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Enterprise, the, 295, 328.

Eric the Red, 23.

Erie, Fort, 321.

Erie, Lake, battle of, 323, 324.

Erie Railroad, development of, 733.
Erskine, treaty of, 316.

Established Church. See Anglican Church.
Estaing, Count d', at Newport, 200; at
Savannah, 207.

Essex, the, 295, 328; the case of, 307.
Essex county, 336.

"Essex Junto," 288.

Eustis, secretary of war, 326.

Eutaw Springs, battle of, 211.

Evans, R. D., at Santiago, 800, 801, 802.
Evarts, William M., defends Johnson, 615,
616, secretary of state, 694; refuses to
attend White House dinners, 703.
Everett, Edward, on the patronage, 389.
Ewell, General, in Pennsylvania, 558, 559,
560, 561.

Explorations, on the coast, 31-38.
Explorations of the interior, 37–39.
Ezra Church, battle of, 537.

Fairbanks, C. W., elected vice-president,

Fairfield, Governor, 437.

Fallen Timber, battle of the, 263.
Falmouth burned, 186.

Farragut, Admiral, at New Orleans, 529;

takes Mobile Bay, 571.
Far West, exploration of, 355-357.
Fava, Baron, withdrawn, 768.
"Federalist," the, authorship of, 247.
Federalists, favor ratification, 247-249;
after ratification, 269; strong policy of,
283-285; overthrow of, 287-290; divided,
287; defeated, 288; against war of 1812,
320; and the war of 1812, 335-337.
Ferguson, Major, in North Carolina, 208;
at King's Mountain, 208.

Filipinos, army in the field, 809; revolt
of, 810; revolt subdued, 810; native politi-
cal party, 812.

Fillmore, Millard, vice-president, 451, 452;
president, 458.

348; in the war of 1812, 348; national
debt paid, 422; deposit banks, 423;
specie currency favored, 423; surplus
revenue, 424; specie circular, 425; sub-
treasury, 433; in civil war, 519, 574-576;
bonds issued, 574, 576; legal tender act,
574; national banks, 575; currency issued,
575; confiscation acts, 576; confederate,
590; Pendleton's ideas, 642; at the end
of the civil war, 660; refunding, 661;
war taxes reduced, 661, 663; legal tender
reduced, 661; resumption of specie pay-
ment, 668; inflation demanded in the
West, 697; Greenback party, 697; free
coinage, 698; Bland-Allison law, 699;
resumption achieved, 699-700; tariff
reform, 712-715; war taxes, 713; the
surplus, 714, 724; McKinley Act, 724-
726, 727; Bland law in operation, 746;
Silver notes, 746; shrinkage of bank
notes, 746; sentiment for silver, 747;
Sherman silver law, 747; Windom sec-
retary of treasury, 747; attack on the
reserve, 753, 755; repeal of Sherman
silver law, 754-755; reserve diminished,
755; "endless chain," the, 755-757;
Morgan-Belmont agreement, 756; con-
fidence restored, 757; a corporation tax,
838; currency reform, 850; Aldrich-
Vreeland act, 850; Aldrich currency report,
850; Federal Reserve Bank, 858-860.
"Fiscal Corporation," 435.
Fish, Hamilton, secretary of state, 644;
and Santo Domingo annexation, 671;
the treaty of Washington, 672; the
Alabama arbitration, 673; and the Vir-
ginius, 783.

Fisheries, 4-6; colonial, 141; whaling, 142;
and treaty of 1783, 215; condition of,
1783-1815, 347.

Fisher's Hill, battle of, 565.

Fisk, James, scheme to corner gold, 646.
Fletcher, Governor, in New York, 103.
Fletcher v. Peck, 302, 358.
Florida, the French in, III; attacked by
South Carolina, 119; West, claimed by
Jefferson, 300; Jefferson's plan to acquire,
302; conquest expected in 1812, 321,
331; plans to seize, 332; negotiation to
purchase, 368-370; acquired, 370;
state, 463; Seminoles under Osceola, 467;
readmitted, 624; republicans overthrown,
632; disputed returns in 1876, 655, 657;
surrendered to democrats, 657.
Florida, the confederate ship, 523.
Floyd, General, at Fort Donelson, 527.

Finances, revolutionary debt, 222; conti-
nental money, 223; attempts to confer
taxing power on congress, 225; first
revenue bill of federal congress, 257;
reorganization under Hamilton, 259-261;
refunding the revolutionary debt, 259;
assumption of state debts, 259; Bank
established, 260; excise tax, 261; policy
of Gallatin, 293; and war of 1812, 319,
320, 321, 336, 348; currency, 1783-1815, | Food products, 7.


