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Able, Bennett and wife, I:224.
Adams, Charles Francis, in Free-soil
movement, I:288, 299; Republican
speech in 1860 without naming Lin-
coln, 441; on Lincoln and Seward,
II:17-18, 25; on Chittenden's Rem-
iniscences, 253.

Adams, Henry, II:17.

Adams, General James, Lincoln's con-
troversy with, I:241.

Adams, John Quincy, 1:113, 281;
death of, 284.

Esop's Fables, read by Lincoln,

Alabama, British-built

cruiser, II:122.


Alaska, purchase of, II:122.
Albany, Lincoln at, I:471.
Allen, Ethan, II:78.
Allen, Dr. John, I:196.

Allen, Colonel Robert, Lincoln's let-
ter to, I:203.

Allen, William W., I:311, 316;
506 seq.

Allin, Hon. Ben Casey, I:45.
Almanac, in Armstrong trial, I:312,

Alton, Lincoln-Douglas debate, I:396.
Amelia County, Virginia, alleged

home of the Hanks and cognate
families, I:38.

Anderson's Creek, Lincoln as ferry-
man, I:129-130.

Anderson, Major Robert; mustered

Lincoln as soldier in Black Hawk

War, I:176; at Fort Sumter, II :63.
Andrew, John A., in Free-soil move-
ment, I:288, 299; favored enlisting
negro soldiers, II:148.
Anti-slavery agitation from Garrison
on, I:269.

Antietam, battle of, II:125.
Apple River fight, I:175.


army, II:337.


Arlotta of Falaise, I:157.

of Lee's

Aristotle, on causes and occasions of

war, II:66.

Armstrong, Eliza. See Pantier, Mrs.
Eliza A.

Armstrong, Hannah, wife of Jack,
I:311, 445.

Armstrong, Ida D., I:116.

Armstrong, jonn ("Jack"), 1:161,

Armstrong, Joseph D., I:116.
Armstrong, Perry A., I:174.
Armstrong, William or "Duff," I:
310, 318; 506 seq.

Arnold, Isaac N., contrasted Wash-
ington and Lincoln as to early love,
I:211; as to Lincoln's career to the
end of his work in Legislature, 286;
as to Globe Tavern, 319; Lincoln's
appointment of an editor who had
favored Seward, 423; campaign of
1860, 443; II:13, 47, 60; Lincoln's
supporter, 154; on Lincoln's re-
fusal to use his power to secure
his own reelection, 301; on Thir-
teenth Amendment, 323; on Lin-
coln's stories, 393.

Ashley, Hon. James M., II:322.
Ashmun, George, Lincoln's associate
in Congress, I:281; permanent
chairman Chicago convention, 427;
Lincoln's letter of acceptance, 438;
Lincoln's final card, II:340.
Associated Press report of Gettys-
burg address, II:206, 214, 487.
Atchison, David R., I:341, 350.
Atkinson, Mrs. Eleanore, I:200.
Atkinson, Gen. Henry, I:176.
Atlas, Boston, Whig newspaper,

Atlas and Argus of Albany, II:15.
Atzerot, George B., II:354.

Augur, General C. C., II:343, 471 seq.
Authors, American, in nineteenth
century, I:26, 268.
"Autograph Leaves of Our Country's
Authors" with standard form of
Gettysburg Address, II:205, 491.


Bailey and Cromwell case, I:335.
Bailey, Francis, Journal of Tour,

Bailey, Rev. John, I:49, 62, 103.
Baker, Edward Dickinson, I:237, 274;
death of, II:46.

Bale, Abraham and Jacob, I:195.
Ballads, Old English, in Kentucky
mountains, I:70.

Ballard, Hon. Bland W., I:31, 32.
Ball's Bluff, battle of, II:83, 95.
Baltimore Convention of 1860, I:438.
Baltimore, Lincoln's passage through
in 1861, 1:5.

Baltimore riot, II:69.

Bancroft, George, II:205.

