| John Bell - English poetry - 1777 - 636 pages
...ease .' And all to leave what with his toil he won, To that unfeather'd, two-legg'd thing, a son ; 170 Got while his soul did huddled notions try, And born...Anarchy. In friendship false, implacable in hate, Resolv'd to ruin or to rule the state. To compass this the triple bond he broke, 175 \ The pillars... | |
| John Dryden - 1800 - 606 pages
...? " And all, to leave what with his toil he won, " To that unfeather'd two-legg'd thing, a son ; " Got while his soul did huddled notions try, " And born a shapeless lump, like anarchy." This .unfeather'd twoJlgg'd thing (which, however, is only Aristotle's definition of man,) was married... | |
| John Dryden - 1800 - 614 pages
...? " And all, to leave what with his toil he won, " To that unfcathcr'd two-legg'd thing, a son ; " Got while his soul did huddled notions try, " And born a shapeless lump, like anarchy." Thil unftather'd two-lrgg'd thing (which, however, » only Aristotle's definition of man,) was married... | |
| John Dryden - 1800 - 622 pages
...? " And all, to leave what with his toil he won, " To that unfcathcr'd two-lcgg'd thing, a son ; " Got while his soul did huddled notions try, " And born a shapeless lump, like anarchy." This unfeather'd two-lrgg'd thing (which, however, ii only Aristotle's definition of man,) was married... | |
| 1855 - 620 pages
...was a lawless and profligate ambition, which formed the motive power of his splendid talents, — ' In friendship false, implacable in hate ; Resolved to ruin or to rule the State.' The portrait of him drawn by Drydeu in his great satire, is VOL. CII. NO. CCVII. C as faithful to the... | |
| Joseph Warton - 1806 - 440 pages
...father : And all to leave, what with his toil he won, To' that unfeather'd, two-legg'd thing, a son ; Got while his soul did huddled notions try, And born a shapeless lump, like anarchy. R 2 But * The dramatic works of Lope de Vega make twenty-six volumes, besides four hundred scriptural... | |
| John Dryden, Thomas Park - 1808 - 374 pages
...of ease ? And all to leave what with his toil he won, To that unfeather'd, two legg'd thing, a son ; Got while his soul did huddled notions try, And born...Anarchy. In friendship false, implacable in hate, Resolv'd to min or to rule the state. To compass this the triple bond he broke, ^ The pillars of the... | |
| John Dryden - 1808 - 476 pages
...Note IX. And all to leave what with his toil he won, To that unf eathered, two-legged thing, a son ; Got while his soul did huddled notions try, And born a shapeless lump, like anarchy. — P. 222. Anthony Ashley Cooper, second Earl of Shaftesbury, and son of the great statesman, whom... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - English poetry - 1809 - 606 pages
...of ease ? And all to leave what with his toil he won T» than unfealher'd two-lcgg'd thing, a Son ; in the streams In foaming edxlies whirls ; in vain...threatens death. The craggy steep, Where, the poor ; Rcsolv'd to ruin or to rule the state. To compass thin, the triple bond he broke; The pillars of... | |
| 1809 - 402 pages
...toil he won To that nnfeathcr'd two legg'd thing, a son; Got while his soul did huddled notions trjj And born a shapeless lump, like anarchy. In friendship false, implacable in hate; Itosolv'd to ruin or to rule the state. To compass this the triple bond he broke; 1 The pillars of... | |
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