[blocks in formation]

Jay treaty, 272.

Freeman's Farm, battles of, 197.


Free Soil Party, organized, 452; in 1852,

Frémont, J. C., in California, 449; nominated
for presidency, 495; in Missouri, 542,
577; emancipation order, 578.

French, activity in Ohio valley, 121; in the
English colonies, 145.

French and Indian wars, 115-130; influence
of, 100.

Frenchtown, 323.
Friar lands, 812.

Foster, British minister, 335.
"Fourteen-Diamond-Ring" Case, the, 814. Frolic, the, 327, 328.

Fowltown, attacked, 369.
Fox, Charles James, 308.
Fox's Blockade, 308.

France, explorations of, 35; colony of, in
Florida, 111; as a colonizing nation, 111,
115, 129; immigrants from, 145; treaties
of alliance and commerce, 1778, 198-200;
volunteers, 198; sends d'Estaing, 200;
army at Yorktown, 212; relations with,
1793, 266; neutrality proclamation, 266;
Genêt in America, 266; interpreting the
treaties, 267; in American politics, 271,
276; attitude toward neutral trade, 271,
279; and Monroe's mission, 277; refuses
to receive Pinckney, 278; seizes American
ships, 279; feeling against, 279; warships
attacked, 281; three commissioners sent,
279; X, Y, Z papers, 280; treaty of 1800,
282; settles claims, 417-419; seizing
American ships, 313, 316; in Mexico, 589,
643; and confederate arms, 589; Seward
and Mexico, 643. See Napoleon.
Franklin, battle of, 538.
Franklin, Benjamin, and Pennsylvania
militia, 105; at Albany congress, 1754,
123; supports acquisition of Canada,
130, 161; and Philadelphia culture, 155;
on stamp act, 168; and "common sense,'
186; and declaration of independence,
187; in Paris, 198; peace commissioner,
214; opposed to Cincinnati, 229; in Con-
stitutional Convention, 242, 245.

Frontenac, services to New France, 115,
116; control of the lakes, 116; and the
Iroquois, 117.

Frontenac, Fort, destroyed, 125, 126.
Frontier, advance in colonial times, 2, 100.
Frontiersmen, American-born, 148.
Fugitive Slave Law, 351; a new, 455, 457;
not enforced, 486.
Fur seal controversy, 767.
Fur trade, 4.

Gage, General, commander-in-chief, 171;
in Boston, 178, 180; attempts to seize
supplies, 180; Bunker Hill, 181.
Gaines's Mill, battle of, 548.
Gallatin, Albert, and whisky insurrection,
268; secretary of treasury, 292; financial
policy, 293; compared with Hamilton,
294; and war finance, 319, 320, 321;
commissioner at Ghent, 334.

Gama, Vasco da, reaches India, 34.
Game, destroyed in the West, 683.
Garfield, James A., announces radical pro-
gram, 608; nominated for presidency,
702; elected, 702; cabinet, 703; relation
to civil service reform, 704, 708; death of,

Garrison, W. L., work of, 429.
Gaspée, destroyed, 175, note.
Gates, General, against Burgoyne, 197;
command in the South, 207; superseded,
208; and army plot, 224.

Franklin, General, at Fredericksburg, 556. Guam, acquisition of, 806.
"Franklin, State of," 234.

Frayser's Farm, battle of, 549.

Frederick the Great, on Washington, 192.
Fredericksburg, battle of, 555-557.
Free coinage. See Silver.

Freedmen, attitude in 1865, 601, 603;
"forty acres and a mule," 603; receive
the franchise, 607, 609-611; as citizens,
620; republicans, 622; on the juries, 637.
Freedmen's Bureau, created, 603; bill of
1866, 605.

Genesee lands, 341.

Genêt, in the United States, 266; on Wash-
ington, 266; and the republicans, 266, 271.
Geneva, arbitration tribunal at, 673.
Georgia, established, 109; government of,
110; relations with Spaniards, 110; White-
field, Rev. George, 110; and stamp act,
168; overrun by British, 206; recovered
by Americans, 211; ratifies the constitu-
tion, 248; and Western lands, 263, 264;
and parties, 271; and Yazoo claims, 301,

302; cedes lands, 344; Indians to be
removed, 344; immigration to, 344; land
grants in Fletcher v. Peck, 358; and the
Cherokees, 400, 407, 466; rejects nullifica-
tion, 400; Indians removed, 466; Governor
Jenkins removed, 623; military govern-
ment restored, 625; readmitted, 625;
republicans overthrown, 631.
Georgia v. Stanton, case of, 612.
Germain, Lord, 192, 193.