Baptist Church and slavery, I:102.
Barlow, Barbara, wife of Christo-

Barlow, Catherine or "Caty."

pher, I:36.

Lincoln, Catherine Barlow.

Barlow, Christopher, I:36.

Barker, H. E., II:41.

Barnett, Joseph, I:44.


Barnum, P. T., and his "happy fam-
ily," II:39.

Barrett, Oliver R., notable collection
of Lincoln manuscripts, I:400; II:
253, 268.

Bateman, Newton, I:80.
Bates, Edward, at River and Harbor
Convention, I:279; candidate for
presidency in 1860, 431, 433; ap-
pointed attorney general, II:36;
resignation, 309.

Battles and Leaders of the Civil
War, The Century War Book,
II:170, 230.

Beall, John Yates, II:261.

Bedell, Grace. See Billings, Mrs.
Grace Bedell.

Beecher, Prof. Edward, I:198, 199.
Beecher, Henry Ward, I:408; II:

113, 287; Eulogy on Lincoln, 359.
Beechland, Ky., I:19.
Bell, John C., I:439.
Benjamin, Charles F., II:170.
Bennett, James Gordon, Lincoln's
message to, II:38.

Benton, Thomas Hart, I:281, 363.
Berea College, I:106.

Berry family in Virginia, I:39.
Berry, John, 1:61.

Berry, Rev. John McCutcheon, I:158.

Berry, the mythical Aunt Lucy, I:
53, 57.

Berry, Richard, Sr., not the uncle of
Nancy Hanks, 1:19.

Berry, Richard, Sr. and Jr., I:19.
Berry, William F., I:158; Lincoln's

partner at New Salem, 188, 189.
Bible, in Lincoln's education, 1:121.
Billings, Mrs. Grace Bedell, 1:515.
Bingham, Hon. John A., II:353.
Binmore, Henry, I:389.
Bird, Abraham, I:29.
Birney, James G., I:330.
Birth of a Nation, II:281.
Bixby, Mrs., II:258.
"Blab schools," I:86, 119.

Black, Chauncey F., author

Lamon's Life of Lincoln, I:449.

Black Hawk, I:172, 175.

Black Hawk War, 172 seq.

Black, Jeremiah S., I:449, 451.


Blackstone's Commentaries, procured
by Lincoln, I:194.

Blade, Toledo, II:405.

Blair, Francis P., Jr., II:38.
Blair, Francis P., Sr., II:37, 157:
visit to Richmond, 333.

Blair, Montgomery, appointed post-
master-general, II:37; at Gettys-
burg, 192; resignation, 309.
Blanchard, John, I:283.
Blaney, Lucy T., I:110.
Blind, asylums for, I:268.

Bliss, Prof. William A., II:493.
Blodgett, Judge, II:385.

Bloomer, Mrs. Amelia, I:326.
"Bobolink Minstrel," I:442.

Bogue, Captain A. Vincent, 1:165


Booker, W. F., I:16.

Boone, Daniel, I:27.

Booth, Edwin, saved Robert Lin-
coln's life, II:484.

Booth, John Wilkes, II:341, seq.;
diary of, 481, seq.

Bowers, Claude G., II:42, 54.
Bowles, Samuel G., I:419.
Breckenridge, John C., nominated and
elected vice-president, I:356; can-
didate for president in 1860, 439;
at count of electoral votes, 458.
Breese, Sidney, II:384.
Bridges, Benjamin, I:29.
Briscoe, Parmeneas, I:59.
Bristow, William, I:128.
Brooks, Noah, II:200.
Brown, A. M., I:81.

Brown, John, Lincoln did not sym-
pathize with, I:333; exploits in
Kansas, 351; attack on Harper's
Ferry, 405 seq.; Lincoln's reference
at Cooper Union, 406.
Browne, Charles Brockden, "Artemus
Ward," II:408.


