THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN 7490 OF THE RSITY OF MICHIG MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL REVIEW Ов QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL MEDICINE AND SURGERY. VOL. XLV. JANUARY-APRIL, 1870. LONDON: JOHN CHURCHILL AND SONS, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. MDCCCLXX. OF THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL REVIEW. JANUARY, 1870. Analytical and Critical Reviews. REV. I.-1. The Medical Profession and its Educational and Licensing Bodies. By E. D. MAPOTHER, M.D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Surgeon to St. Vincent's Hospital, &c. Carmichael Prize Essay 2. General Medical Council; Report of the Committee on Professional Education, with Appendices 3. Reports of Meeting of British Medical Association at Leeds. British Medical Journal,' August and September, 1869 4. Address of SAMUEL D.GROSS, M.D., President of the American Medical Association REV. II.—Entozoa: being a Supplement to the Study of Helminthology. By T. SPENCER COBBOLD, M.D., F.R.S., Correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of Philadelphia REV. III.-1. Reports of the Dublin Hospitals on the Cholera of 1866. (Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science and Medical Press and Circular') PAGE 1 ib. ib. ib. 33 38 2. Le Cholera, Etiologie et [Prophylaxie, Origine, Endémicité, &c., &c. Exposé des Travaux de la Conférence Sanitaire Internationale de Constantinople mis en ordre et précédée d'une Introduction. PAR A. FAUVEL, Délégué du gouvernement Francais à la Conférence, &c., &c. ib. 3. Address on Medicine delivered before the Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association at Leeds. By Sir WILLIAM JENNER, Bart., M.D., F.R.S., Physician to the Queen, Physician to University College Hospital, &c. (Lancet,' July 31, 1869). ib. 4. Archives Générales de Médecine, November, 1868, and January, 1869. ib. 5. Cholera in the East, from the Commencement of European Connec- ib. tion with it. By JOHN MACPHERSON, M.D., Inspector-General of Hospitals H.M. Bengal Army, &c. ib. 6. Etude sur le Choléra, &c. Par le Docteur NICAISE, &c., &c., 1868. ib. 7. Pathologisch-Anatomische Studien über das Wesen des CholeraProcesses. Von Dr. JULIUS MAR. KLOB, Professor der Pathologischen Anatomie an der Wiener Hochschule, Prosector des Krankenhauses Rudolfs-Stiftung, &c., &c. (Pathological and Anatomical Researches on the Nature of the Cholera Process.' By Prof. Dr. JULIUS M. KLOB 8. The Lancet,' 1869, p. 167 9. The Cholera; its Origin, Idiosyncrasy, and Treatment. By FERDINAND E. JENCKEN, M.D., M.R.C.P.Lond. ib. ib. ib. 10. Cholera; its Symptoms, Clinical History, &c. By S. GOODEVE CHUCKERBUTTY, M.D.Lond, Surgeon, Bengal Army, &c., &c. 11. Report on the Cholera Epidemic of 1866, as treated in the MaterMisericordiæ Hospital, Dublin, &c. By Drs. HAYDEN and CRUISE. ib. 12. Quarantine and Cholera. By A. J. PAYNE, M.D., Bengal Medical Service. ib. 13. Della Natura del Cholera Asiatico, &c. Memoria del Dott. FILIPPO ib. PACINI. (A Treatise upon Asiatic Cholera, &c. By Dr. PHILIP PACINI) § ib. 14. Report to the International Sanitary Conference, of a Commission REV. VI.-1. Om Spedalskhed som endemisk Sygdom i Norge. Ved CAND. On Leprosy as an Endemic Disease in Norway. By Dr. BIDENKAP. 2. Beretning om Lungegaards Hospital, &c., Virksomhed i Treaaret, Report of the Practice of the Lungegaards' Hospital for the Triennial 3. Den Spedalske Sygdom blandt de Norske i Amerika. Af Overlæge, J. A. HOLMBOE. Dr. HOLMBOE On Leprosy amongst the Norwegians in America. By Syphilisation as a Remedy for Syphilis and Leprosy. By Dr. DANIELS SEN 6. Report on Leprosy by the Royal College of Physicians, London. (Second Notice.) 7. Clinical Report on Cases of Leprosy. By JONATHAN HUTCHINSON. 'London Hospital Reports,' Vol. I, 1864. 8. On the Symptoms and Morbid Anatomy of Leprosy; with Remarks. By H. V. CARTER, M.D. Lond. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bombay,' No. VIII, 1862 9. Norwegian Notes. By JONATHAN HUTCHINSON.Medical Times and Gazette,' August, 1869 PAGE ib. ib. ib. . ib. ib. ib. REV. VII.—Annual Report of the Commissioners for Administering the Laws for the Relief of the Poor in Ireland, &c., with Appendices REV. VIII.-Eleventh Report of the Medical Officer of the Privy Council, 1869.-Contagious Diseases Act, 1866 and 1869.-Reports and Papers issued by the Association for Promoting the Extension of the Contagious Diseases Act of 1866 to the Civil Population of the United Kingdom.-Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords, on the Contagious Diseases Act, 1866, Session 1867–8.— Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Contagious Diseases Act, 1866 (communicated from the Commons to the Lords), 1869 REV. IX. Intorno alla diffusione della Tisichezza polmonare, alle sue cagioni e ai provvedimenti piu valevoli di combatterla. Ricerche del Cav. Prof. ALFONSO CORRADI, M.D., &c. On the Spread of Pulmonary Phthisis, its Causes, and the best means of staying it. By Prof. ALFONSO CORRADI. Prize Essay REV. X.-Report on Lunatic Asylums. By F. NORTON MANNING, Authority M.D. By 118 128 ib. REV. XI.-1. Germinal Matter and the Contact Theory. An Essay on the Morbid Poisons. By J. MORRIS, M.D. Second Edition 2. Notes on Epidemics, for the Use of the Public. By F. E. ANSTIE, ib A Treatise on Infectious Diseases. By W. GRIESINGER, Professor in the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Berlin; Translated into French by Dr. G. LEMAITRE 4. On Famine Fever, and some of the other Cognate Forms of Typhus. A Lecture. By R. VIRCHOW, Professor in the University of Berlin 5. Études sur les Maladies Eteintes et les Maladies Nouvelles. Par C. ANGLADA, Professeur de Pathologie Médicale à l'Université de Montpellier On Extinct and New Diseases. By C. ANGLADA, Professor of Medical Pathology in the University of Montpellier 6. On Epidemics, Studied by Means of Statistics of Disease. Read before the Public Medicine Section of the British Medical Association, 1868, by A. RANSOME, A.M., M.B. PAGE 128 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. 7. Disinfectants and Disinfection. By R. ANGUS SMITH, Ph.D., F.R.S. ib. 8. The Disinfectant Question. A Review of Dr. Angus Smith's Book. Reprinted from the 'Sanitary Record.' REV. XII.-Fourth Annual Report of the Sanitary Commissioner with the Government of India, 1867. With Appendices containing Returns of Sickness and Mortality among the British and Native Troops, and also among the Prisoners in the Bengal Presidency for that year Bibliographical Record. ART. I.-Aerztliche Mittheilungen aus Ægypten. Von Dr. A. FLORA ART. II.—A Treatise on Syphilis. By WALTER J. COULSON, F.R.C.S., Sur- ART. III.—Notes on the Metals. By THOMAS WOOD, Ph.D. 137 150 ART. V.-Dr. Kennion's Observations on the Medicinal Springs of Harro- ART. VII. Om Dödeligheden blandt Barselkoner i Norge i Femaaret, 1861 til 1865. Af C. EGER. (Norsk Magazin for Lægevidenskaben,' xxiii Bind, 6 Hefte.) On the Mortality among Parturient Women in Norway in the Quinqueu- ART. VIII.-The Practical Medicine of To-day. Two addresses delivered 154 ib. 155 156 ib. 158 ib. 159 ART. X.-Counsel to a Mother. Being a Continuation and the Completion of Advice to a Mother.' By PYE HENRY CHAVASSE.-Excessive Infant Mortality; how it can be Stayed. To which is added a short paper on 'Infant Alimentation.' By M. A. BAINES.-On the Prevention of Excessive Infant Mortality. By Mrs. BAINES ART. XI. Considerations et Observations sur l'epoque de l'occlusion du trou ovale et du canal artériel. Par Dr. PEDRO F. DA COSTA ALVARENGA. 161 ART. XII.-The Mechanical Treatment of Deformities of the Mouth, Congenital and Accidental. By ROBERT RAMSAY and JAMES OAKLEY COLES, Members of the Odontological Society |