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tive language as in the telegrams, usually the last place to look for such a feature. In his speeches Lincoln is sparing in his use of this devise, depending, as a rule, upon sober argument, relieved only occasionally by an imaginative flash. But whether in the speeches or in the telegrams, Lincoln always uses figures of speech not for mere ornament but by way of illustration or to give added strength to his argument, just as in his recorded conversation he introduces funny stories, not for the sake of the stories but by way of illustration. For Lincoln writing and speaking were a means to an end not an end in themselves and, conscious as he was of his own ability, he would have been very much surprised if any one during his lifetime had ranked him among the world's greatest writers.


Agriculture, address on, Douglas, Stephen A., 61,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Oregon, governorship of, Washington, George, 26,


Peoria speech, 44

Perpetuation of our politi-

cal institutions, 20

Pilgrim Fathers, 167

27, 31

[blocks in formation]
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