seven dollars, the first assistant at six, and second assistant at five dollars per day. No express authority was given the Adjutant-General to employ clerks, but the law authorized you to employ such clerks, aids and messengers as the public interests might require, and allow them such reasonable compensation as in your judgment they should be entitled to. "When I took possession of the office, November 11, 1861, three clerks and a messenger boy were employed, beside the Adjutant-General and his assistants. No injustice is done in saying that such had been the pressure of business upon the office that its affairs were very much behind hand. There were but few rolls on file and few permanent records. "Notwithstanding the great increase of business, I have endeavored to keep the expenses of the office to the very lowest possible figure, and in this I have had the generous co-operation of my assistants and clerks. The average number of hours which they have actually labored is not less than sixteen out of twenty-four. Under your direction they have been employed, and the average compensation has been a little less than three dollars per day. But it will be seen, by schedule F, that one hundred and sixty-one days have not been charged by both assistants, and their places to that extent have been supplied by these clerks. "It will also be seen that the number of days' service performed by clerks from April 16, 1861, to January 1, 1863, is 1,779, at a compensation of $5,261. The total amount of salaries and clerk-hire during this period is $14,548. The total amount allowed to the Adjutant-General and his two sssistants, by law, for the same period, is $11,250, leaving $2,743 (beside one dollar a day for messenger boy), for clerkhire, or at the rate of $2.20 per day for two clerks. This is explained by the additional fact that in my salary from November 11, 1861, to January 1, 1863, being 416 days, would amount to $2,912, whereas but $1,288, or pay from the first of July last is charged. The reason for this deduction is that until July last I held the office of Circuit Judge of the 13th Judicial Circuit, and I have not felt at liberty to draw salaries for two offices. "I trust I have kept the expenses of the department, considering the amount of labor performed, within proper limits. The extent of that labor few can know as well as those who have performed it. The General has sustained to the boys in blue a sort of paternal relation, and will ever meet from them a cordial welcome. The reader will find copious extracts. As the writer was dependent upon the reports and archives of the Adjutant-General's office for much of the material woven into the preceding chapters, he has thought proper to introduce the reader into the same office. General Fuller's successor is Brigadier-General Isham N. Haynie, formerly Colonel of the Forty-eighth, of whom more anon. TABULAR STATEMENT-Showing the Population, Enrollment, Total Quotas, Credits, Deficits and Excess of each County in the State, July 1, 1864. |