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Indian superintendency of Dakotah Territory. Report of the governor,
ex-officio superintendent of the

Indian superintendency of New Mexico.

Report of the superintendent

of the..

Indian superintendency of Utah Territory. Report of the superinten-
dent of the

Indian superintending agency for the southern district of California
Report of the sub-agent of the....

Indian superintendency of Oregon. Report of the...
Indian superintendency of Washington Territory. Report of the...
Indian tribes (Indian trust fund statement) for whom stock is held in
trust by the Secretary of the Interior, showing present condition, net
annual income, and amount of deficits arising from abstraction of
trust fund bonds in 1860. List of

Indian tribes in direct connexion with the government of the United
States. Statement of schools, population, and wealth of the different.
Indian tribes of States in rebellion. Statement of bonds held by the
Secretary of the Interior in trust for...

Indian tribes. The United States in account with disbursing clerk of
Indian department for 3d quarter 1860, &c., under appropriations
for fulfilling treaties with the

Indian tribes under treaty stipulations, &c.

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Indian trust fund. Report of the clerk late in charge of the.....
Indian war claims in Oregon and Washington territories.

the President relative to...

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Statement showing the

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[blocks in formation]

Message of

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Industry of all nations, at London, 1862. Annual message of the Presi-
dent respecting the exhibition of the.

Insane in the District of Columbia. Reports of the superintendent,
board of visitors, &c., of the government hospital for the....
Instructions to commanding generals, under act August 6, 1861, freeing
the slaves of rebels

Interior, relating to the General Land Office, Indian affairs, Patent
Office, Pension Office, eighth census, African slave trade, judiciary,
public buildings, public printing, Hospital for the Insane, Colum-
bian Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, Metropolitan
police, and penitentiary of the District. Annual report of the Secre-
tary of the..

Interior, showing balances of appropriations for 1860, expenditures for
1861, and surplus and balances, June 1, 1861. Statement of the Sec-
retary of the

Interior, with statement of contracts made by Commissioner of Indian
Affairs for transportation. Letter from the Secretary of the...----
Interior, transmitting a copy of correspondence between that and the
War Department upon the subject of imprisoning soldiers and volun-
teers in the penitentiary of the District of Columbia. Letter of the
Secretary of the

Interior, transmitting copies of reports of Messrs. Walsh and Coombs
relative to the half-breed Kaw lands. Letter of the Secretary of
Interior, giving information relative to names and numbers of persons
arrested and vessels seized in the southern district of New York, from
May 1, 1852, to May 1, 1862, charged with being engaged in the
slave trade. Letter of the Secretary of the...
Interior, with correspondence and evidence in the case of the slave
vessel "Bark Augusta." Letter of the Secretary of the..

Iron-clad vessels. Report on

Iron and steel, and manufactures thereof, imported into the United
States for the years ending June 30, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860,
1861. Statement of quantity and value of...

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Iron, and manufactures of iron, iron and steel, steel; wool, and manu-
factures of wool; of cotton, silk, and manufactures of silk; flax,
linen fabrics, hemp, and manufactures of hemp, manilla, sun, and
other hemps of India, and silk and worsted goods, imported from
and exported to foreign countries, from 1840 to 1861, both inclu-
sive; with domestic exports of the same for the same period. Values

Iron, manufactures of iron, and iron and steel, steel, sugar, wines, and
all fabrics of which wool, cotton, silk, flax, or hemp is a component
part, imported annually from 1847 to 1861, both inclusive, with the
duties that accrued thereon during each year respectively; and bran-
dies for the years 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, and 1861. Value

[blocks in formation]


Jones. Letter of the Secretary of the Treasury relative to the relief of
the heirs of John Paul....

Johnson, relative to defences of Maine. Report of Edwin F..


Kansas and Nebraska. Statement showing the total surveyed and
platted lands, and surveys and subdivisions of Indian reservations,
&c., in....

Kansas. Letter of the Secretary of War in answer to a resolution of
the Senate relative to the military command in service in
Kaw lands on the Kansas river, Kansas. Report of Messrs. Walsh
and Coombs relative to the half-breed.....

Kentucky since the 1st of September, 1861, and their imprisonment
beyond the limits of that State. Message of the President relative
to the arrest of persons in .

Kinekeet, Hatteras inlet, October 5, 1861. Report of shelling the
rebels at


Lake harbor improvements on lakes Michigan, St. Clair, Erie, Ontario,
and Champlain. Estimate of the cost of repairing and completing

the several works for the ...........

Lake harbor works. Annual report of the superintendent of ..........
Land claims in California. Relative to the cost of survey of confirmed
private ...

Land claims, embracing titles derived from former governments, and
donations under the laws of the United States. Statement relating
to private...

