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It afterward marched over the Cumberland Mountains, through Point Rock Valley to Bridgeport, Alabama, and returned to Huntsville, Alabama, and was assigned to guard the railroad bridge at Mill Creek on the T. and A. Railroad, when, upon the retreat of Gen. Buell to Louisville, the company was left with the 19th Illinois Infantry as a part of the garrison of Nashville.

The command at that place having a small proportion of artillery, by command of Gen. Negley, commanding post, Capt. L. Bridges commanding the company, was ordered to take his company and fit up a light battery from some captured guns then in the Ordnance Department at Nashville, which was done, and the battery placed in posi tion near the city hospital between the Franklin and G. White Pikes, as a part of the defence of the city. Capt. Bridges having been assigned to duty as Assistant Engineer to Capt. J. St. Clair Morton, Engineer Corps U. S. A., and Chief Engineer of the Department of the Ohio, meanwhile under the direction of Capt. Morton, placed in position nearly or quite all the heavy ordnance for the defence of the city.

Upon the siege being raised by the advance of Major-General Rosecrans, Capt. Bridges was sent to Gallatin with 1,100 pioneers to construct a fort, upon the completion of which, the battery was assigned to and placed in the fort at that place, remaining there in charge of Lieut. Campbell, until December 20th, when, by order of Major-General Rosecrans, the battery turned over the guns to a battery which had lost its guns at Hortonville, a short time previously, returned to Nashville, and drawing muskets, marched before Murfreesboro, and rejoined the 19th Illinois Infantry upon the battlefield on the night of January 2, 1863, remaining with and entering Murfreesboro with that regiment.

January 14, 1863, by order of the War Department, the company was permanently transferred to a battery of light artillery of six guns, and an entire new equipment secured at Nashville, Tenn., and Sergeants Lyman A. White and Franklin Seborn, were promoted to Lieutenants. On February 20th, marched to Murfreesboro, and was assigned to duty with the Pioneer Brigade Department of the Cumberland, marching with that command June 24th to Manchester and Elk River. In July following, Capt. Bridges having applied to have

his battery assigned to a more active command, by order of MajorGeneral Rosecrans, it was ordered to report to Major-General Thomas, and was assigned to duty with the 1st brigade, 2d division, 14th Army Corps, and crossed the Cumberland, Sand, and Lookout Mountains, and served through the battles of Dug Gap and Chicamauga with that command.

In the battles of September 19th and 20th at Chickamauga, the battery was warmly engaged each day, losing twenty-six men—six killed, sixteen wounded, and four captured-and forty-six horses.

Second Lieut. Wm. Bishop was killed at his guns on September 20th, while the battery was being charged by the enemy.

Upon the retirement of the army to Chattanooga after the above battles, the battery was placed in position at Fort Negley near the Rossville Pike, and remained in this position until the consolidation of the corps when, on October 12, 1863, it was assigned to the 3d division, 4th army corps, Brig.-Gen. T. J. Wood commanding, and placed in position at Fort Wood, in the northeast defences of Chattanooga, and Sergeant Wm. R. Bite was promoted to a 2d Lieutenantcy.

The battery remained in this position throwing an occasional shot into the enemy's lines daily, until November 23d, when our lines advanced toward Mission Ridge and drove the enemy from and held the Bald Knob, known as Orchard Knob, one and one third miles in advance of our fortified lines and midway between Chattanooga and Mission Ridge.

By order of Maj.-Gen. Granger the battery moved out and was placed in position during the following night upon Orchard Knob. The day following it drove the enemy's guns out of his line of works at the base of the Ridge, and was engaged at intervals. November 25th it was also engaged with the enemy, and by order of Maj.-Gen. Grant at 3 P. M. fired the signal of six guns for the grand charge upon Mission Ridge, the battery retaining its position to the close of the battle. November 28th, the battery received orders to prepare to march to Knoxville, Tenn., and marched with Brig.-Gen. Wood's division to Maryville, Knoxville, Strawberry Plains, Blain's Cross Roads, Clinch Mountains, Danbridge, Knoxville, Maryville, Rutledge, Morristown, etc., being upon a campaign the entire winter of 1863-4. In April, of 1864, it marched to Knoxville, London and

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Cleveland, rejoining the corps at that place. On May 2, 1864, marched with Brig.-Gen. Wood's division and 3d division, 4th army corps, to join the grand army of the Middle Division of the Mississippi, under the command of Major-General W. T. Sherman, which was concentrated near Ringgold, Ga.

