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Industry, after the revolution, 225; after

civil war, 664-666.

Inhabitants, early, 11-13.

Injunctions, use against strikers, 744.

"Insular Cases," 814.

424; on Van Buren's Texas letter, 442;
Georgia Indians removed, 466; relation
to democratic reform, 474.

Jackson, F. J., minister from England,
316, 335.

Insurance, life, investigating the companies, Jackson, Fort, treaty of, 332.

Insurgents, the, origin of, 837; victory over
Cannon, 838; in campaign of 1912, 843;
found the progressive party, 847.
Internal improvements, policy of, 365;
bonus bill vetoed, 365; by the states,
366; checked by Jackson, 394-396;
Cumberland road bill, 395; Calhoun's
report on, 395; later history of, 396.

Jackson, Stonewall, at Bull Run, 519;
diversion in the valley, 547; at Cedar
Mountain, 551; takes Harper's Ferry,
554; at Antietam, 555; at Fredericksburg,
556; at Chancellorsville, 557; death of,

Jackson, Mississippi, captured by Grant,

James I, and the colonies, 76.

Interstate commerce act, 735; powers of Jameson, J. Franklin, and Venezuelan
commission increased, 833, 839.

Iowa, a state, 463.

Iowa, the, 800, 801..

boundary, 780.

James river, opened by the federals, 546;
McClellan reaches, 549.

Iron, deposits, 8, 10; early manufacture Jamestown, settled, 47; early history, 47-
of, 10.

Iroquois, 18; attitude toward French, 112;

power of, 113; relations with the English,
114; Frontenac and, 117, 118; recognized
as British subjects, 119; and the Albany
congress, 122.
Irrigation, 849.
Island No. 10, 529.

50; natural beauty, 47; disease at, 47;
starvation, 48; land distributed, 49.

Japan, relations with, 775-777; war with
Russia, 824; at treaty of Portsmouth,

Jay, John, peace commissioner, 214; and
the "Federalist," 247; on ratification,
249; negotiates treaty, 272.

Isthmian canal, and Clayton-Bulwer treaty, Jay Cooke and Co., failure of, 666.

Isthmian canal project, early history of,
814-817; French canal, 815-816; Hayes's
idea, 816; Nicaraguan, 817; Panama,
817-818, 821-822.

Italy, and Mafia incident, 767.
Itata, the, 769.

Jackson, Andrew, and Burr, 304; to serve
against Florida, 332; conquers the Creeks,
332; at Pensacola, 332; New Orleans
campaign, 332-334; enters Florida, 369;
attacked by Clay, 370; candidate for
presidency, 1824, 377, 378, 379-380;
his party in 1825-1829, 382; attack on
Adams, 384; as party leader, 388; party
demands, 389; elected, 390; inaugurated,
392; his cabinet, 392; checks internal
improvements, 394-396; "Union" toast,
399; attitude toward Georgia, 400; open
breach with Calhoun, 401; cabinet reor-
ganized, 402; renominated, 402, 404;
elected, 405; denounces nullification,
408; and the "force bill," 410; "war"
against the bank, 411-415; idea of a
bank, 412; resolutions of censure, 415;
and West India Trade, 415-417; the
French claims, 417-419; and the surplus,

Jefferson, Thomas, 174; and the declaration
of independence, 187; and Northwest, 232;
secretary of state, 257; and assumption,
260; against the bank, 261; forms republi-
can party, 270; leaves cabinet, 271; elected
vice-president, 274; and election of 1796,
274; declines French ministry, 276;
reply to alien and sedition laws, 285;
elected president, 288-290; views of,
291-292; inaugurated, 291-292; cabinet,
292; appointments, 292; and the federal
courts, 294; and Louisiana purchase,
296-299; popularity of, 300; and Burr,
300; and Randolph, 301; reëlected, 302;
and trade restrictions, 307-311; and
Monroe treaty, 310; and embargo act,
310-311; on the Chesapeake-Leopard affair,
315; failure of his gunboats, 326.
Jefferson and the state university, 479.
Jenckes, Thomas, and civil service reform,


Jenkins, Governor, removed, 623.
Jesuits, in Canada, 113.
Jews, in the colonies, 147.
Johnson, Andrew, nominated for vice-presi-
dency, 584, 599; as president, 599; his
plan of reconstruction, 599-601; relations
with his cabinet, 600; amnesty of, 600;

popularity in 1865, 604; projected party, | Kentucky resolutions, 285-287.
604; vetoes freedmen's bureau bill, 605; Key West, American fleet at, 793.
popularity wanes, 605; vetoes civil rights Kidnapping, 137.
bill, 606; enforces congressional recon-
struction, 611; "swinging-around-the-cir-
cle," 611; impeachment of, 613-617;
acquittal, 616-617; and negro suffrage,

Kieft, William, governor of New Amster-
dam, 73.

