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On motion of the Reverend Duncan McRuer, seconded by the Reverend W. T. McMullen, it was unanimously agreed, That the Synod adopt the first recommendation of the Report of the Committee, and receive the resignation of the Reverend Robert Burns, D.D., as Professor in Knox College, as therein intimated; accord to him the position of Emeritus Professor, and request him to deliver occasional Lectures to the Students, on such subjects as may be agreed on by the Senate; continue his present salary till the opening of the next Session of 1864-5; grant him a retiring allowance of one thousand dollars, ($1,000,) per annum, to be paid out of the ordinary College Fund, and appoint a Committee to draft an appropriate Minute on the retirement of Doctor Burns, for the subsequent consideration and adoption of the Synod.

The Committee to draft such a Minute was then appointed.

The second specification of the Report was taken up in relation to the Letter of Principal Willis, requesting an increase of Salary, and stating that the Committee did not feel at liberty to recommend compliance with that request.

It was moved by the Reverend Doctor Robert Irvine, seconded by Mr. N. Paterson, That in reference to the part of the Report bearing on the Letter of Principal Willis, it be resolved to add a sum annually, not less than two hundred dollars to his present salary.

It was moved in amendment by the Reverend Archibald Cross, seconded by Mr T. Mair, That the recommendation of the Committee be adopted.

A vote being taken, the amendment was carried by a large majority, and the Synod decided on terms thereof.

The third general division of the Report was entered upon, and it was agreed that the first sub-section be adopted to the effect, That the Classes in Knox College shall be exclusively Theological.

It was moved by the Reverend J. K. Smith, seconded by the Reverend W. B. Clark, of Quebec, That the second sub-section, namely, that only one Professor of Theology be now appointed be adopted.

The second sub-section of the third general division of the Report, recommending that only one Professor of Theology be at present appointed in Knox College.

Mr. McDowall, seconded by the Reverend John Ross, submitted the following amendment:

That the Synod feel the great importance of having at least one well equipped Theological Hall, and resolve that the staff of Theological Professors in Knox College shall consist of not fewer than three Theological Professors.

A vote was then taken between the amendment of Mr. McDowall and the motion of the Reverend J. K. Smith, submitted at the last Sederunt of the following purport, videlicet That the recommendation of the Committee, that only one Theological Professor be appointed, be adopted by this Synod, when the motion of Mr. Smith was carried by a very large majority, and the Synod decided and declared in terms thereof. In regard to the fourth Sub-section, under the Third division of the Report, recommending that the Synod express satisfaction with the results of the examination of Students, as detailed in the Report of the Committee, and that the Synod should appoint Examiners to be associated with the Professors in examining the Classes. The Synod agreed, on motion made and seconded, That the recommendation be adopted; the last clause in reference to the appointment of Examiners being dropped.

The recommendation under the Fifth Sub-section of the Third division of the Report was adopted by the Synod of the following tenor: That it be remitted to the Board of Management to consider whether the Boarding House may not be dispensed with, and the vacant Rooms be profitably used for other purposes.

The Sixth Sub-section of the Report of the following purport was adopted: That, with the view of Meeting the financial difficulties of Knox College, a special effort be made throughout the Church to raise a sum of money during the present financial year sufficient to cover the ordinary expenses of said College, together with the present

floating debt, and such other sum as may be requisite to pay off the debt on the College Buildings, in the course of two, or three, years; a sum of $9,000 being requisite for these purposes; and that the College Board be instructed to commit the matter of this recommendation to a small Committee to carry it into immediate effect.

The Synod proceeded to the consideration of the question of appointing a Professor of Theology.

It was moved by the Reverend W. T. McMullen, seconded by the Reverend T. McPherson, That no permanent appointment of a Professor be made at the present Meeting of Synod, but that the College Committee be instructed to make provision for the ensuing Session by securing the services of a Minister, or Ministers, of the Church, and that the expenses involved be defrayed out of the College Fund.

It was moved in amendment by the Reverend A. F. Kemp, seconded by the Reverend John Ross, That a small Committee be appointed to consider and report on the method of procedure in the appointment of a Professor to Knox College.

It was moved in further amendment by the Reverend Alexander Topp, seconded by the Reverend J. K. Smith, That the Synod delay the appointment of a Professor at the presnt Session, and remit the matter to the consideration of Presbyteries; that a Special Meeting of Synod be held in September to receive the nominations of Presbyteries, and, in the event of the Synod at such Special Meeting not finding itself in a position to proceed with the election of a Professor, to make temporary provision for the ensuing Session.

