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47 A bill for the relief of N. McLean, R. G.
Murphy, and C. E. Flandrau.

112 A bill to provide for a board of commis.

sioners to revise and codify the general
statute law of the United States.

136 A bill to expedite the collection of the
revenue and the final disposition of
suits arising therefrom in the collec-
tion district of the city of New York.
137 A bill to authorize the raising of a vol-
unteer force for the better defence of

226 A bill to amend "An act to establish a
court for the investigation of claims
against the United States," approved
February 24, 1855.

265 A bill to authorize the Court of Claims
of the United States to hear and deter-
mine the claim of the heirs of Stephen
Johnson, deceased.

267 A bill to divide the State of Michigan
into two judicial districts, and to pro-
vide for holding the district and cir-
cuit courts therein.

288 A bill to construct a ship canal for the
passage of armed and naval vessels
from the Mississippi river to Lake
Michigan, and for other purposes.

290 A bill for the relief of Thomas Young
and George Young, owners of the
schooner " Elizabeth Mary."

321 A bill to indemnify certain citizens of the

United States residing in the State of
Delaware for expenses incurred by
them in defence of the United States.
357 A bill to provide a temporary govern-
ment for the Territory of Arizona.
359 A bill for the relief of John B. Motley.
362 A bill to provide for the discharge of

state prisoners and others, and to
authorize the judges of the United
States courts to take bail or recogni-
zances to secure the trial of the same.
365 A bill to amend an act entitled "An act to
promote the progress of the useful arts,'
387 A bill to establish a uniform system of
bankruptcy throughout the United

401 A bill relating to claims for the loss and
destruction of property belonging to
loyal citizens, and damages done thereto
by the troops of the United States dur-
ing the present rebellion.

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409 A bill to provide for the payment of ex-
penses incurred by the marshals of
Boston for repairs to the United States

435 A bill for the relief of Susan Dickson,
widow of John Dickson, deceased.
448 A bill for the relief of Col. Jos. Paddock.
452 A bill for the relief of Rufus L. Harvey.
468 A bill to extend the charter of the Alex-
andria and Washington Railroad Com-
pany, and for other purposes.
473 A bill to fix and determine the amount
of expenses incurred in the suppres-
sion of Indian hostilities in Western
Utah, in the year 1860.

478 A bill for the relief of certain of the
crew of the ship Nightingale.

487 A bill for the relief of Wm. B. Snowhook.
492 A bill to provide a temporary govern-
ment for the Territory of Lanniwa.
519 A bill to increase the pay of Edinund H.
Brooke, the chief clerk of the pay-
master's department.

520 A bill for the relief of Seneca G. Sim-


523 A bill to promote the efficiency of the
corps of examiners and of the com-
missary department.

536 A bill for the relief of Hannibal Graham.
542 A bill for the relief of the Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal Company.

551 A bill to equalize and establish the com-
pensation of collectors of the customs
on the northern, northeastern, and
northwestern frontiers.

561 A bill in relation to commissioned officers
of the United States revenue cutter

562 A bill for the relief of the estate of Lieu-
tenant Joseph Wheaton, deceased.

564 A bill for the relief of John P. Sherburn
and H. Clay Wood, of the U. S. army.
568 A bill to provide for the printing of the
annual report upon the banks of the
United States.

575 A bill to legalize certain payments made
by William H. Peterson, on account of
wages due by the United States to me-
chanics, laborers, and other employés
of the Norfolk navy yard.

578 A bill to regulate places of public amuse-
ment in the District of Columbia, and
for other purposes.

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586 A bill granting bounty land for services 41 62
in the wars against the Indian tribes

of Oregon and Washington, in the
years 1855-'56.

587 A bill to provide for the imprisonment 46 63.
of persons convicted of crime by the
criminal court of the District of Co-

588 A bill to provide for the immediate pay- 48 103
ment for clothing lost in the service by

the soldiers in the army of the United

589 A bill to increase the pay of privates, 48
non-commissioned officers, and musi-
cians, in the army of the United States.

590 A bill relative to witnesses in the courts
and tribunals of the United States.
591 A bill relating to habeas corpus and regu-
lating judicial proceedings in certain



63 170 186, 199... 207

48 109-

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HOUSE BILLS-Continued.

595 A bill to protect and grant relief to the 55 93, 94
citizens of loyal States whose property
and slaves have been wrongfully taken,
seduced, and abstracted by the officers
and soldiers of the army of the United

596 A bill for ascertaining and adjusting 55
claims against the government of the
United States, arising and resulting
from the military and naval opera-
tions of the government in Kentucky
since the 1st day of September, 1861.

597 A bill to establish an arsenal and ord- 60 231
nance depot on the tide water of New

York harbor.

598 A bill to adjust appropriations heretofore 62
made for the civil service of the Navy
Department to the present organiza.
tion of that department.

599 A bill relating to the validity of deeds of 63
public squares and lots in the city of

600 A bill to amend an act entitled "An act 66
to provide internal revenue to support
the government and pay interest on the
public debt," approved July 1, 1862,
and for other purposes.

601 A bill to allow certain bounty to private 66
soldiers honorably discharged from the

service, and to increase the pay of the
private soldiers of the army.

602 A bill to establish a postal money order 67 125.

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94 157 168, 173... 193

98 296 300, 305, 365

327, 352,

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611 A bill making appropriations for the sup- 74 74, 83, 84..
port of the Military Academy for the

year ending June 30, 1864.

612 A bill to provide for compensating of 78

loyal citizens for property taken for

the use of the United States.

613 A bill for the removal of certain bands 84 230
of Sioux Indians and for the disposi-
tion of their reservations in Minnesota

and Dakota.

614 A bill for the removal of the Winnebago
Indians, and for the sale of their reser-
vation in Minnesota for their benefit.
615 A bill to amend an act entitled "An act
to provide for the collection of du-
ties on imports, and for other pur-
poses," approved July 13, 1861, and
an act entitled "An act to confiscate
property used for insurrectionary pur-
poses," approved August 16, 1862,
and all other acts on that subject.
616 A bill making appropriations for the pay-
ment of invalid and other pensions of
the United States for the year ending
June 30, 1864.

617 A bill to supply deficiencies in the ap-
propriations for the service of the fis-
cal year ending June 30, 1863.

83 230

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618 A bill in amendment of an act in amend-
ment of the acts respecting the judi-
cial system of the United States, ap-
proved February 28, 1839.

619 A bill to indemnify the State of Min-
nesota for expenses incurred in the
suppression of Indian disturbances,
and actual hostilities in said State
since the 15th of August, 1862.

99 331

620 A bill to amend an act entitled "An act 102 309, 618

to facilitate communication between

the Atlantic and Pacific States by elec-
tric telegraph."

621 A bill for the relief of Benj. F. Watson..
A bill for the relief of Francis Dainese..
622 A bill to grant the right of pre-emption
623 to certain purchasers on "the Soscol
Ranch," in the State of California.

102 396..
106 396, 399..
107 298

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346, 351,

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