King, W. R., elected vice-president, 485.
King George's War, 120.

King's Mountain, battle of, 208.

Johnson, Hiram, nominated for vice-pres- King William's War, 116.
idency, 847.

Johnson, Reverdy, 670.

Johnson, R. M., 318; elected vice-president,

Johnson, Sir William, 124.

Johnson-Clarendon convention, 670.
Johnston, A. S., defense of Nashville, 528;
falls back to Corinth, 528; attacks at
Shiloh, 528; killed, 528.

Johnston, Joseph E., at Bull Run, 519;
against Grant at Vicksburg, 531; succeeds
Bragg, 535; operations against Sherman,
535-537; removed, 537; restored to com-
mand, 539; before Sherman in North
Carolina, 540, 541; defending Richmond,
545; wounded at Seven Pines, 548;
surrenders to Sherman, 568.
Joliet, reaches the Mississippi, 114.
Jones, John Paul, 205.

Jones, Willie, and John Paul Jones, 205.
Jury, the negro on, 637.

Kalakaua, king of Hawaii, 772.

"Kitchen Cabinet," 393.

Knights of Labor, early history, 741; violent
element, 742; and St. Louis strike, 742;
and Chicago strike, 742; decline of, 743.
"Know Ye" resolutions, 236.

Know-Nothing party, origin, 493; failure of,

Knox, Henry, secretary of war, 257; supports
Hamilton, 261; and new army, 281.

Ku Klux act, of 1871, 629, 634.
Ku Klux Klan, history of, 627-630; methods,
628; organization, 628; congress interferes,
629; achievement of, 629; connected with
politics, 630; in North Carolina, 631.

Labor, white servants, 137; redemptioners,
146; department of, 851.
Ladrone Islands, 805, 806.

Lafayette, Marquis, volunteers, 198; at
Monmouth, 200; in Virginia, 211.

La Folette, Senator, presidential candidate,

Lake George, battle of, 124.

Kalb, arrival in America, 198; killed at Lamar, L. Q. C., on Seward, 507; in Cleve-
Camden, 208.

Kansas, struggle for, 489-493; two streams
of settlers, 483; two governments, 483-
490; statehood suggested, 490; Kansas
debate, 490; violence in, 491; failure
of Governor Walker, 492; Lecompton
constitution, 492; the English bill, 493;
admitted to the union, 493.

Kansas-Nebraska act, origin of, 486;
passed, 487; significance, 487; conse-
quences, 489.

Kaskaskia, 343; taken by Clark, 204.
Kearny, General, expedition to California,

Kearney, Phil, killed in battle, 553.

Kennebec, colony on, 46.

Kennesaw Mountain, battle of, 536.

land's cabinet, 720.

Land, bottom, 2, 7; distributed in Plymouth,

61; distribution of, in Virginia, 49; return
from, in early Virginia, 50; patroons in
New Netherland, 73; distribution of,
134; taking it up, 136; Western, 231-234;
surrendered by states, 231; sale of, 232,
342, 343; military grants, 342; great
companies, 342; Southwestern, 345.
Lane, Ralph, and Roanoke Island, 42.
Lansing skulls, 12.

La Salle, explores the Mississippi, 114.
Las Guasimas, 796.

Laudonnière, leads colony to Florida, III.
Laurens, Henry, peace commissioner, 214.
Lawrence, Captain, 327.

Lawrence, Kansas, attacked, 491.

Kent, General, at Santiago, 796, 797, 798. Lawton, General, at Santiago, 796, 797, 798;
Kent's Island, 55.

Kentucky, Indians attack, 203; aid given
against Ferguson, 208; settled, 232, 233;
a state, 264; threatened rebellion of,
264; and parties, 271; struggle for union
in, 517; defense of, 527; Bragg in, 529.

carries El Caney, 798.

Lecompton constitution, the, 492; Douglas
opposes, 492; defeated, 493.
Lee, Arthur, in Paris, 198.
Lee, Fort, 188, 191.

