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An attempt is made in this book to reduce the principles of Elocution to a system, and present them to the student in an analytical and progressive form. It is believed that more of our young men and misses would be interested in the exercise of reading and recitation if they could have placed in their hands a work which would supply the place of the living teacher in showing them how. Many educators have taken it for granted that any one could learn a piece and recite it, and have allowed those under their immediate charge to follow their own ideas in this department, and hence there have been monotony, indifference, and, too frequently, failure.

The analysis referred to is elaborated, with such models in Position and Gesture, and such illustrations of the principles of Vocalization, that it is thought the teacher or pupil can prepare himself to utter the chosen selection with entertaining power, and correct any faults he may have in Tone, Gesture, or Position. One thing the pupil must do - he must commit to memory the words he would recite, or have their meaning clearly defined in his own mind if he is to read with expression. No knowledge of principles will supply this neglect. The student can do this; then all the energy can be directed to the expression of the sentiment.


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he matter herein is new, and embodies the spirit of Several choice gems of eloquence, brought out by the

terrible deain of our loved President, having more than a temporary value to the youth of the Nation, are inserted as models for practice. Many of the most prominent teachers and professors in the schools of the Northwest have repeatedly urged the publication of the analysis herein, with the selections which have been given in my public readings; and if we are to be censured for adding another to the large list of works on Elocution, they must share the censure. Hoping the young people will take courage in this special department, and prepare themselves for the clear and perfect expression of their thoughts, and the gems of our language, I submit this Hand-Book to their keeping.

BATAVIA, July, 1865.

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Expressions and Positions of Hands-How Taught,.....................
Sitting Positions - Proper and Improper,...

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