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line 5, the words "including the northern
territory of South Australia," agreed to,
987. Amendment by the Hon. E. Barton:
that the amendment suggested by the Coun-
cil of New South Wales be amended by
omitting the words "new states shall be
taken to mean such states as may thereafter
be admitted into or constituted by the
dominion," agreed to, 987. Amendment of
the Council of New South Wales, as amended,
agreed to, 987. Clause, as amended, agreed
to, 987.

Clause 6 (Repeal of 48 and 49 Victoria, chapter
60), agreed to, 239.

Clause 7 (Operation of the constitution and
laws of the commonwealth), 239. Amend-
ment by Council, New South Wales, omit-
ting "and all treaties made by the common-
wealth," 239; agreed to, 240. Amendment
by the Right Hon. G. H. Reid to omit "and
the laws and treaties of the commonwealth
shall be in force on board of all British ships
whose last port of clearance or whose port
of destination is in the commonwealth," 240;
withdrawn, 252. Amendment by Council,
South Australia, to insert "in addition to
the laws of Great Britain," 240; negatived,
253. Amendment by Council, Victoria,
omitting "and the laws and treaties of the
commonwealth shall be in force on board of
all British ships whose last port of clearance
or whose port of destination is in the com-
monwealth," negatived, 253. Amendment
by Council, New South Wales, omitting
"and treaties," agreed to, 253. Amend.
ments by Council, New South Wales, in-
serting excepting her Majesty's ships and
vessels of war," inserting "first" instead
of "last" before "port of clearance," in-
serting "and" instead of "or," and insert-
ing are instead of "is," agreed to, 253.
Clause, as amended, agreed to, 253.

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Chapter I.-The Parliament.
Part I.-General.

Clause 1 (Legislative powers), 253. Amend-
ments by Council, New South Wales, to
omit "federal," to omit "representatives,"
and to insert "assembly," negatived, 253.
Clause, as read, agreed to, 253.
Clause 2 (Governor-General), 253; postponed,


Clause 3 (Salary of Governor-General), 254.
Amendments by Council and Assembly,
South Australia, to reduce the salary from
£10,000 to £8,000 and £7,000, respectively,
negatived, 254. Amendment by Mr. Glynn,
to omit "the salary of a governor-general
shall not be altered during his continuance
in office," negatived, 254. Clause, as read,
agreed to, 254.

Clauses 4 (Application of provisions relating
to governor-general) and 5 (Oath of allegi-
ance) agreed to, 254.

Clause 6 (Governor-General to fix time and
places for holding session of parliament.
Power of dissolution of house of representa-
tives. First session of parliament), 254.

Amendment by Assembly, South Australia,
to provide for dissolution of senate as well
as of house of representatives, 254. Clause
postponed, 256; agreed to, 987.
Clause 7 (Yearly session of parliament) agreed
to, 256.

Clause 8 (Privileges, &c., of houses) agreed to,

Part II.-The Senate.

Clause 9 (The Senate), 256.

Paragraph 1. Amendment by Council and
Assembly, New South Wales, to provide for
proportional representation, according to
population, of each state, but that no state
should have less than three senators, and
that the senate should consist of not less
than forty members, 258; negatived, 355.
Paragraph, as read, agreed to, 355.
Paragraph 2. Amendment by the Legislatures
of New South Wales, Victoria, South Aus-
tralia, Tasmania, and Western Australia
to omit the words "as one electorate,"
360; negatived, 391. Amendment by Mr.
McMillan, providing for the election of the
senators by the people of the senate as one
electorate until the parliament otherwise
determine, 373; agreed to, 390. Paragraph,
as amended, agreed to, 391.

Paragraph 3. Amendment by the Assembly
of Victoria, omitting the provision that the
names of the senators chosen for each state
shall be certified by the Governor to the
Governor-General, 391; negatived, and
paragraph, as read, agreed to, 394.