Lee, General Charles, in New York cam-


paign, 191; his character, 197; at Mon-
mouth, 200; dismissed, 200; on Gates,

Lee, R. E., repulsed in West Virginia, 526;
as commander, 545; takes command, 548;
defeats McClellan, 548-549; moves against
Pope, 551-553; the Antietam campaign,
553-555; at Fredericksburg, 555-557;
at Chancellorsville, 557-558; invasion of
Pennsylvania, 558; in Gettysburg cam-
paign, 558-562; his generalship, 562;
at the Wilderness, 563; at Spottsylvania,
563; at Cold Harbor, 563; evacuates
Richmond, 566; surrenders, 567; captures
John Brown, 503.

Lee, R. H., resolutions in continental con-
gress, 187; on ratification, 249.
Lee, the, 182.

Legal tender, retiring the notes, 662;
decisions on, 663-664; redemption of,
668; more demanded, 668; resumption
act, 669.

Legal tender act, 574.

Leif Ericsson, 23.

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Cornwallis's sword, 213; and Shays's
Rebellion, 236.

Little Big Horn, battle of, 688.
Little Sarah, the, 267.

Livingston, Edward, minister to Paris,

Livingston, Robert R., 187; on ratification,
249; and Louisiana purchase, 297-299.
"Locofocos," 433.

Lodge, H. C., in campaign of 1884, 716.
Logan, General J. A., nominated for vice-
presidency, 716.

Logan, James A., culture of, 155.
London Company, created, 45, 46; reformed,
50; services to Virginia, 51; and Mary-
land settlement, 52; and Pilgrims, 52,


Longstreet, General, at Chickamauga,
533; at Knoxville, 534; at second
Bull Run, 552; at Fredericksburg,
556; in Gettysburg campaign, 559,
560, 561.

Lookout Mountain, capture of, 534.
Lords of Trade, 77.

Leisler, Jacob, initiates revolution, 96; Lorimer, Senator, investigation, 842.

defeat of, 102.

Leopard, attacked by Chesapeake, 314.

Lepe, Diego de, 32.

Lévis, attacks Quebec, 128.

Lewis, Meriwether, explorations, 356.

Lewis, W. B., in "Kitchen Cabinet,"


Lewis and Clark, explorations, 355.
Lexington, battle of, 180.

Liberal republicans, origin of, 648; nominate
Greeley, 648.

Liliuokalani, Queen, 772, 773.

Loudon, Fort, captured, 130.

Louisburg, taken by colonials, 120, futile

expedition against, 125; taken, 125, 126.
Louisiana, early history, 115; purchase of,
296-299; boundaries of, 299; and Burr's
scheme, 304; territory of, 345; territory
of Orleans, 345; admitted to union, 345;
population of, 1810, 345; reconstructed
under Lincoln, 596; readmitted, 624;
republicans overthrown, 633; disputed
returns in 1876, 655, 657; surrendered
to democrats, 657.

Linares, General, defender of Santiago, Louis XIV, and New France, 115.
796, 797; errors of, 802.

Lincoln, Abraham, in debate with Douglas,
499-503; "House divided" speech, 500;
destroying Douglas, 501; nominated for
presidency, 508; elected, 509; attitude
toward secession, 514; first inaugural,
515; calls for volunteers, 517; and Mc-
Clellan, 545, 546, 549; and emancipation,
577-581; at Hampton Roads, 566;
assassinated, 568; his greatness, 568;
war policy criticized, 581, 582; his renom-
ination opposed, 583; renominated, 584;
reelected, 584; military law, 585, 586;
plan of reconstruction, 596-599; amnesty
proclamation, 596; and the Wade-Davis
bill, 597; and negro suffrage, 597, 622.
Lincoln-Douglas debates, 499-502; effect of,

Lincoln, General, at Charleston, 207; receives

Lowndes, William, elected to congress, 318;
on the tariff, 364.
Lumber industry, 6.

Lundy, Benjamin, work of, 428.
Lundy's Lane, battle of, 325.
Lutheran Church, 354.

Lyon, General, and Missouri secessionists,
517, 526; death of, 526; defense of Mis-
souri, 541.
Lyttleton, Governor, and Cherokee war


McCardle, ex parte, case of, 613.
McClellan, General, in West Virginia, 520,
526; in command in Virginia, 545; tardi-
ness, 545; in the Peninsular campaign,
546-550; controversy over, 550; in the
Antietam campaign, 554; nominated
for presidency, 584.