Browning, Orville H., at Blooming-
ton Convention, I:357; his account
of Lincoln's lost speech, 361; on
"house-divided" speech, 368; on
Lincoln's nomination, 440; accom-
panied Lincoln part way to Wash-
ington, 466; quotes Lincoln
Emancipation, II:131; on liberty-
pole, 152; on Lincoln's proclama-
tions, 153; on Cabinet crisis and
Lincoln's declaration that he was
master, 154 seq.; the mystery of
Lincoln's personality, 456 seq.
Browning, Mrs. Orville H., Lincoln's
letter to, I:226, 233, 236.
Browning, Robert, II:448.
Brownlow, William G., II:238.
Brumfield, William and Nancy (Lin-
coln), I:12, 20, 36.

Bryant, John H., on Douglas' speech
at Princeton, I:350.
Bryant, William Cullen, presided at
Cooper Union address, I:408.
Buchanan, James, nominated presi-
dent, 1:356; elected, 363; break
with Douglas, 364 seq.; his policy
after secession, 449 seq.; at Lin-
coln's inaugural, II:6, 14.
Buckhannon, George, 1:59.
Buckingham, Gov. Giles A., I:411.
Buckhorn Tavern, I:149.
Buckley, Dr. J. M., I:479.

Buffalo, Lincoln at, I:469; letter to,

Buffalo wool, I:90.

Bull Run, first battle of, II:72.
Bulletin, Philadelphia, II:222.
Burlingame, Anson, in Free-soil
movement, 1:288, 299.
Burnett, Henry L., II:353.

Burns, Robert, birth, I:1; recited by
Jack Kelso to Lincoln, 193.
Burnside, defeat at Fredericksburg.
II:154; slow progress at Knox-
ville, 239.

Bush, Isaac, I:112.

Bush, Sarah. See Lincoln, Sarah
Bush (Johnston).

Butler, Benjamin F., on "Contraband
of War," II:130.

Butler, William, encouraged Lincoln
to study law, I:194; furnished Lin-
coln a home, 230, 274.

Butler, William J., I:230.
Butterfield, Justin, defeats Lincoln
for land office, I:293.

Byron, quoted to Lincoln by Jack
Kelso, I:193.

Cabin, in American architecture, I:2.
Cadwalader, General, II:274.
Caldwell, Gen. George, I:10.
Calhoun, John, surveyor in Illinois
and subsequently prominent in
Kansas, 1:187; sketch of his ca-
reer, 188, 237.

Calhoun, John C., in Senate, I:281;
death, 328.

California, admitted as a free state,
1:329, 337.

Cameron, John M., founder of New
Salem, II:137, 184, 185, 211.
Cameron, Martha or "Mat" and her
sisters, I:212.

Cameron, Nancy (Miller), wife of
Thomas, 1:157.

Cameron, Simon, I:433.

Cameron, Simon, II:20; appointed
secretary of war, 36; resignation,
107; on the Gettysburg Address,


Cameron, Thomas, I:157.
Campaign songs of 1860, I:442.
Campbell, John A., II:66.
Camp-meetings, I:106.

Canisius, Dr. Theodore, I:420 seq.
Cannon, Mrs. Jouett Taylor, I:45.
Carden, Allen D., I:196.

Carlyle, James, father of Thomas,


Carlyle, Janet, mother of Thomas,

Carlyle, Thomas, birth, I:1; resem-
blance to Lincoln, 7; his mother's
opinion of his beauty, 8.
Carnahan, Rev. E. T., II:221.
Carpenter, Frank B., II:137, 425.
Carr, Col. Clark E., II:189, 217.
Carter, Hon. David K., II:346, 471.
Carter, Thomas, I:112.
Carton, John B., II:384.
Cartwright, Rev. Peter, I:182, 195:
founder of McKendree College,
198; Lincoln's opponent, 277.