Germans, settled in the colonies, 146.
Germantown, battle of, 194.
Germany, in Samoa, 765, our Samoan rela-
tions with, 765-766; feeling in regard to
war with Spain, 790; her fleet in Manila
Bay, 792; and Venezuelan debts, 826.
Gerry, Elbridge, commissioner to France,
279, 280; vice-president, 319.
Gettysburg, battle of, 559-562.

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, and colonization,


Glacial period, influence of, 6.

Gloucester, the, 800, 801.

Glover, Colonel, 190.

Goethals, G. W., at Panama, 822.

Gold, deposits of, 10.

Gold, in Hayti, 30; in California, 480;
mining of, 677-680.

Gold plank, adopted by republicans, 760.
Goldsboro, N. C., Sherman halts at, 541.
Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, 62, 70.

Gorman, A. P., opposed to Cleveland, 721.
Gosnold, Bartholomew, aids colonization,
45; a Virginia councillor, 47.
Gould, Jay, scheme to corner gold, 646.
Gourgues, Dominique de, 11I.
Government, colonial, Virginia, 45, 49;
Maryland, 53; Plymouth, 61, 62; Massa-
chusetts, 64; New Haven, 69; New Eng-
land confederation, 71; in New Nether-
land, 74; in Carolinas, 82, 83; in New
York, 83; the New York assembly, 84;
influence of revolution of 1688, 100;
voting money, 101-102.

Governor, salary of, 101-102.

Lee, 567; at Appomattox, 567; secretary
of war, 614; quarrel with Johnson, 614;
attitude toward reconstruction, 633,
645; nominated for presidency, 641;
elected, 643; his political errors, 644;
cabinet, 644; and civil service reform,
646; the Gould-Fish scheme, 646; renom-
inated, 648; reëlected, 649; as president,
649; relation with whisky ring, 651; and
Belknap scandal, 652; candidate for
third term in 1876, 652; in 1880, 702;
Santo Domingo treaty, 671; trip around
the world, 702; and civil service reform,


Grasse, Count de, in the Chesapeake, 212.
Graves, Admiral, to aid of Cornwallis, 212.
"Great Awakening," the, 150.
Great Meadows, 122.

Greeks and sphericity of the earth, 26.
Greeley, Horace, on emancipation, 579;
on Jefferson Davis's bond, 641; nomi-
nated by liberal republicans, 648; indorsed
by the democrats, 648; death of, 649.
Green, Duff, 402.

Greenback Party, 697, 698, 702.
Greene, Nathaniel, at Bunker Hill, 182;
at Brooklyn, 189; at Forts Washington
and Lee, 191; in command in the South,
208; retreat in North Carolina, 209; at
Guilford Courthouse, 210; returns to
South Carolina, 210; success in the
South, 211.

Greenville, Fort, treaty of, 263.

Grenville, George, colonial policy of, 162-

Grenville, Sir Richard, at Roanoke Island,


Groveton, Jackson at, 552.
Guadaloupe Hidalgo, treaty of, 450.
Guadeloupe, not ceded in 1763, 129.
Guantanamo, seized, 795.
Guerrière, the, and impressments, 317; taken
by the Constitution, 327.
Guilford Courthouse, battle of, 210.

Graham, William A., nominated for vice- Habeas Corpus, suspension of, 585, 586;
presidency, 485.
"Granger Laws," 734.

act concerning, 613.

Hahn, Governor, in Louisiana, 597.
"Hair Buyer," the, 203, 204.

Hakluyt, Richard, and Virginia colonization,

Grant, Colonel, against the Cherokees, 131.
Grant, U. S., campaign in the Tennessee,
527-529; at Forts Henry and Donelson,
527; confident position on the Tennessee,
528; at battle of Shiloh, 528; operations
against Vicksburg, 530-532; at Chatta-
nooga, 34; lieutenant-general, 535; trans- "Half-Breeds," 695.

Hale, John P., 452; nominated in 1852,
Hale, Nathan, 190.

ferred to Virginia, 535; from the Wilder-"Halfway Covenant," the, 150.

ness to Petersburg, 563-564; pursues Halleck, General, commands in the West,


527; takes Corinth, 529; called to Wash- | Havana, taken by the British, 129.
ington, 530; and Pope, 550.

Hamet, 295.