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Lands disposed of for the five quarters ending September 30, 1861,
with aggregate cash receipts therefor. Statement of total quantity
of public.....

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Land Office, on the operations thereof, for the year ending June 30,
1861, and the quarter ending September 30, 1861. Annual report
of the Commissioner of the General....

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Land Office. Remarks of the Secretary of the Interior relative to the
operations of the General.

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Land Office. Abstract of annual report of the Commissioner of the

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Land Office. List of papers accompanying annual report of the

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Land Office, submitting estimate and programme relative to the survey
of the eastern boundary of California. Communication from the

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Land Office for the year ending June 30, 1863. Estimates of appro-
priations required for the office of the Commissioner of the General.
Land Office, per act of August, 1856, making appropriations, &c., and
subsequent acts. Statement of additional appropriations required
under military act of March 3, 1855, for the office of the Commis-
sioner of the General

Land Office for the year ending June 30, 1863. Estimates of appro-
priations to meet contingent expenses of the office of the Commis-
sioner of the General

Lands under the graduation act of August 4, 1854. Information
respecting the disposal of public

Land claims for services during the wars with Great Britain under the
act of 1847 and in the Mexican war, and under acts of 1850, 1852,
and 1855. Showing the number of acres located and scrip issued
under those acts prior and up to September 30, 1861, for military

Lands under the acts of March 2, 1849, September 28, 1850, the in-
demnity act of 1855, the confirmatory and indemnity act of March,
1857, and the act of March 12, 1860. Showing the operation of
the system restricting the selections to lands unsold and not located,
and limiting the period within which selections are to be made of
swamp and overflowed

Lands for railroad purposes to the States of Minnesota, Michigan, and
Louisiana, with exhibit of the States and the quantities of land
under the several grants actually approved to each up to September
30, 1861. Grants of

Lands surveyed in the different States and Territories for the year end-
ing June 30, 1861, and for quarter ending September 30, 1861.
Statement of public....

Lands during the five quarters ending September 30, 1861. State-
ment of sales and other disposals of public....
Lands selected for the several States under the acts approved March
2, 1849, and September 28, 1850, up to and ending September 30,
1861, approved to the several States under acts aforesaid up to and
ending September 28, 1861; patented to the several States under
the act of Congress approved September 28, 1850. Statement
showing quantity of swamp..

Land operations under the acts of 1847, 1850, 1852, and 1855,
showing the issues and locations from commencement of operations
under said acts to September 30, 1861. Statement of bounty......
Lands sold, of cash, &c., received therefor, of incidental expenses
thereon, and of payments into the treasury on account thereof, in
the first half of year commencing July 1, 1860, and ending June
30, 1861. Statement of public....

Land titles in California during the years 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, and
1861. Amounts paid to various persons on account of legal and
other services for investigating

Lands on Kansas river. Reports relative to half-breed Kaw
Letters, circulars, newspapers, and pamphlets received and delivered

by carriers, and the amount received and paid out for carriage in
certain named cities for the year ending June 30, 1861. Number of
Letters and newspapers exchanged between the United States and the
United Kingdom, (in British mails,) the Kingdom of Prussia, (in
closed mails,) France, Belgium, Bremen, and Hamburg, for the year
ending June 30, 1861. Number of. (See Postages.).
Letter postage. (See Postage.)

Liabilities of the United States to Indian tribes under treaty stipula-
tions, &c. Statement showing the present....

Light-house Board for year ending June 30, 1861. Report of the
Secretary of the..

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Loan of $2,875,350 for sixty days, issued under act of July 17, 1861.
List of subscribers to the temporary .
Lynnhaven bay, Cape Henry, October 11, 1861. Report of the silencing
of the rebel batteries near


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Machinery of steam gunboats. (See Gunboats.)
Magazines. (See Estimates.)

Mails exchanged between the United States and the British provinces,
for the year ending June 30, 1861. Amount of postages on..
Mails between the United States and Prussia, for the year ending June
30, 1861. Receipts and disbursements in closed...

[blocks in formation]

Mail routes and service upon which the contractors were reported to
be disloyal, contracts annulled and new contractors designated.
Table of

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Mail service in the several States, by steamboat, railroad, and other
modes, September 30, 1861. Table showing the

[blocks in formation]

Mail routes, contractors, route agents, local agents and mail mes en-
gers, at the close of the contract year ending June 30, 1861. Num-
ber of

Mail service in certain States as it stood on the 31st of May, 1861,
discontinued under act of Congress of February, 1861. Table of...
Mail service in certain States and Territories for the year ending
June 30, 1861, as exhibited by the state of the arrangements at the
close of the year. Table of..