Paragraph 4. Amendment by the Assembly
of Victoria, providing that the parliament
shall have power to increase or diminish the
number of senators for each state, but ex-
cept in the case of new states, which after
the establishment of the commonwealth are
admitted upon other terms or conditions,
the equal representation of the several states
shall be maintained, 394; agreed to, 415;
paragraph, as amended, agreed to, 416.
Paragraph 5. Amendment by the Assembly
of South Australia that senators shall be
elected in all the federated states on the
basis of one adult one vote, 416; negatived
417. Amendment by the Council and As-
sembly of Tasmania omitting the proviso
that if any elector votes more than once he
shall be guilty of a misdemeanour, 417;
agreed to, 419. Amendment by the Assem-
bly of Victoria that no elector who has at
the establishment of the commonwealth, or
who afterwards acquires a right to vote at
elections for the more numerous house of
the parliament of the state, shall, whilst
the right continues, be prevented by any
law of the commonwealth from voting at
elections for senators, 419; negatived, and
clause, as amended, agreed to, 420.
Clauses 10 to 23 postponed, 420.
Clause 10, paragraph 1 (Mode of election of
senators), 987. Amendment suggested by
Council and Assembly of Tasmania: Omit
"the parliament of the commonwealth may

make laws prescribing a uniform manner of
choosing the senators. Subject to such laws,
if any." Amendment suggested by Assem-
bly of Victoria: After "prescribing" insert
"the times, places, and." Amendment sug-
gested by Council and Assembly of Tasmania
negatived, 987. Amendment suggested by
Assembly of Victoria agreed to, 988.
Paragraph 2. "Until such determination, and
unless the parliament of the commonwealth
otherwise provides, the laws in force in the
several states for the time-being, relating to
the following matters, namely." Amend-
ment suggested by Council and Assembly
of Tasmania: After "determination" omit
"and unless the parliament of the common-
wealth otherwise provides." Amendment
agreed to, 988. Paragraph 2, as amended,
agreed to, 988. Clause, as amended, agreed
to, 989.

Clause 11 (Failure of a state to choose mem-
bers not to prevent business) agreed to,

Clause 12 (Issue of writs) agreed to, 989.
Clause 13 (Retirement of members) agreed to,

Clause 14. "If the place of a senator becomes
vacant before the expiration of his term of
service the houses of parliament of the state
he represented shall, sitting and voting
together, choose a person to fill the vacancy
until the expiration of the term or until the
election of a successor as hereinafter pro-
vided whichever first happens. And if the
houses of parliament of the state are in
recess at the time when the vacancy occurs
the governor of the state, with the advice
of the executive council thereof, may ap-
point a person to fill the vacancy until the
beginning of the next session of the parlia-
ment of the state or until the election of a
successor, whichever first happens." Amend-
ment suggested by the Council and Assembly
of Tasmania: that after the word "until,"
line 13, the words "the expiration of four-
teen days after" be inserted, agreed to, 989.
Clause, as amended, agreed to, 989.
Clause 15. "The qualifications of a senator
shall be those of a member of the house of re-
presentatives," 989. Amendment suggested
by the Council of Victoria, to add at the end
of clause "with the exception that he must
be of the full age of 30 years," negatived by
29 to 4, 990. Clause agreed to, 990.
Clause 16 (Election of president of the senate)
agreed to, 990.

Clause 17 (Absence of president provided for)
agreed to, 990.

Clause 18 (Resignation of place in senate)
agreed to, 990.

Clause 19. "The place of a senator shall be-
come vacant if for two consecutive months
of any session of the parliament he, without
the permission of the senate, entered on its
journals, fails to attend the senate," 990.
Amendment suggested by Assembly of Tas-
mania: After "for," line 2, omit "two con-

secutive months of." Insert "thirty con-
secutive sitting days in "; negatived and
clause agreed to, 990.

Clause 20 (Vacancy in senate to be notified to
governor of state) agreed to, 991.
Clause 21. "Until the parliament otherwise
provides, any question respecting the quali
fication of a senator, or a vacancy in the
senate, shall be determined by the senate,"
991. Amendment suggested by the Coun-
cil and Assembly, Tasmania: Line 4, after
"senate" insert" or any question of a dis-
puted election relating to the senate," nega-
tived, and clause agreed to, 991.

Clause 22. "The presence of at least one-third
of the whole number of senators shall be
necessary to constitute a meeting of the
senate for the exercise of its powers," 991.
Amendment by Mr. Higgins to insert at the
beginning of the clause the words "until
the parliament otherwise decides," agreed
to, and clause, as amended, agreed to, 992.
Clause 23 (Voting in senate) agreed to, 992.

Part III.-The House of Representatives.
Clause 24 (Constitution of house of representa-
tives), 420.

Paragraph 1. