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419; not to be purchased, 420; revolution
in, 420; annexation, 421, 438, 440, 444;
opposition of Adams, 421; recognition
extended, 422; England's alleged scheme,
438; a state in the union, 444; disputed
boundary, 446; boundaries fixed, 450;
debt assumed, 455, 457; readmitted, 625;
republicans overthrown, 632.
Texas, the, 800, 801, 802.
Thames, battle of, 323.
Thanksgiving Day, 62.

Thomas, General, succeeds Rosecrans, 534;
in battle of Missionary Ridge, 535; defense
of Nashville, 538.

Thomas, Lorenzo, secretary of war, 614.
Thornton, Colonel, at New Orleans, 333.
Thoroughfare Gap, 551, 552.

Ticonderoga, attacked unsuccessfully, 126;
taken, 127; taken by Ethan Allen, 182;
not taken by Carleton, 195; taken by
Burgoyne, 195.

restrictions on, 306-309; condition of,
1783-1815, 346; West India, 415-417.
See Navigation Acts.
Transportation, rivers and lakes, 2.
Treason, defined, 253.
Treasurer, in New York, 104.
Treaty, with France, 198; with England,
214-216; with Spain, 1795, 265; Jay's,
272-273; with France, 1800, 282; San
Ildefonso, 297; Louisiana purchase, 298;
of Monroe and Pinckney, 310; Erskine's,
316; of Fort Jackson, 333, 368; of Ghent,
334, 368; with France, 417; Webster-
Ashburton, 437; Guadaloupe Hidalgo,
450; Clayton-Bulwer, 458; of Washing-
ton, 672; of Fort Laramie, 684; with
Hawaii, 772, 774; Burlingame, 774;
with Japan, 776; of Paris, 1898, 805;
Hay-Pauncefote, 817; Hay-Herran (con-
vention), 818; Hay-Bunau-Varilla, 820;
of Portsmouth, 824.

Treaty of 1783, execution delayed, 261,

272, 273.

Tilden, S. J., governor of New York, 651;
nominated for presidency, 653; disputed
returns, 654; loses the election, 657; Trent, the, affair of, 522; negotiations about,
and the independents, 694; in the investi-
gation of the election, 696; not nominated
in 1880, 702.

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Trenton, battle of, 192.
Tripoli, war with, 295.

Trist, N. P., and treaty with Mexico, 450.
"Truly Loyal," the, 621.
Trumbull, Lyman, leader of moderates,
605; vote on Johnson impeachment, 617;
attitude toward South, 633.

Trusts, causes producing, 736; the Standard
Oil Co., 736-739; and stock speculation,
739; opposition to, 739; anti-trust law,
740; a money trust," 740.
Truxtun, Captain, 281.

cut, 201.

Tunis, at war, 295, 296.

Tories, as a class, 174, 193; in North Caro-Tryon, at New York, 188; raid in Connecti-
lina, 182, 208; in Philadelphia, 199; at
King's Mountain, 208; compensation
to, 216, 227; why disliked, 230; hardships
of, 231; in New York, 231; compensa-
tion not made, 262.
Toscanelli, letter of, 28.
Toussaint Louverture, 298.

Towns, planted, 134; government, 156;

in New York, 156; development of, 463. |
Townshend, colonial policy of, 169; his
acts, 169, 173; death, 171; repeal of
Townshend acts, 173.

Townships, established, 233, 342.
Trade, colonial, 142-145; state of, 1783-
1789, 226; England refuses to open, 226;
congress to have control, 246; England
refuses concessions, 262; restrictions on
neutral, 272; and the Jay treaty, 272; the
carrying, under Jefferson, 306; British

Turnbull, author of "The Crisis," 387.
Turner, Nat, 430.
Twenty-Second joint rule, 598; rescinded,

Twiller, Wouter van, governor of New
Amsterdam, 73.

Tyler, John, nominated, 434; presidency of,
435-436; repudiated by whigs, 436; and
Texas annexation, 438-440, 444; favors
Polk, 443; presides over peace congress,

"Uncle Tom's Cabin," influence of, 496.
Underground railway, 429.
Underhill, Captain John, fights for the Dutch
in New Netherland, 73.
Underwood, Oscar, party leader in the

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house, 841; candidate for nomination, Verrazano, Giovanni da, explorations of, 35.
845, 846.
Vespucci, with Hojeda, 31; his pretended
discoveries, 32.

Union, suggested at Albany Congress, 123;
party in favor of, 222; Morris and Hamil-
ton, 223; Washington on, 224, 240;
growing sentiment for, 240; Madison for,
240; cause of, in Hayne-Webster debate,
396; Jackson for, 399.

Union League, in the South, 627.

Union Pacific Railroad, and Crédit Mobilier,

Union party, 581, 584.

Unions, in the United States, 741-744;
Knights of Labor, 741; American Federa-
tion of Labor, 743.

United States, the, constructed, 279; takes
the Macedonian, 327, 328.
Unity, influence of territorial, 1.
Upshur, and Texas, 439.

Utah, made a territory, 455, 457; settlement
of, 679; a territory, 680; a state, 680, 748;
and polygamy, 748.

Utrecht, treaty of, 119.

Vaca, Cabeça de, 38, 39.
Vallandigham, C. L., violent speeches of,
582; arrest and trial of, 583.
Valley Forge, army at, 199.
Van Buren, Martin, and the election of
1824, 380; turns to Jackson, 382; opposi-
tion to Calhoun, 382; secretary of state,
392; influence in cabinet, 393; influence
on Jackson, 394; and internal improve-
ments, 394; benefits by Jackson-Calhoun
split, 401, 402; minister to England, 402;
nominated vice-president, 403; elected,
405; on West India trade, 416; elected
president, 425; character of, 432; his
presidency, 432-435; and the Texan
question, 441; a Barnburner, 451; nomi-
nated by free soil party, 452.

Vicksburg, significance of, 530, 532; first
attempt to take, 531; second attempt,

Vincennes, taken by Clark, 204.
Vinland, 23.

Virginia, named, 42; English opinion of, 44;
government of, 45; reforms of 1609,
49; intrigues, 49; self-government, 50;
charter annulled, 50; royal governors of,
51; divided, 52; and the restoration, 80;
Berkeley's despotism, 89; economic condi-
tion, 89; Bacon's Rebellion, 90; during the
last years of the Stuarts, 92; trade, 142;
religion in, 151; the university at Henrico,
153; William and Mary College, 154;
and paper money, 158; Patrick Henry's
resolutions, 166; revolutionary commit-
tees in, 174; declares independence, 187;
and conquest of the Northwest, 203;
Cornwallis enters, 211; confers with Mary-
land on trade, 241; plan in constitutional
convention, 243; ratifies the constitu-
tion, 248; parties in, 270; political leader-
ship, 270; supports Crawford, 377, 378,
379; waning influence, 378, 393; attitude
toward nullification, 410; slavery debates,
1831, 430; constitutional reform in, 474;
the university of, 479; readmitted, 625;
republicans overthrown, 632.
"Virginia, Restored," 521.
Virginia, the, 569.
Virginia City, founded, 677.
Virginia Dare, 43.
Virginia resolutions, 285-287.
Virginius, the, 783.
Vixen, the, 800.
Vizcaya, the, 800, 801.

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, as a railroad builder, Wade-Davis bill, 597.

733; and coöperation, 734.

Wagner, Battery, attacked, 570, 573.

Vandreuil, governor of New France, 118; Waldseemüller, Martin, 33, 36.
governor of Canada, 126.

Vane, Sir Harry, in Boston, 66.

Walker, Robert J., his tariff bill, 445; as
governor of Kansas, 492.

Van Rensselaer, General Stephen, 323; votes Walker, Sir Hovenden, 118.
for Adams, 380.

Venezuela, boundary dispute, 777-781; origin
of dispute, 777; Cleveland's demands
on England, 779; commission appointed,
780; adjusted, 780; effects, 780; debts to
other powers, 826; Germany and, 826.
Vera Cruz, taken by Scott, 449.
Vergennes, friendly to America, 198; and
the treaty of peace, 214-215.
Vermont, a state, 264.

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Wanamaker, John, postmaster-general, 723.
War, right to declare, 585.

War of 1812, rise of spirit of resist-
ance, 318; Madison favors, 319; prep-
arations for, 319; war declared, 320;
opposed in New England, 335; finances
of, 336; effects of defeat, 324, 336;
lessons of, 338.

Warfare, lessons of, in battle of Santiago,

Washington, a territory, 463; a state, 748.
Washington, Fort, 188, 191.
Washington, George, journey to the Ohio,
122; expedition to forks of the Ohio, 122;
with Braddock,




commander-in-chief, 182; operations
around New York, 188-191; New Jersey
campaign, 191; Philadelphia campaign,
194; at Monmouth, 200; deceives Clinton,
212; in Yorktown campaign, 212; and
kingship, 218; on stronger government,
224; opposes army plot, 224; presides over
constitutional convention, 242; elected
president, 256; on the bank, 261; and
Genêt, 266; and whisky insurrection, 268;
attitude toward parties, 269; reëlected,
271; Farewell Address, 274; command of
new army, 281.

Washington, Lawrence, gets Ohio lands,


Washington, taken by British, 329.
"Washita, battle of the," 686.
Wasp, the, takes the Frolic, 327.
Watauga, Indians attack, 203; sends aid
to King's Mountain, 208; settled, 234.
Watercourses. See Transportation.
Water-power, distribution of, II.
Watertown, and taxation, 64.
Waxhaw, battle of, 207.

Wayne, Anthony, at Stony Point, 201;
subdues the Ohio Indians, 262.
Weaver, J. B., nominated for presidency, 702,
752; and people's party, 752; vote of, 753.
Webster, Daniel, supports the tariff, 387;
debate with Hayne, 396-398; supports
Jackson on nullification, 409; opposes
annexation of Texas, 422; supported by
whigs, 425; remains in Tyler's cabinet,
436; and the treaty with England, 437;
on Missouri compromise, 457; death of,

West India Company, Dutch, possession
of New Netherland, 72.

West Indies, trade with secured, 415.
West Point, Arnold at, 201; military acad-
emy, 320; after war of 1812, 363.
West Virginia, formed, 520; defense of, 520,

Wethersfield, settled by Dutch, 69; arrival
of the English, 69.
Weyler, in Cuba, 786, 787.
Weymouth, George, aids colonization, 45.
Whale fisheries, 5, 142.

Wheat, a staple crop, 8; area of, increased,
665; prices, 667; crop of 1879, 700.
Wheeler, Joseph, at Santiago, 796, 797,
798, 799.

Wheeler, W. A., vice-president, 653.
Whig party, destroyed, 493, 495; "Con-
science" and "Cotton" whigs, 495.
Whisky, manufacture of, 267.
Whisky insurrection, 267-269.
Whisky ring, the, 651.

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Williams, Rev. John, captured by French
and Indians, 118.

Williams, Roger, driven from Massachusetts,
65; gets charter for Rhode Island, 68.

Webster, Peletiah, on a stronger govern- Willing, Thomas, 228.
ment, 240.

Weed, Thurlow, defeat of Clay, 434; joins

the republicans, 494.

Wilmington, Cornwallis in, 211; evacuated,


Wilmot Proviso, proposed, 451; in nominat-
ing conventions, 451, 452; Clay's atti
tude, 454.

Wells, David A., as financier, 660.
Welsh, settled in the colonies, 147.
West, Far, physical characteristics, 676; Wilson, Henry, vice-president, 649.
arrival of miners, 677.

West, settlement of, 232-235; discontent
in, 264; and Burr, 304; and war of 1812,
321; at the battle of New Orleans, 333;
growth of, 341-344; New England and
Southern streams of migration, 342;
drawn to support the North, 461; public
schools in, 478; state universities in, 479;
and the panic of 1857, 482.

Wilson, James, in constitutional convention,

242, 244, 245.

Wilson, Woodrow, candidate for nomina-
tion, 845, 846, 847; elected president,

Wilson committee, the, 649.
Wilson-Gorman tariff, 728, 729; effect of,
729, 756.

Wilson's Creek, battle of, 541.


Winchester, General, 323.
Winchester, taken by Jackson, 547; Early
defeated at, 565.


Wisconsin, a territory, 344; a state, 463;
Black Hawk war, 466.
Witches, punished, 149.
Wolcott, Oliver, 279, 287.

Winder, General, at Bladensburg, 329.
Windom, William, secretary of the treasury,
723; ideas of free silver, 747.
Windsor, Connecticut, settled, 69.
Wingfield, Edward Maria, and the Vir-
ginia colony, 46, 47, 48.
Winthrop, John, relation to Puritan migra-
tion, 63; elected governor, 64; deals with
Watertown, 64; presides over trial of
Mrs. Hutchinson, 67; death of, 67.
Winthrop, John, Jr., settles Saybrook, 69.
Wirt, William, attorney-general, 367; nom-Yates, notes, 243.
inated by anti-masons, 404; vote of, Yazoo claims, 301, 302
Zeno brothers, 23.

Wolfe, General, at capture of Louisburg,
125; against Quebec, 127; death, 127.
Wood, Leonard, commands Rough Riders,


Worcester, Dean C., in the Philippines, 810.
Wounded, recovery of the, at Santiago, 803.
Wright, Silas, a Barnburner, 451.
Wyoming, territory, 678; state, 680, 748.
Wyoming valley, raided, 203.
X Y Z papers, 280.


"A. B. C. Powers," 870.

Adamson, W. C., and the control of trusts,

Airplanes, production of, 883, 884.

Aldrich Commission, report of, 856, 859.
Amendments, the eighteenth and nineteenth,

American Expeditionary Forces, crossing the
Atlantic, 886-888; two phases of their
campaign in France, 888; actual fighting
in France, 888-895; placed at Foch's
disposal, 889; corps organized, 891; St.
Mihiel Campaign, 892; Meuse-Argonne,
893; in Italy, 895; in Russia, 895; in
Siberia, 895.

Arabic, destruction of the, 877.

Argentina, and "A. B. C." Commission,

Argonne Forest, 893.

Armistice, with Germany, 899.
Army, state of, 1914, 878; the Hay Bill,
878, 882; supplies for, 883; aviation,
883, 884; emergency officers, 883; rifles
for, 883; and machine guns, 884; trans-
ported to France, 886-888; Pershing in
command, 887; training in France, 887;
size of a division, 888; in actual combat
in France, 888-895; forces organized into
corps and army, 891, 892.
Austria, surrender of, 898.
Autocracy in Germany overthrown, 899.

Bernstorff, Ambassador, 877; receives pass-
ports, 881.

Big Four, the, 901.

Bliss, General Tasker H., delegate to Peace
Conference, 900.

Blockade in world war, 875.

Brazil, and "A. B. C." Commission, 870.
Bryan, William J., secretary of state, 854.
Bulgaria, forced to yield, 898.
Burleson, Albert S., postmaster-general,

Cabinet, Wilson's, 854.

Cambrai, German drive at, 888.
Cantigny, battle of, 889.

Caperton, Admiral W. B., 896.
Caribbean Policy, 863-867.
Carranza, Venustiano, opposes Huerta, 868;
becomes president of Mexico, 870.
Carrizal, fight at, 871.

Central American peace league, 866.
Château-Thierry, fighting around, 889, 890,

Chile, and "A. B. C." Commission, 870.
Clayton, H. D., and the control of trusts,

Clayton Anti-Trust Act, 862.
Columbus, N. M., raided by Villa, 870.
Congress, majorities in 1913, 853; com-
mittees, 853.

Continuous voyage, right of, in world war,

Banks, National System, insufficiency of, Contraband in world war, 875.

858. See Federal Reserve Bank.

Convov service, 897.

vice- Food, government control of, 885.