Hamilton, the "Hair Buyer," 203, 204.
Hamilton, Alexander, at Yorktown, 213;
desires strong government, 223; defends a
tory, 231; plan in constitutional conven-
tion, 243; and the "Federalist," 247; on
ratification, 249; secretary of the treasury,
257; financial system, 259-261; and the
bank, 261; his nationalism, 261; and the
whisky insurrection, 267-269; and feder-
alist party, 270; and Washington, 271;
opposed to Adams, 273, 276, 282, 287,
289; private character attacked, 278;
and command of army, 281; defeats Burr,
289; compared with Gallatin, 294; defeats
Burr's plots, 301; killed by Burr, 301.
Hampton, Wade, 324; and South Carolina
governorship, 655, 657, 694.


Haverhill, taken by French and Indians, 117.
Hawaii, early history, 771; work of mis-
sionaries, 772; treaty with, 772; revolu-
tion of 1893, 772; annexation refused,
772, 773; annexation accomplished, 773;
present status, 774.

Hawkins, Captain John, and the slave trade,


Hay, John, treaty with England, 817; con-
vention with Herran, 818; treaty with
Panama, 820; and China, 822-824.
Hayes, R. B., nominated, 653; disputed
returns, 654; declared elected, 657;
attitude toward South, 658, 693, 694-
695; cabinet, 694; a divided party, 695;
as president, 703; and civil service reform,
708; and an isthmian canal, 816.
Hayes, Mrs., in the White House, 703.
Haymarket anarchists, 742.

Hampton Roads, reached by the Virginia Hayne, R. Y., in debate with Webster,
colonists, 46.

Hampton Roads conference, 566.

Hancock, John, colonial leader, 172; and


Hayne-Webster debate, 396-398.
Hay-Pauncefote treaty, 817.

Shays's Rebellion, 236; and ratification,
Hancock, W. S., military governor, 623; Heath, Sir Robert, 52.
nominated for presidency, 702.

Hayti, discovered, 29; settled, 30, 31.
Hearst, W. R., 835.

Hanna, M. A., and McKinley, 1896, 760;
suggested for nomination in 1904, 832.
Harding, Sir John, and the Alabama, 523.
Harlem, battle of, 190.

Harmar, Fort, treaty of, 262.

Harmon, Judson, candidate for nomination,
845, 846.

Harper's Ferry, John Brown at, 502-504;
captured by Jackson, 554.
Harrisburg, threated by Ewell, 559.
Harrison, Benjamin, and the civil service,
709; nominated, 722; elected, 723; cabinet,
723; not popular, 748; and Blaine, 749;
split with Quay, 749; renominated, 749;
defeated, 750; maintaining the reserve,
752; and Hawaii, 773.

Harrison, W. H., at Tippecanoe, 318; on the
Canadian frontier, 323; recovers Detroit,
323; at battle of the Thames, 323; and
the land sales, 343; supported for presi-
dency, 1836, 425; elected president, 434;
death of, 435.

Harrison's Landing, 549.

Helper, H. R., his "Impending Crisis," 504.
Hendricks, Thomas A., nominated for vice-
presidency, 653, 716.

Henry, Fort, captured, 527.
Henry, John, 335.

Henry, Patrick, resolutions on stamp act,
166; committee of correspondence, 174;
and George Rogers Clark, 203; opposes
ratification, 249; on amendments, 257.
Hepburn rate-bill, 833.
Hepburn v. Griswold, 663.
Herkimer, General, 196.
Highlanders, settled in the colonies, 147.
Hill, A. P., at Mechanicsville, 548; in Gettys-
burg campaign, 558, 559, 560.

Hill, D. B., opposed to Cleveland, 720;
governor of New York, 720; waives oppo-
sition to Cleveland, 722; and the Cleve-
land vote, 723; candidate for nomination,
750; speech at Chicago convention, 759.
Hill, D. H., at Mechanicsville, 548; lost
dispatch to, 554.

Hillsborough, Lord, secretary of the colonies,


Hartford, settled by Dutch, 69; arrival of Hoar, E. R., attorney-general, 644; dis-

English, 69; expulsion of Dutch, 75.

Hartford Convention, 336.

missed, 645.

Hobson, R. P., at Santiago, 794.

Harvard College founded, 153; curriculum, Hojeda, 31, 32, 36.


Harvard University, development of, 480.

Holden, W. W., Governor, 600; appeals to
martial law, 631; impeached, 632.

Holland. See Dutch.

