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At last, after reasoning the thing in his pate,

He concluded 't was useless to strive against fate;

And so, like a tortoise, protruding his head,
Said, "My dear, may we come out from under our bed?"
"Hah! hah!" she exclaimed, “Mr. Socrates Snooks,
I perceive you agree to my terms, by your looks:
Now, Socrates, hear me, - from this happy hour,
If you'll only obey me, I'll never look sour."
'Tis said the next Sabbath, ere going to church,
He chanced for a clean pair of trowsers to search;
Having found them, he asked, with a few nervous twitches,
"My dear, may we put on our new Sunday breeches?"

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Israel.-Oh! that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughters of my people. Oh! Jerusalem! Once the pride of her children and the glory of all lands, now desolated by the Gentile. Even her holy mountains leveled with the plain, and her ancient cedars have been stripped of their glory, which once sheltered the holy prophets, and under whose spreading branches Judea's daughters listened to the sweet songs of Zion, and David tuned his harp and sang the praises of Jehovah.

And where are her children, the chosen people of God? Ask the four winds of heaven if they visit any land unsought by the Jew. But glory to the Ancient of Days he is still a Jew; though wandering far from his home, his eyes are ever turned Zionward, and he waits for the Coming of the Lord who shall restore the glory of the Ancient Temple, and gather thither the lost sheep of the House of Israel. The world hates the Jew now, but the time will come when his glory shall again return, and the scoffing Gentile shall acknowledge him the Blessed of the Lord.

But yonder comes the representatives of these proud nations. Let me retire, lest I become the subject of their jeers. [Exit Jewess.]

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Russia. Sisters, we meet. No sound of trump or drum announces to the world our coming. 'Tis not that each may prove her strength in arms and claim at last a well fought field. We come in love and each presents her claims to greatness. Let Greece first say what she has done to merit praise, and why she asks her name may stand conspicuous among the nations of the earth.

Greece.- Would you know what ancient Greece can bring in proof of greatness? Ask Platea's well-fought plain, and the narrow pass at Thermopylæ, where the brave three hundred fell, if they belonged to Greece. Or, liking not this bloody picture, gaze upon her classic isles whose shores are washed by Southern seas, and whose beauties fired a Sappho and a Homer's mind with strange, weird fancy. And when you ask for the wise of earth, forget not Plato, nor the mild and gentle Solon; nor Socrates, who taught men how to live and how to meet the gods; nor wise Lycurgus, who gave earth laws that all the world has patterned after.

Italy. Let not our sister claim too much for Greece; remember Italy has claims. 'Twas the "Eternal Rome" that ruled the world for centuries in Church and State. Her warriors brought proud Carthage low, and even Greece acknowledged her dominion. 'Twas Cicero who stirred with magic power the hearts of those who listened to his strains of eloquence; and Virgil sang such lays that all the world still listens. Italy has ever claimed the admiration of all lands. Her deep blue sky and southern winds, her very ruins, rich in ancient legends, frescoes, paintings, busts and arabesques, woo the painter and the poet to her shores in reverence. The names of Raphael and Michael Angelo alone make Italy immortal.

Germany. I am from Germany - a land that boasts not of classic isles or wooing winds, but of stern realities. A land which has given to the world a bold and unrelenting Luther, a mild and gentle Melancthon, and a noble Prince of Orange; men whose names stand foremost as reformers, and to whom all lands will ever owe a debt of gratitude. I do not ask for Germany a place among the classic nations of the earth, for she lives not in the misty past; the present and the future are her portion. But when you ask for those who have done most for the present civilization of mankind, forget not the land which can number among its great men a Humboldt, a Mueller, and a Goethe. Forget not the land whose libraries and public gardens, whose schools and universities, are the wonder and admiration of the world.

Switzerland. Who has not heard of the gorgeous sunsets of Switzerland; of her cloud-capped mountains and eternal snows; of her dazzling glaciers and beautiful inland lakes. And who does not know that her children are the boldest and the bravest; that for ages, in their mountain fastnesses they have defied the crowned heads of Europe. Inured to hardship, and often to want, they have been content if only they could leap unfettered along the mountain side and breathe its pure air. 'Tis Switzerland who has given the world a Tell.