Cass, General Lewis, I:178, 284, 449.
Century Magazine, I:50.
Century War Book, II:170, 230.
Chancellorsville, battle of, II:172.
Chandler, Zachariah, II:83; 167 seq.;

Chapman, Mrs. Harriet, daughter of
Dennis Hanks, I:118, 139, 327.
Charleston, Lincoln-Douglas debate,

Charnwood, Lord, II:390.
Chase, Salmon P., appointed secre-
tary of the treasury, II:32; on
emancipation, 143 seq.; disclosed
Cabinet information, 155; ambi-
tious to succeed Lincoln, 264 seq.;
Lincoln's comment on his rivalry,
310; resignation as secretary, 311;
appointment as chief justice, 312.
Cheney, Bishop Charles Edward,

Chicago Convention of 1860, 1:425

Chicago Historical Society, I:143,
241, 265, 313, 315, 420.

Chicago, Lincoln's first visit to,

Chicago ministers call on Lincoln,

Chicago, University of, I:28, 33, 81,
101, 106, 312.

Chittenden, L. E., "Recollections,"
II:116, 249.

Choate, Rufus, I:289, 298.

Chrissman Brothers, New Salem
merchants, I:183.
Chrissman, Isaac, I:186.
Christian Advocate, I:479.
Christy's Minstrels, II:403.
Chronicle, Washington, II:470.
Churches and slavery, I:102 seq.
Cincinnati, Lincoln at, I:467.
Clark, Gen. George Rogers, I:33.
"Clary Grove boys," 1:164 seq.
Clay, Cassius M., I:105, 432.
Clay, Clement C., II:294.
Clay, Henry, opposed slavery, I:105;
death, 328; Lincoln's belief as to
his defeat, 330; Lincoln may have
visited, 337.

Clendenin, D. R., II:353.
Cleveland, Grover, I:448.
Cleveland, Lincoln at, I:467.
Cobb, Howell, I:449, 450.
Codding, Ichabod, I:352.
Coffin, Charles C., I:437.

Cole, Hon. Cornelius, II:196.
Colfax, Hon. Schuyler, II:327, 340.
Collomer, Jacob, II:20.

Cologne, on Rhine, I:24.

Colonization, Lincoln's belief in, II:

Columbia, District of, abolition of
slavery in, II:132.

Columbus, Lincoln at, I:468.

Committee on Conduct of the War,

Compiler, Gettysburg, II:489.

Concord Cemetery, the old and the
new, I:318.

Confederate prisoners as Federal
soldiers, II:313.

Confederate States of America or-
ganized, I:459.

Congress, Union vessel sunk by Mer-
rimac, II:119.

Conkling, James C., I:251, 436; II:


Conkling, Mrs. James C., (Mercy
Levering), I:251.

Conover, Robert, I:161.

Cook, Burton C., I:345.

Cookstoves introduced into Spring-
field, I:263.

Cooper Union address, I:408.
Corbett, Boston, II:353, 484.
Corinth, capture of, II:124.
Court days in Kentucky, I:97.
Covode, John, II:83.
Cravens, Joseph M., I:140.
Crawford, Andrew, 1:119, 122.
Crawford, Martin J., II:65.
Crawford, William H., I:272.
Creel, Richard, I:76.
Crittenden Compromise, I:452 seq.
Crittenden, Hon. John J., helped de-
feat Lincoln for Senate, I:397 seq.;
his attitude after secession, 456;
resolution after Bull Run, II:82;
his belief concerning Lincoln's
place in history, 133.

Cromwell, Nathan, and slave girl,
Nance, I:335.

Crume, Mary Lincoln, wife of Ralph,
I:20, 114.

Crume, Ralph, I:20, 114, 118.

Cudsworth, W. H., II:221.

Cumberland Presbyterians, I:108, 158


Cumberland, Union vessel sunk by
Merrimac, II:119.

Curtin, Gov. Andrew, II:197.

Curtiss, George Ticknor, II:102, 105.
Curzon, Earl, II:224.

'Cut-off" in Anderson County, Ken-
tucky, 1:46.

Daley, C. P., II:340.

Dana, Charles A., I:299; II:344.
Daniel, Bridget Sparrow, wife of
John, I:49.