Hood, General, succeeds Johnston, 537;
fights around Atlanta, 537; threatens
Sherman's base, 537; movement against
Nashville, 538; beaten, 539.

Hooker, General, in Tennessee, 534; at
Lookout Mountain, 534; at Fredericks-
burg, 557; in command, 557; Chancellors-
ville, 557-558.

Hooker, Rev. Thomas, 69.

Hornet, the, sinks the Peacock, 327.
Horse Shoe Bend, battle of, 332.
"Hortalez et Cie," 198.

Houston, Sam, in Texas, 421.
Howard, General, at Chancellorsville, 558.
Howe, Elias, 465.

Howe, General George, death of, 126.
Howe, General William, at Bunker Hill,
181; succeeds Gage, 182; operations at
New York, 188-191; Philadelphia cam-
paign, 194-195; superseded, 200; battle
of Monmouth, 200; not in coöperation
with Burgoyne, 193, 195; expedition
against Philadelphia, 193-194.

Howe, Lord, off New York, 188; meets
d'Estaing, 201.

"Hubbell, My dear," 704.

Hudson, Henry, explorations of, 72.
Hudson Bay Company, founded, 119.
Hudson river, desired by France, 116.
Huguenots, in South Carolina, 83; settled
in colonies, 145.

Hull, Captain Isaac, 327.

Hull, General, at Detroit, 322.
Humphreys, Governor, removed from office,

Hunkers, 451; at convention of 1848,

Hurons, and the French, 113.
Hutchinson, Mrs. Anne, her heresy, 66;
trial, 67; banished, 67; death, 67.
Hutchinson, Chief Justice, 167.
Hyde, Edward. See Lord Cornbury.

Idaho, territory and state, 678, 680, 748.
Illinois, territory created, 344; county of,
204; Black Hawk war, 466.

Immigration, 1815-1861, 461-462; distribu-
tion of, 462; and politics, 462; growth
after civil war, 665; Chinese, 774; Japan-
ese, 776.

Income tax, amendment suggested, 838;
adopted, 838.

Independence, two groups of opinion, 186,
187; states recommend, 187; declara-
tion of, 187.

Independents, the, as a political force, 693;
relation to civil service reform, 707-708;
in campaign of 1884, 718.

Indians, hold back the frontier, 2; and
early man, 12; classification of, 13-15;
Algonquian family, 13; Iroquoian family,
14; Muskhogean family, 14; Siouan
family, 14; Caddoan family, 14; Sho-
shonean family, 14; Shahaptian family,
14; Salishan family, 14; Athapascan
family, 14; Eskimauan family, 14; Pa-
cific coast tribes, 15; culture of, 15-21;
government, 15-17; the clan, 15; the
sachem, 16; the chief, 16; the council,
16; the brotherhood, 17; names, 17;
wars, 17; leading tribes, 18; wars against
whites, 18; character, 19; mind, 19;
religion, 19; mythology, 20; houses, 20;
pueblos, 20; and civilization, 21; present
state, 21; called such by Columbus, 29;
enslaved, 30; harsh treatment by Span-
iards, 30; of Virginia, 47, 48; wars in
Virginia, 51; relations with Plymouth
colony, 61; Pequot war, 70; war against
New Netherland, 73; King Philip's war,
92; raids on New England, 116, 117,
118; relations with English, 121; Southern
friendship sought by France and England,
121; trade with Southern, 121; Cherokees
at war, 1759, 130; treaty at Fort Niagara,
132; war in Ohio, 262; treaty of Green-
ville, 263; depredations in the South,
265; punished by Tennesseeans, 265;
plans of Tecumseh, 318; the Southern,
318; Creeks subdued, 332; Northwestern
pressed back, 344; Seminole war, 368;
in Georgia, 400; status of a tribe, 400;
process of removal, 465-468; Black
Hawk war, 466; reservation system,
468; of the Far West, 683-689; arrival
of white men, 683; game destroyed,
683; far western tribes, 683; wars of,
684-689; commission of 1867-1868, 685;
Sioux commission, 688; treaties not to be
made with, 690; Dawes act, 690; Burke
act, 690; late policy, 690, 691.

Indiana, the, 800, 801.

Impeachment of Johnson, collecting evi- Indiana, territory created, 344.
dence, 613; the trial, 615-617.
Impressment of seamen, 306; a cause of
war, 313; and Chesapeake-Leopard affair,
314; negotiations concerning, 315; not
settled at Ghent, 334.

Indian territory, conditions of, 467.
Indigo, a staple crop, 8.
Industrial combinations.

See Combina-

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