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of all parties seemed, by their inaction, to invite a draft. In fact, many very worthy citizens insisted that a "draft was a good thing to have in this State.

"About the 20th of December, therefore, the public were informed that a part of the deficiency had been satisfactorily adjusted with the War Department, and a part of the credits claimed from Missouri had been placed to our credit. Counties appearing most behindhand were notified of their deficit, and assured that by vigorous efforts in raising a reasonable portion of that number, the State would probably escape a draft. Counties which applied for information on the subject, were informed of the probabilities of their situation, but urged to continue their enlistments and aid counties behind in saving the State from a draft. While no information in my possession was refused, none was tendered to counties which had furnished their quotas, because it seemed probable that the balance of the quota of the State would not be raised unless counties which had furnished their quota aided those who had not.

"I have the honor to submit herewith a tabular statement showing-*

"FIRST-The population of each county in the State according to census of 1860.

"SECOND-The number of persons in each county liable to military duty, according to first class enrollment taken by the Federal authorities in 1863.

"THIRD-The total quotas of each county in the years 1861, 1862 and 1863, inclusive of the call of October 17, 1863.

"FOURTH-The number of three years' volunteers furnished by each county prior to October 1, 1863, inclusive of those enlisted in Missouri regiments, and exclusive of those enlisted in regiments of other States than our own and Missouri.

"FIFTH-The number of volunteers in Illinois regiments furnished prior to October 1, 1863, by other States (exclusive of Missouri). This number is believed to be about the same as those furnished by this State to regiments of the same States. A settlement with such States will be made at the earliest practicable period.

"In submitting said tabular statement, it is proper to add that in

* See Appendix A.



reply to a telegram of yours of the 16th ultimo, inquiring whether the War Department proposed to ascertain and determine the num ber of volunteers furnished by each county prior to last call, or whether it would adopt the adjustment with each county made by you, the Provost Marshal General, under date of the 18th ultimo, states, the "War Department does not propose to attempt the ascertainment of the number of volunteers furnished by each county in Illinois prior to the last call," as "no account prior to the last call was kept by the War Department with counties, the record being kept only with the State at large. Expressing the opinion that on account of the hurried manner in which volunteers rushed to arms in the early stages of the rebellion, no State can ascertain the number furnished by each county and locality prior to the last call," the Provost Marshal General adds, that "there is no doubt that it would be more just and satisfactory if it could be done;" and if the State can show what proportion of all men furnished by it prior to the last call properly belongs to each county, he presumes the "War Department would adopt your report on this subject.”

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"Prior to the last call, the law did not require the War Department to keep a record of the residence of volunteers at the time of their enlistment. Neither, by any law or regulation except my own was I obliged to keep such a record. Anticipating, however, that this information might be interesting to the people of the State, if not indispensably necessary to protect a portion of them from contributing more than their just proportion of volunteers in prosecuting the war, I have attempted to keep such a record. For more than thirty months I have endeavored to perfect it. Regiments which had taken the field prior to my appointment, and many of which, on account of the hurried manner in which they were ordered away, not even a muster-in roll was on file, I have supplied with descriptive rolls, containing a column of their residence; and our new regiments have been required, when practicable, to furnish such rolls before receiving their commissions. Blanks for men joining our regiments in the field, subsequent to organization, have also been furnished. These blanks have been filled up by inserting, among other things, the name, rank, description of person, occupation, nativity, and RESIDENCE of each man, and returned to this office. I have ·labored in vain, unless by this means I have succeeded in securing a

record of our volunteers which is substantially correct. And I take pleasure in here stating, that I am much indebted to our commanding officers for their cheerful co-operation in completing the record of troops whom they have had the honor to command.

"Since the accompanying statement was prepared, notice has been received that a draft will be made on the 10th proximo for five hundred thousand men, 'erediting and deducting therefrom' so many as may have been enlisted or drafted into the service prior to the first proximo. This is equivalent to a call of two hundred thousand more. As soon as the quota of this State is announced, and the basis upon which the call is made known, I will submit to you a statement of quotas of each county under such call, and, as far as possible, the number of enlistments since the first of October last. "I have the honor to remain, very respectfully, your obedient servant, ALLEN C. FULLER, Adjutant-General."




HE past few chapters have been necessarily fragmentary, and have been broken by the insertion of documents which, in the judgment of the author, are worthy of preservation, and are essential to the understanding of the facts of the history. The people speak by their votes; the Government by its official acts. It is due to the men in authority in each great crisis, that after-generations shall know how they bore themselves, how they met its grave responsibilities. "No man liveth unto himself, and no man dieth unto himself,” is the teaching of Holy Writ. The patriots of this age and of this war are nerved by the record of the patriots of the past. Thus one generation speaks to another.

It is well that the record of this State stands so fairly. We have seen how adverse legislation, which trifled with destiny, and played disgraceful antics amid throes and upheavals, which insisted upon fiddling during the conflagration, was baffled by the decision and stern promptness of the Executive. Thus were thwarted schemes which threatened mischief, and the people rejoiced that disgrace was wiped from the State's escutcheon.

Before tracing the war path of the men who rallied to the call of the country, it is well to bring this general resume down to the close of 1864, marking, as it does, the termination of the first great epoch of the war, signal in the history of the Republic for the judgment of

the Nation upon the Administration, and that of the State, by the close of the official control of Governor Yates.

As to the former, Mr. Lincoln was nominated for re-election upon a platform which endorsed all the debatable points of his administration. A platform which pronounced the war upon the side of the Government just, and declared that it should go forward until the rebellion should be overthrown; approved the Proclamation of Emancipation, and the arming of negroes and their employment as soldiers of the Republic, and pronounced in favor of an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which should abolish human slavery throughout the States and Territories of the Union. It also denied, in the broadest and most emphatic manner, the right of secession, and insisted upon the paramount authority of the Federal Union.

Nominated at a convention held in Chicago, the opposing candidate was Major-General George B. McClellan, a gentleman who, at one time, had been in chief command of the Union armies, and whose military ability many, both of the army and in civil life claimed to be superior to that of any other leader of our forces. His platform declared for the Union, but intimated that the war had failed; and suggested a "cessation of hostilities" until diplomacy should attempt the restoration of peace. It made its appeal for the freedom of speech and press, and against military despotism. The General, in his letter of acceptance, gave the most patriotic possible construction to the platform, and thus enabled many thousands opposed to the platform to cast their votes for its candidate. Thus went the war policy of the President to the court of last resort, the ballot-box, and on the 8th day of November, 1864, the decision was given, and ABRAHAM LINCOLN was re-elected President of the United States. It was an emphatic endorsement of his policy, including Emancipation and the arming of Freedmen!

As an evidence of the growth of a high moral sentiment in Illinois within thirty years, it may be stated that on the 8th day of November, 1837, the Rev. E. P. Lovejoy, editor of an anti-slavery journal, was shot to death in the city of Alton, nor were his murderers harmed by the process of law. Twenty-seven years later to a day, ABRAHAM LINCOLN was re-elected President of the United

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