Abert, Lieutenant Colonel W. S., announced as Chief of Cavalry. 43 41 28 Ailen, Sergeant John M., Company G, 75th New York Volunteers, Court Martial 46 Ammunition, weekly inspection of.. 18 Andrews, Brigadier General Geo, L., announced as Chief of Staff.. 20 50 48 3 Assistant Adjutant General, to make application for blanks. 2 Assessment for relief of poor. 7 Atocha, A. A. Esq., appointed Judge of Provost Court.. 74 8 B Bacon, Lieutenant Colonel Edward, 6th Michigan Volunteers, Court Martial... 25 225 Baton Rouge, field works at, name of... Bates, Assistant Surgeon H. G., 131st New York Volunteers, Court Martial.... 80 Reckwith, Colonel E. G., Acting Provost Marshal General. 36 Benedict, Lieutenant Colonel Augustus W., 4th Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, Court No. 90 Blevins, Private Thomas J., Company D, 21st Indiana Volunteers, Court Martial. 24 Blodgett, Corporal Royal D., Company C, 75th New York Volunteers, Court 58 46 19 24 Boyd, Captain Edwin H., 110th New York Volunteers, Court Martial 58 2 Books, number required to be reported.. 59 Brown, Captain H. B., 161st New York Volunteers, Court Martial... 46 80 11 Cavalry Division, organization of. Cavalry, tactics adopted...... Campbell, Private John, Company D, 26th Indiana Volunteers, Court Martial.. Cady, Corporal Lewis, Company K, 4th Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, Court Chief of Staff Departments, correspondence of.... Chief of Staff, announcement of.... Chief of Cavalry, announcement of... Clerks, not to be detailed from cavalry or artillery. 3 20, 54 43 14 Communications for Commanding General, how addressed. Clark, Sergeant William, Company A, 1st United States Artillery, Court Martial Commission of Relief, representation of.... Communications, written, by whom signed.... 11 46 80 10 71 7 3 3 Communications received by flag of truce, how treated.. Connolley, Private John, Company B, 1st Louisiana Cavalry, Court Martial.... 46 67 Connor, Private Stephen, Company I, 162d New York Volunteers, Court Martial 80 80 Martial.... Curtis, Lieutenant Thomas B, Company E, 162d New York Volunteers, Court 11 26 Curtis, Private Willis, Company D, 4th Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, Court 90 D Decker, Private William A, Company F, 8th Vermont Volunteers, Court 46 Deegan, Captain Ross, 162d New York Volunteers, Court Martial. 46 No. Benedict, Lieutenant Colonel Augustus W., 4th Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, Court .... 90 58 Blevins, Private Thomas J., Company D, 21st Indiana Volunteers, Court Martial. 24 46 19 24 58 Boyd, Captain Edwin H., 110th New York Volunteers, Court Martial Books, number required to be reported.... Brown, Captain H. B., 161st New York Volunteers, Court Martial.. 2 59 46 80 Buckley, Lieutenant Dennis, 8th Vermont Volunteers, Court Martial.... Cavalry Division, organization of. Cavalry, tactics adopted.... Campbell, Private John, Company D, 26th Indiana Volunteers, Court Martial.. 67 43 67 Cady, Corporal Lewis, Company K, 4th Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, Court 90 3 Chief of Staff Departments, correspondence of..... Chief of Staff, announcement of.. 20, 54 43 Chief of Cavalry, announcement of.. Clerks, not to be detailed from cavalry or artillery. 14 Communications for Commanding General, how addressed. Clark, Sergeant William, Company A, 1st United States Artillery, Court Martial 11 Commission of Relief, representation of... Communications, written, by whom signed... 80 10 71 7 3 3 Communications received by flag of truce, how treated.. Connolley, Private John, Company B, 1st Louisiana Cavalry, Court Martial.... 46 67 Connor, Private Stephen, Company I, 162d New York Volunteers, Court Martial 80 Martial. 80 Martial....... 11 Curtis, Lieutenant Thomas B, Company E, 162d New York Volunteers, Court .... 26 Curtis, Private Willis, Company D, 4th Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, Court ... 90 D Decker, Private William A, Company F, 8th Vermont Volunteers, Court 46 Deegan, Captain Ross, 162d New York Volunteers, Court Martial.. 46 |