| Newcome Cappe - Bible - 1786 - 362 pages
...XLVIII. Far the Lord's Day morning. 1 LORD, in the morning thou malt hear My voice afcending high ; To To thee will I direct my prayer, To thee lift up mine eye. 2 Thou art a God before whofe fight The wicked fhall not ftand, Sinners can ne'er be thy delight, Nor... | |
| Newcome Cappe - 1786 - 376 pages
...XLV.III. For the Lord's Day morningi i LORD, in the morning thou /halt hear My voice afcending high ; To To thee will I direct my prayer, To thee lift up mine eye. 2 Thou art a God before whofe fight The wicked mall not ftand, Sinners can ne'er be thy delight, Nor... | |
| English poetry - 1802 - 446 pages
...wicked shall not stand ; Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight, Nor dwell at thy right hand. 4. But to thy house will I resort To taste thy mercies there; I will frequent thine holy court, And worship in thy fear. 5. 0 may thy spirit guide my feet In ways of righteousness,... | |
| George Richards - Hymns, English - 1806 - 394 pages
...sound; Then burst the chains with sweet surprise And in my Saviour's image rise. HYMN CCCXIV. 1 T ORD, in the morning thou shalt hear *-* My voice ascending high; To thee will I direct my pray'r, To thee lift up mine eye. 2 Up to the hills where Christ is gone To plead for all his saints,... | |
| Collection - 1807 - 630 pages
...wicked shall not stand : Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight, Nor dwell at thy right hand. 3 But to thy house will I resort, To taste thy mercies there...frequent thy holy court, And worship in thy fear. 4 O may thy spirit guide my feet In ways of righteousness : Make every path of duty straight And plain... | |
| Jeremy Belknap - Bible - 1812 - 530 pages
...tomb, With glad salvation in the sound. WATTS. PSALM V. Common Metre. gŁ For the Lord's Day Morning. 1 LORD, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high ; To thee will I address my prayer, To thee direct mine eye. 2 Thou art a God before whose sight The wicked shall not... | |
| Isaac Watts - Dissenters, Religious - 1813 - 574 pages
...wicked shall not stand ; Sinners shall ne'er be thy dcfi^hf, Nor dwell at thy right-hand. •1 But to thy house will I resort, To taste thy mercies there ; I will frequent thine holy 'court. And worship in thy fear. 5 О may thy Spirit suide my feet In ways of righteousness!... | |
| Bible - 1815 - 296 pages
...wicked shall not stand; Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight, Nor dwell at thy right hand. о 4 But to thy house will I resort, To taste thy mercies there;...frequent thy holy court, And worship in thy fear. —5 О may thy Spirit guide my feet, In ways of righteousness; Make, ev'rv path of duty straight,... | |
| Hymns, English - 1816 - 288 pages
...Lord's Day Morning. 1 T OR D, in the morning thou shalt hear, .My voice ascending high ; ' .... it To thee will I direct my prayer, , . • .' To thee lift up mine eye. ., . 'i /. 2 Up to the hills where Christ is gone, To plead for all his saints, ., .. v . . ; Presentmg... | |
| Methodist Episcopal Church - Hymns, English - 1817 - 606 pages
...keep. Hymn 306. CM Sahhath. 1 T" ORD, in the morning thou shalt hear -I— ^ My voice ascending high :i To thee will I direct my prayer, To thee lift up mine eye. 2 Up to the hills where Christ is gone, To plead for all his saints, Presenting at the Father's throne... | |
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