May 6th, the command marched to Tunnel Hill, Ga., and was engaged at Tunnel Hill and Buzzard Roost. Upon the enemy being driven out of Dalton, the battery marched to Resaca, Ga., and was placed in several positions in reserve during that engagement. Upon the evacuation of Resaca it marched to Adairsville, where it was thrown into position and engaged the enemy's batteries upon the right of the town. From Adairsville it marched the following day, and May 16 and 18, 1864, shelled the enemy vigorously some two miles south of the town of Kingston, also in front of the town of Cassville. While the army was halted at Cassville a few days for rest and supplies, Captain Bridges was appointed Chief of Artillery of the corps. May 23, 1864, the battery marched in command of Lieut. Morris D. Temple to Enharle and Mount Hope Church, where it was warmly engaged with the enemy's lines and batteries for five days in succession, losing one man killed and several men wounded. June 5th it marched to Morris Hill Church near Ackworth, Ga., where Lieuts. Temple and Bite and all the non-veterans were mustered out of the service and left for Chicago, Illinois. The command of the battery devolved upon 1st Lieut. Lyman A. White. Sergeants C. E. Dodge and L. C. Lawrence received commissions as Lieutenants. The battery marched from Morris Hill Church to Pine Mountain June 10th, and Black Jack Hills June 14th. At each place it was engaged. June 17th it marched to Kenesaw Mountain, and was placed in several positions on the 4th army corps front, engaging the enemy and his batteries daily.

Lieut. F. Seborn was here mortally wounded while working his guns in an artillery duel with a rebel battery. July 3d, the enemy having abandoned his lines at Kenesaw Mountain, the battery marched to Marietta and Neil Dow Station with General Wood's division, and on July 5th marched with General Wood to the Chattahoochee River and engaged the enemy as he was crossing the River, compelling him to abandon his pontoons, and remained in po

sition covering Pace's Ferry several days, until July 12th, when it marched to Powers' Ferry, crossing the Chattahoochee River with General Wood's command. July 16th, it marched to Buck Head and Peach Tree Creek and was warmly engaged with two rebel batteries, one of whom it silenced during the advance of General Wood's lines.

July 19th, it marched to the left of the corps with Gen. Wood's command, and by order of Maj.-Gen. Howard took position upon a knob one-half of a mile in advance of our lines supported by two regiments, and played upon the flank of a column of rebels marching to our right.

July 22d, it was placed in position before and within one and one-half miles from the center of the city of Atlanta, and constructed works for the guns. The exact range having been obtained from actual survey, and the points of compass ascertained, the battery opened upon the enemy and city of Atlanta daily. The effect of each shot was observed from a signal station near the battery. July 30th, by the organization of the artillery brigade, 4th army corps, it reported to Captain Bridges, commanding the artillery brigade of the corps. August 25th, it marched with the artillery brigade to Procter's Creek, and on August 26th, to Mt. Gilead Church, and with Brig.-Gen. Wood's division to Rough and Ready, Jonesboro and Lovejoy's Station; at the latter place it was in action three days. On September 4th, it marched with the artillery brigade from Lovejoy's Station to Jonesboro, Rough and Ready and Atlanta, arriving at Atlanta on September 7th. In October, 1864, it marched with the 4th army corps, participated in the pursuit of General Hood's army to Rome, Ga., Galesville, Ala., Chattanooga, Tenn.; Huntsville and Athens, Ala.; and Pulaski, Tenn.; and in November, marched to Columbia, Spring Hill, Franklin and Nashville, being in action at each of the above places except Spring Hill, arriving at Nashville December 1, 1864.

December 21, 1864, the battery was assigned the letter B, 1st Ill. light artillery, and is now known as Battery B, 1st Ill. light artillery, Captain Bridges having been promoted to a Majority in that regiment. The following were the officers January 1, 1865:

Captain, Lyman A. White; 1st Lieutenant, Clark E. Dodge; Junior 1st Lieutenant, Samuel C. Lawrence; 2d Lieutenant, Alphonso W. Potter; Junior 2d Lieutenant, William Peterson.




E now approach the persistent and protracted siege of Vicksburg—a siege marked with bloody battles, glorious victories, great loss of life, and the accomplishment of the most valuable results, as it opened the Mississippi River from its source to the Gulf, and divided the armies of the rebels by an effectual barrier. The campaign against Vicksburg really commenced on the 28th of November, 1862, at which time the forces of General Grant were at Lagrange, three miles east of Grand Junction, on the Cairo and New Orleans Railroad, with garrisons at Columbus, Humboldt, Trenton and Jackson in Tennessee, and Bolivar and Corinth in Mississippi. These were known as the Army of West Tennessee. The rebel forces were at Coldwater and Holly Springs, about twenty miles distant.

Large reinforcements having arrived, and ample supplies having been received, General Hamilton's corps, on the 28th of November, moved in the direction of Holly Springs, which was occupied on the 30th. By the 18th of December, all of General Grant's forces had come up and were chiefly encamped at Lumpkins's Mills, north of Holly Springs and seven miles north of the Tallahatchie River. The

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