England. The name of England is enough. I do not need to remind you what she has done to merit greatness. Boundless in wealth and power, she defies the world. To her the sun never rises or sets, and to her the seasons are one. In her manufactories and commerce, in her institutions, both civil and political, she acknowledges no superior. For what can you ask that England does not possess? Does the poet or novelist desire subjects for his pen? Let him visit her ivy-mantled towers and ruined castles rich in legendary lore. Is it the historian who seeks for noble men and daring deeds? Let him read England's record, and he will look no further. Who has made her language immortal but a Milton and a Shakespeare? What other army has been invincible on land and sea but England's? Whether as romantic Crusaders they wrested the Holy Sepulchre

from the defiling hands of the Saracen; or as battlers for the right, they taught proud Spain with her Invincible Armada, and haughty France, at Waterloo, that they were fragile powers. And-and who now keeps the Russian bear from crushing half the world?

Where do the persecuted of every nation flee, and under the flowing folds of what flag do the chains of the slave fall off? What other nation, for the last two years, has aided the Southern Confederacy in its noble effort to crush Republicanism and establish a Monarchy? Surely, in a contest for superiority, no other nation will dare oppose herself to England.

France. From the vine-clad hills of sunny France I come - the land of mirth and joyous revel. Her very language has caught the rythmic flow of her Rhone and Seine, and falls upon the ear in gentle undulations. Its prose is poetry and music. 'Tis France has taught the world to smile and banish gloom. Her children defy cold destiny, and live, if need be, on airy nothings. They see the silver lining to each cloud, and so enjoy its shadow. And yet no land can boast of braver men or nobler deeds. Let haughty England not forget that he who first led forth the bold Crusaders was a hermit and a Frenchman. And while she boasts that England won the bloody field of Waterloo, let her remember that to do it England did her best, while France, by one weak woman, years before-a peasant girl, Joan of Arc-had made the Saxon army seek its island home in terror. She boldly asks who dare contest the right of mastery with England; I answer, France.

United States. - Sisters, I come not here with mirth and song to urge my claims to greatness, for my heart is sad and desolate. My native land, once the abode of peace and joy, is filled with lamentations, -" Rachels mourning for their children and refusing to be comforted because they are not." Where once was heard the busy hum of industry and the shouts of merry children, now echo the tramp of mighty hosts and clashing arms. 'Tis not to oppose a foreign foe, or to repel an invader from her shores, but it is brother against brother, parent against child. When our noble fathers left their English homes, which had justly become hateful to them, and sought for themselves and their children a refuge in the unbroken forests of America, they hoped to form a nation upon the broad basis of equal rights to all; bat unfortunately for them, there came a few who still had vivid memories of courts and titles; who loved the pomp of heraldry and knightly honors. And when the brave young colonies stood boldly up and fought for seven long years, they -Arnolds, every one-gave comfort to the enemy; and now their children's children, sighing still for the "Flesh pots of Egypt," have waged this most unholy war.

Encouraged by their English cousins, they had hoped to overthrow the noblest government the world has ever seen, and erect upon its ruins a despotic power. But, glory to the God of battles and the brave thousands who have rallied around their honored flag, the hopes of those base traitors shall be blasted. But oh! the sacrifice! The desolate homes! The orphan children! widowed wives and lonely maidens!


Anglo-African. - "Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hand," saith the prophet. Hath she not stretched them forth, lo! for ages? But through all the long years of her night there has been no friendly hand thrust through the darkness to aid her. Oppressed by the strong of the earth, trampled upon by the powerful, her children have uttered only this prayer: "How long, oh Lord! how long!" And this prayer, this wail from thousands of breaking hearts, has at last entered the ear of the Lord of Sabbaoth; and glory to His holy name, His arm is laid bare to save.

Already the sound of breaking chains and loosening bolts may be heard. The fiat has gone forth, freedom to all; not from any earthly potentate, but from the great White Throne. All nature proclaims it. The winds whisper it in the ear of the slave as he wanders around his lonely cabin. The quiet rivulet and the dashing mountain torrent bring the same glad news to the bondmen. Finally, it has been written in characters of blood all through the length and breadth of this land. Other nations may boast of hard-earned honors and well-fought fields, but what other nation has so long and so patiently waited as Africa?

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