Votes being called, the amendment of Mr. Kemp was preferred to that of Mr. Topp, and was carried over the motion of Mr. McMullen by a large majority, and the Synod decided in terms of Mr. Kemp's amendment.

The Moderator then named as the Committee agreed upon in the decision come to, the Movers and Seconders of the several motions.

June 22nd, 1864. The Committee appointed to consider and report on the method of procedure in the appointment of a Professor in Knox College, gave in a Report which was read by Mr. Topp, the Convener.

It was moved by the Reverend T. Lowry, seconded by the Reverend Duncan McRuer, That the recommendation of the majority of the Committee be adopted, namely, that the Synod remit to Presbyteries to nominate persons eligible to the office of Professor; that Presbyteries be instructed to report to next Meeting of Synod, and in the meantime temporary provision be made by the Board of Management for conducting the Classes in the College.

It was moved in amendment by the Reverend A. A. Drummond, seconded by the Reverend Robert Hall, That this Synod, believing that we have men among us who are well qualified, both by gifts and graces, to discharge the duties of the Professorial Chair, and whose names would do much to commend the College to the confidence of the Church, Resolve to proceed at once to the nomination of a Professor to fill the vacant Chair.

It was moved in further amendment by the Reverend David Inglis, seconded by the Reverend W. B. Clark, of Quebec, That the subject of the election of a Professor be sent down to Presbyteries for their consideration, and to report at a Meeting of Synod to be held on the first Wednesday of September next.

Votes being taken, the amendment of Mr. Inglis was carried, against that of Mr. Drummond, and the motion of Mr. Lowry was carried by a large majority, and the Synod decided and declared in terms of said motion.

The Synod having, at a former Sederunt, resolved that the Classes in Knox College shall be exclusively Theological, it was agreed that it be remitted, and it is hereby remitted, to the Senate of the College, to make arrangements for conducting the preliminary Studies, forming a part of the College Course.

June 24th, 1864. On motion made and seconded, it was agreed to recommend, as the Synod did, and do hereby recommend, that on the second Sabbath in October,

special prayer be offered in all the Congregations of the Church on behalf of Knox College.

In regard to contributions for the support of Knox College, the Synod resolved: That the instructions of last Synod, in regard to apportioning the contributions to be raised by the several Presbyteries and Congregations be again acted on by the Board of Management, and that the last week of February be appointed as the time at which all contributions shall be remitted, and that Congregations who can do so be urged to remit the money as much earlier as possible.


Students.-The total number of Matriculated Students in the several classes was 55. Of these there were in the Senior Theological Class, 9; in the Second Class, 9; and in the Junior Class, 14; in the Senior Preparatory Class, 13; in the Second Class, 7; and in the Junior Class, 3.

Funds. The Treasurer's Account shews an increase of over $1,200, as compared with the preceding year, an increase no doubt mainly owing to the special means adopted by the Board and carried out by most of the Presbyteries. The following Statement shows the contributions by the several Presbyteries for the last three years: 1861-2, $3,682.82; 1862-3, $4,739.96; 1863-4, $5,964.67.

Bursaries. The amount received on acount of this Fund has been $978, including the sum of $800 from Mrs. Gibb, of Woodfield, Quebec, for the establishment of a Scholarship, or Prize, for Sacred Rhetoric. For this donation the best thanks of the Synod are due to Mrs. Gibb. The Prince of Wales' Prize was obtained this year by Mr. A. B. Simpson; the John Knox Bursary by Mr. J. Baikie; the George Buchanan Prize by Mr. F. W. Farries; the first Gaelic Prize by Mr. Duncan Davidson, and the second Prize by Mr. Hugh Currie. Mr. John McColl obtained a Prize for public reading. The whole sum paid on account of the Bursaries open to competition and to aid Students, was $345.

The Board transmit to the Synod the following Communications, videlicet:-1 A Letter from Reverend G. P. Young, intimating his resignation of his Chair in the College; 2. A Letter from the Reverend Doctor Robert Burns expressing his desire for aid in the discharge of the duties of his Chair; and 3. A Letter from Principal 18 on the subject of his Salary.

TORONTO, 1863.

JAMES DICK, Chairman.



April 7th, 1864. A number of Communications were laid before the Council. Ordered, That the Reverend George Paxton Young, M.A., be appointed Inspector of Grammar Schools for the year 1864.

The following Books were laid before the Council:-Elements of Algebra, by Mr. J. H. Sangster; First Lessons in Scientific Agriculture, by the Reverend G. P. Young. Ordered, That the Reverend G. P. Young, Inspector of Grammar Schools be now Examiner of Candidates for Grammar School Masterships, in place of the Reverend W. F. Checkley.