Daniel, John, I:49.

Davis, Hon. David, I:305, 466; at
Lincoln's funeral, II:364; did not
think he knew Lincoln well, 456.
Davis, David, Jr., II:231.
Davis, Henry Winter, II:291, 303.
Davis, Jefferson, did not muster Lin-
coln as soldier in Black Hawk
War, I:176; in Senate, I:281, 328;
debates with Douglas, 438; inau-
gurated president of the Southern
Confederacy, II:16; on right of
secession, 49; call for troops, 68;
favored enlisting_negroes, 148.
Davis, Honorable John W., presents
bust of Abraham Lincoln to church
in Hingham, England, I:24.
Davis, J. McCann, 1:318.
Davis, Joseph, I:59.
Dawson, John, I:205.
Dayton, William L., II:20.

Decatur, Illinois, first Illinois home
of the Lincoln family, I:141.
Decatur, Republican convention, and
the Lincoln rails, I:413 seq.
Delahay, Mark W., I:431 seq., 448.
Delano, delegate from Ohio at Re-
publican convention of 1860, I:434.
Dennison, Hon. William, II:309.
De Witt, David M., II:469.
"DeWitt Clinton of Illinois," I:207.
Dickey, John, I:283.

Dickey, T. Lyle, advised Lincoln
against his "house divided" speech,
I:366; helped defeat Lincoln for
Senate, 397; on Lincoln's confi-

dence in Grant, II:236, 270.
Dill, John T., and brother, I:130, 132.
Dillsworth's Speller, 1:86, 120.
Disciples of Christ, I:108.

"Discoveries and Inventions" Lin-
coln's lecture, I:405.

District of Columbia, slavery abol-
ished in, II:131.

Dix, General John A., I:451.

Dixie, the song enjoyed by Lincoln,


Dixon, John, I:176.

Dixon's Ferry, I:176.

Dixon, Thomas, on Thaddeus Stev-
ens, II:281.

Doctor's Fork, 1:48, 63.

Dodge, Rev. Josiah, I:54, 74.
Donelson, Fort, surrender of, II:123.
Dorsey, Azel W., I:119.

Doubleday, General Abner, II:228.
Douglas, Stephen A., first meeting
with Lincoln, I:191; arrived in
Springfield, 237; in Senate, 328;
reported bill for organization of
territory of Nebraska, 339; candi-
date for president in 1856, 356;
break with Buchanan, 364; Tremont
House speech, 369 seq.; Blooming-
ton address, 378; Springfield ad-
dress, 380; debates with Lincoln,
388 seq.; defeats Lincoln for Sen-
ate, 401; candidate for president in
1860, 438 seq.; Lincoln's first de-
bate with, 497; at count of elector-
al votes, 458; his comment on the
election of Lincoln, 476-7; at Lin-
coln's inaugural, II:12; death of,
46; made election of Lincoln pos-
sible, 57.

Drake, Alexander E., II:260.
Draper Collection, 1:481.
Dred Scott decision, 1:381.
Dress reform in the '50's, I:325.
Dresser, Rev. Charles, marries Abra-
ham Lincoln to Mary Todd, I:265;
sold his home to Lincoln, 319.
Drinkwater, John, II:32, 390.
Du Bois, Jesse K., I:237.
"Duff Greene's Row," I:283.
Duncan, Joseph, I:161.

Durley, Madison and Williamson,
Lincoln's letter to, I:330.
Durrett Collection in the University
of Chicago Library, I:28, 33, 81,


Durrett, Col. R. C., I:28, 31.
Dye, John Smith, on alleged murder
of two Whig presidents, I:329.

Early, Jacob M., I:178.
Edwards, Cyrus, I:293.
Edwards, Elizabeth Todd (Mrs. N.
W.), I:248 seq.; reception to Sena-
tor Trumbull, 347.

Edwards, Miss Matilda, I:258.
Edwards, Ninian, Governor of Illi-
nois, I:255.

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