Maine. Report of E. F. Johnson upon the defences of
Maine and Massachusetts for their assent to the Ashburton treaty.
Letter from the Secretary of State, relative to amount paid to
Major generals, officers acting as such, officers and soldiers to their
staff, and rent of buildings occupied by them as offices Letter of
the Secretary of War, transmitting names and numbers of..
Manufactured articles of domestic produce exported to foreign coun
tries from June 30, 1846, to June 30, 1861. Statement of value of.
Manufacture of the United States, for the year ending June 30, 1861.
Summary of the value of the exports of the growth, produce, and ..
Marine corps, for service of year ending June 30, 1863. General esti-
mate of appropriations under cognizance of the Navy Department
for the support of the....

Marine corps, for 1861, 1862, advertised for in 1860. Schedule of
bids received and contracts made for supplies, fuel and rations, for..
Marine corps, for one year from July 1, 1862, to June 30, 1863. Es-
timate of expenses of the quartermaster's department of the....
Marine corps, and pay for undrawn clothing from July 1, 1862, to
June 30, 1863. Estimate of pay and subsistence of officers,
musicians and privates, of the....

Marine corps, October 31, 1861. General return of officers, non-com-
missioned officers, musicians and privates, of the

Marine corps.

Annual report of the colonel commanding the

Marine battalion on board the disabled steamer Governor, (Port Royal
expedition) Report concerning the

Marine hospitals. (See Hospitals.)

Marshals of the District of Columbia, for the year ending June 30,
1861, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, with tables,
showing the amount paid to

Massachusetts for their assent to the Ashburton treaty. Letter from
the Secretary of State, relative to amount paid to Maine and......
Matthias Point, June 27, 1861. Report of the action and death of
Commander Ward at

Medicine and Surgery and the medical department of the navy, (ex-
cepting hospitals,) for the year ending June 30, 1863. Estimates
of the amounts required for the support of the Bureau of

2 E

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Merchandise imported, re-exported, and consumed annually, from
1821 to 1861, inclusive. Exhibit of value of foreign.....
Merchandise re-exported annually, from 1821 to 1861, inclusive,
showing value re-exported from warehouses under act of 6th Au-
gust, 1846. Exhibit of value of dutiable.....

Merchandise within the United States during the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1861. General result of all receipts and disposal of.............
Meteorological abstracts for the year ending December, 1860, at Su-
perior and Milwaukie, Wisconsin; at Ontonagon, Marquette, Grand
Haven, Thunder Bay, Ottawa Point, Detroit, and Monroe, Michi-
gan; at Michigan City, Indiana; at Cleveland, Ohio; at Buffalo,
Charlotte, Fort Niagara, and Sackett's Harbor, New York. Gene-

Meteorological and lake tide register at Chicago, Illinois
Metropolitan police for the District of Columbia. Report of the
board of...

Miami Indians. (See Indians.)

Miles, of the United States army. Proceedings of a court of inquiry
in the case of Colonel Dixon H.

Military Academy at West Point, New York, for the last twenty
years, from 1842 to 1861, inclusive. Statement exhibiting the con-
dition in life of cadets at the

Military Academy, September 30, 1861, showing the name, rank,
where born, and State, or compensation, pay, and emoluments al-
lowed each. List of the officers, professors, and cadets of the
United States.....

Military asylums at Harrodsburg, Kentucky, and East Pascagoula,
Louisiana, from their beginning to their discontinuance. State-
ments of inmates admitted, died, left, dismissed, &c, at the......
Military department of New Mexico from the 1st to the 10th of No-
vember, 1861. Return of the....

Military department of the Ohio. Consolidated morning report of the.
Military department of Florida for September, 1861. Return of the..
Military department of the Cumberland. Report of the
Military department of the Pacific for August, 1861. Report of the..
Military department of Virginia, October 20, 1861. Consolidated
report of troops stationed in the

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Military department of Western Virginia up to November 10, 1861.
Return of the

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Military department of New England, November 10, 1861. Consoli-
dated return of the troops within the...

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Military department, October 10, 1861. Statement of troops in the





Military division E. C. for October 28, 1861. Return of Brigadier
General T. W, Sherman, commanding...

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Military governor of North Carolina, with copy of the instructions
from the War Department. Letter of the Secretary of War, trans.
mitting a copy of the letter of appointment constituting Hon. Ed-
ward Stanley
Military roads.
Minerals in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Washington Territory,
and Colorado; reservations of mineral lands in the "Western Ter-
ritory," under the ordinance of 1785; sale and lease of same under
subsequent acts of Congress. Relative to......

Annual report of operations of the Bureau of United



Public surveys in the Territory of...

Number of miles and area surveyed, together with esti-
mated area of and statement relating to the lands possessed by
Indians in the State of ....

Minnesota. Relative to the appointment of a special agent in..

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