A Statement of Accounts was laid before the Council and approved.


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A Summary of Receipts and Expenditures of the Model Grammar School and Inspectors for 1863, amounting to $8,282.30, was laid before the Council and approved. May 20th, 1864. Several Communications were laid before the Council.

This Council records its regrets at the decease of Mr. John C. Disher, M.D., who, after having obtained the highest class Certificate as a Student in the Normal School, has been employed during several years as First Assistant Master in the Model School, the duties of which he has discharged with great faithfulness and ability-endearing bimself to his Pupils by his kindness, while he maintained strict discipline and order amongst them. Mr. Disher enjoyed the respect and friendship of all his acquaintances, and the Council sincerely sympathises with his parents and friends in the loss of their Son and Relative.

The Letter of the Head Master of the Normal School, having been under consideration, it was,—

Ordered, That Mr. John Glashan be appointed First Assistant Master in the Boys' Model School, at a salary of $600, and that $40 be added to the present salary of Mr. Campbell, the Second Assistant Master.

July 13th, 1864. A number of Communications were laid before the Council. The Letter of Mr. A. R. Campbell, of the 20th May, having been under consideration, it was—

Ordered, That his resignation be accepted. At the same time the Council desires to record its high opinion of his ability and industry during his connection with the Boys' Model School.

The Letters of the Head Master, and of Messieurs Lusk, Stack and Moran, having been under consideration, it was,—

Ordered, That Mr. Lusk be appointed Third Master of the Boys' Model School, at a Salary at the rate of $520 per annum from the 1st of August next.

Several Applications from Superannuated Common School Teachers were laid before

the Council and approved, and one was rejected.

(NOTE. No further Meetings of the Council were held in 1864).




I have to make the request that you will do me the kindness to inform me of the amount available for Common and Grammar School purposes for the current year. I wrote to the Provincial Auditor for this information on the 14th of March, but no notice has been taken of my Letter, and the time fixed by Statute for making the apportionment expired some weeks since, and the Municipal Authorities are applying to me for information on the subject. TORONTO, June 4th, 1864.


2. THE PROVINCIAL AUDITOR TO THE CHIEF SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION. Your Letter to the Provincial Secretary of June the 4th, with my report thereon, which I communicated to you, has been under consideration-in-Council, having lain in abeyance during the late Ministerial difficulties. Mr. Galt requests that you will explain your views as to what course it would be more convenient for the Public to pursue in consequence of the change in the fiscal year. It is clear that, for the present year, no notice to the contrary having been given, the year's Apportionment should be paid in July; it would, however, be highly inconvenient if this were to continue to be the practice. It seems absolutely necessary to introduce a half year's distribution somewhere. It might be done in either of two ways,-1st, by giving a half year's distribution about the 1st of January, and subsequently reverting to the annual istribution immediately after the 1st of July in each year, when it would be the payment in advance for the year ending June the 30th.-or, 2nd, by continuing to apportion half yearly, as is done in Lower Canada, immediately after January the 1st and July the 1st. The difference, as compared with Lower Canada, would be that your money would be paid half yearly in advance, and theirs is paid after the expiration of the half year, to which it belongs. I will take care that immediately after July the 1st you are placed in funds. The sum you asked for, out of the Common School Grant, was $175,227. without regard to the balance in hand, and you have received $94,211. An additional $80,000 shall be placed to your credit after July the 1st.

While you are applying to Government upon this subject, I would suggest that you should obtain instructions as to the application of the accumulated Balance at the credit of the Grant, and, possibly, it may be desirable to ask for a revision of appropriations of the entire Grant by the present School Act. These appropriations have not been strictly adhered to heretofore, and some have never been acted upon at all. The circumstances of the Country, and the amount of the Grant have altered so much in the meantime that some revision seems desirable, and it has become necessary, from the provisions of the New Audit Act, which interferes with the power formerly exercised by Government of modifying the strictness of parliamentary appropriations. It will be my duty, for the future, to keep an account of your Expenditure, as against these sub-appropriations, and to disallow any Expenditure in excess of them. The balance at the credit of the Grant, however, has accumulated under, the old system when the sub-appropriations were not strictly attended to, and it will be for the Government to decide how it is to be treated. The revision, which I now suggest, would, of course, require legislation, but for the current year and a half, the Act leaves the details of the method of Audit in the hands of the Government, and I think that any revision of these appropriations sanctioned by Council, and to be hereafter submitted to Parliament, would be sufficient authority for me in the meantime.

QUEBEC, June 24th, 1864.


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