS, MORAL, AND ENTERTAINING: ALPHA- BETICALLY ARRANGED, AND INTERSPERSED WITH A VARIETY OF IN THREE VOLUMES. Philadelphia : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. W. WOODWARD, 1808. PREFACE TO YOUNG CHRISTIAN'S GUIDE. " FEED my Lambs"* was one of the last injunctions given by our Lord before he left this world. While ever attentive to the welfare of mankind at large, the young and weak of the flock were the objects of his care in particular. Herein he answered the description given of his character by the prophet: "A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench."† Nothing could exceed the strength of his love, the tenderness of his reproofs, the exercise of his forbearance, and the constancy of his attention towards them. Is it not well, therefore, to set him before us as our great exemplar? Did he look upon young disciples with pity and concern; and shall his ministers and people be destitute of feeling for them? Did he embrace every opportunity to advise and caution, direct and warn; and shall we be silent, and forbear instruction? Did he strengthen and console, guide and watch over them; and shall we pass them by as not worthy of our notice and regard? Shail the table be spread, and meat * John xxi. 15. + Is. xlii. 3. JUN 28 1891 3160106 |