Coolidge, Calvin, nominated for
presidency, 903; elected, 904.
Costa Rica and Central American peace
league, 866.

Council of National Defense, work of, 885.
Council of Ten, 901.

Covenant of the League of Nations, 901-

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'Covington Bill," 861.

Forty-Second Division, goes into line of
defenses, 888; in Marne salient, 891;
at St. Mihiel, 892; before Sedan, 893.
"Fourteen Points," President Wilson's, 898;
accepted by Germany and the Entente
allies, 899.

Fourth Division, in Marne salient, 891;
at St. Mihiel, 892.

Cox, James M., nominated for presidency, Fuel, government control of, 885.


Cuba, our relations with, 864.
Currency, "elasticity" of, 857.

Daniels, Josephus, secretary of the navy, 854.
Danish West Indies. See Virgin Islands.
Dartiguenave, President, of Haiti, 865.
Declaration of London of 1909 in world war,

Defense, national, state of, 878; Council of
National, 885.

Democracy thought to be at stake in world
war, 878.

Denmark, sells Virgin Islands, 866.
Dernburg, Bernhard, 783.

Destroyers, the United States, at Queens-
town, 896.

Diaz, Porfirio, his treatment of foreigners in
Mexico, 867; overthrow of, 868.
Division, size of a, 888; naming the, 888.

Eighty-Ninth Division, at St. Mihiel, 892.
Eighty-Second Division, at St. Mihiel, 892.
Elections, 1916, 879; 1920, 903.
Emergency Fleet Corporation, 885.
England, rule of, on blockades and con-
traband in world war, 874; and block-
ade, 875; and continuous voyage, 875;
and submarine warfare, 875; loans to, by
the United States, 886; sustains German
drives in 1918, 888.

European War. See World War.

Falaba, the, sunk by Germany, 876, 877.
Federal Reserve Bank, 858-860; the Aldrich
report, 859; the Glass Bill, 859; act for,
passed, 860; its provisions, 860.
Federal Trade Commission, created by con-
gress, 861.

Fifth Division, at St. Mihiel, 892.

First Division, arrival in France, 886; goes
into line of defenses, 888; battle of Can-
tigny, 889; in the operations of July 18,
1918, 891; at St. Mihiel, 892; before
Sedan, 894.

"Five Brothers," the, 861.

Foch, Marshal, in supreme command, 889.

Garfield, Harry A., fuel administrator, 885.
Garrison, Lindley M., secretary of war, 854;
resigns, 879.

Gerard, James W., 881.

Germany, propaganda of, 873; violates
neutrality, 873; on the sale of munitions,
874; and Declaration of London of 1909,
874; and contraband and blockade, 875;
and continuous voyage, 875; and use of
submarines, 875-877; yields at last on
submarines, 877; peace bid of, 1916, 880;
adopts ruthless warfare, 880; intercourse
with, broken, 881; war with, authorized,
882; progress of the war with, 882-897;
her drives in 1918, 888-890; political
revolution in, 898; requests an armistice,
899; imperial monarchy overthrown, 899;
signs treaty of Versailles, 902.

Glass, Carter, and the Federal Reserve Act,

Glen Springs, Texas, raided by Villa, 871.
Great Britain. See England.
Guatemala and Central American peace
league, 866.

Haiti, protectorate over, 865.
Hamburg-American Steamship Co., and
violations of neutrality, 873.
Harding, Warren G., nominated for presi-
dency, 903; elected, 904.
Hay Bill, the, 878.

Hohenzollerns overthrown, 899.

Honduras and Central American peace
league, 866.

Hoover, Herbert, food administrator, 885.
House, Col. E. M., delegate to the Peace
Conference, 900.

Houston, David F., secretary of agriculture,

Huerta, General, usurps power in Mexico,
868; and the death of Madero, 868; ex-
cluded from office, 870.

Hughes, Charles E., candidate for the presi-
dency, 879; investigates airplane con-
struction, 884; suggests amendments to
the League covenant, gor.

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