McCormick reaper, invented, 465.

McCulloch, Hugh, as financier, 660; his

refunding plans, 661.

McCulloch v. Maryland, case of, 359.

MacDonald, Donald, 183.

Malden, Fort, 321; Hull before, 322; evac-
uated, 323.

Malvern Hill, battle of, 549.

Manassas, battle of, 552.

Mangum, W. P., 426.

MacDonough, Captain, victory on Lake Manhattan Island. See New York.

Champlain, 325.

McDowell, General, in Bull Run campaign,
519; and McClellan, 546, 547; at second
Bull Run, 554.

Macedonian, the, 327, 328.
McGillivray, Alexander, 265.

McHenry, Fort, defended against British,

McHenry, James, dismissed from the cabinet,

Manila, battle of, 791; holding the bay,
792; Aguinaldo at, 809; capture of, 792,

Manley, John, 182.

Manufactures, colonial, 140; British restric-
tions on, 141; new era of, 348; early,
349; effect of embargo, 349; effect on
society, 349; demand a tariff, 364, 384-
386; growth of, 463; combination in,

Maps of America, early, 36.
Marbois, and Louisiana purchase, 299.
Marbury v. Madison, case of, 357.
Marco Polo, 26.

Marcy, W. L., a Hunker, 451.
Maria Teresa, the, 800, 801.
Marietta, settled, 342.

McKinley, William, Jr., and the civil service,
711; and the tariff, 715; as leader, 723;
his tariff bill, 724-726; effect of, 727;
nominated, 1896, 760; campaign of, 761;
elected, 762; attitude toward Spain,
787, 789; and the Maine, 788; demands
armistice in Cuba, 789; suggests war,
789; responsible for Manila, 792; and
Schley-Sampson controversy, 804; and
acquisition of the Philippines, 805; Marquette, Father, reaches the Mississippi,
reëlected, 827; death of, 827; later policy
of, 829.

McKinley tariff and Sherman silver law,


McLane, Lewis, and the bank, 412, 413;
and West Indian trade, 417.

Marion, partisan leader, 207; under Greene,



Marshall, John, on ratification, 249; com-
missioner to France, 279; secretary of
state, 276, 287; Chief Justice, 291; at
Burr's trial, 305; influence on the constitu-
tion, 357-360.

McLean, J. J., for president, 425; in Dred Marshall, Thomas R., nominated for vice-

Scott case, 498.

Macomb, General, 325.

president, 847.

Martin, Luther, 242, 245.

Macon, Nathaniel, speaker, 303; "Macon's Martinique, not ceded in 1763, 129.

Bill No. 2," 311, 313.

"Macon's Bill No. 2," 311, 313, 317.
Madison, on Potomac smugglers, 241;
"Notes" on constitutional debates, 242;
author of Virginia plan, 243; and the
"Federalist," 247; supports ratification,
249; and first revenue bill, 257; position
on refunding, 259; retaliatory resolu-
tions, 272; declines French ministry, 276;
and Virginia Resolutions, 285-287; sec-
retary of state, 292; disliked by Randolph,
302; elected president, 311; hoodwinked
by Napoleon, 317; favors war party,
319; renominated, 319; reëlected, 319.
Mafia Incident, 767.
Magellan, voyage of, 33.

Mails, use for antislavery literature, 430.
Maine, early settlements in, 62, 70; hold of
British in, 331; a state, 373; boundary
dispute, 437-438; prohibition in, 480.
Maine, the, destroyed at Havana, 787, 788.

Marye's Heights, 556.

Maryland, early history, 52-57; government
of, 53, 54; religious toleration, 53; first
colony, 53, 54; the assembly, 54; manors
in, 55; Jesuits in, 55; struggle for Kent's
Island, 55; and Virginia politics, 56;
civil war in, 57; toleration act of 1649,
57; battle of Providence, 57; and the
restoration, 80; reactionary government
under Charles Calvert, 88; revolution,
89, 97; trade, 142; religion in, 151; and
western lands, 232; confers with Virginia
on trade, 241; struggle for union in, 517;
Lee invades, 553-555; military arrests
in, 585.

Mason, Captain John, 62, 70.

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80; charter annulled, 93; and the Dom- | Mineral oils, 10.
inion of New England, 94; rule of Andros, Minerals, 8-1I.
93-95; overthrow of Andros, 96; new char-
ter, 97; salary controversy, 101; and paper
money, 158; resists stamp act, 167;
resists quartering troops, 169; in the
revolutionary quarrel, 170; parliament
censures, 171; troops sent, 171; com-
mittees appointed, 174; charter changed
by parliament, 176; general sympathy for,
177; Shays's Rebellion, 236; ratifies the
constitution, 248; public schools in, 476;
work of Horace Mann, 477; cedes Maine,

Massachusetts, the, 800, 801.

Massachusetts Bay, colony of, charter, 63;
population, 64; early government, 64;
the franchise, 65; suspected by the king,
66. See Massachusetts.

Massasoit, 61.

Matamoras, taken by Taylor, 447.

Mather, Rev. Cotton, and witchcraft, 149.
Mather, Rev. Increase, and witches, 149.

Mayflower, voyage of, 60.

"Mayflower Compact," the, 61.

Maysville veto, 395.


Mining, in the Far West, 677-680; condi-
tions, 678; laws, 678.
Minnesota, a state, 463.
Minuit, Peter, governor of New Amsterdam,
72; in Delaware, 75.
Missionary Ridge, battle of, 535.
Mississippi, territory created, 344; popula-
tion, 1820, 345; new Black Code in, 602;
Governor Humphreys removed, 623;
readmitted, 625; republicans overthrown,
632; the "Mississippi plan," 632.
Mississippi river, as a means of transporta-
tion, 2; explored by French, 114; opened
north and south, 529; opened at Vicks-
burg, 532.

Mississippi v. Johnson, case of, 612.
Missouri, territory created, 345; develop-
ment of, 371; asks for statehood, 371;
compromise, 373; constitution of, 374;
interest in Nebraska, 486; attempt to
settle Kansas, 489; struggle for union
in, 517, 526, 541-542.

Missouri Compromise, adopted, 371-374.
Mobile, desire to annex, 321; occupied, 332.

Meade, General, in command, 559; in Mobile Act, 300.

Gettysburg campaign, 559-562.

"Meat Trust," 839.

Mecklenburg county, resolves of, 180.

Mechanicsville, battle of, 548.

"Mediterranean Fund," 293.

Menendez, Pedro, III.

Mobile Bay, defenses taken, 571.

Mohawk river and transportation system, 3.
Mohawks, 113.

"Molasses Act," 144; renewed, 163.
Molino del Rey, battle at, 450.

Monck's Corners, 211.

revolution, 236. See Paper money.
Monhegan, 61.

Monitor, contest with the Virginia, 546,


Merrimac, the, 569; sunk at Santiago, 794. Money, continental, 223; paper, after the
Merritt, Wesley, at Manila, 792, 810.
Methodist Church, founded in America,
353; divided by slavery, 456, 471.
Mexico, conquest of, 37; and Burr's scheme,
304; early relations with Texas, 419;
refuses to sell Texas, 420; refuses to sell
California, 446; war with, 446-450; city
of, taken, 450; treaty with, 450; French
in, 589, 643.

Michigan, territory created, 344; a state,

Mifflin, Governor, and whisky insurrection,

Milan Decree, 309.

Monmouth, battle of, 200.
Monocacy, battle of, 565.
Monroe, James, mission to France, 1794,
277; his blow at Hamilton, 278; and the
purchase of Louisiana, 299; and Randolph,
302, 303; makes treaty, 310; secretary of
state, 317, 330; elected president, 366.
cabinet, 367; and Spanish-American
states, 367; and parties, 368; reëlected,
368; and internal improvements, 395.

Miles, N. A., and Jefferson Davis, 64; Monroe Doctrine, origin of, 374; England's
takes Porto Rico, 801.

Military government established in the
South, 609-611, 622-625; supreme court
on, 612, 613; reëstablished in the South,

Military law, in civil war, 581, 585, 586.
Milligan, ex parte, case of, 612.
"Millionaires panic," 739.

relation to, 375; Adams's part, 375; Rus-
sia's relation to, 375; announced, 377;
new meaning in Venezuelan incident,
778-781; and the Venezuelan incident,
778-779, 780-781, 826; Roosevelt on, 827.
Montana, settled, 678; a territory and state,
678, 680, 748.

Montcalm, Marquis de, takes Fort William

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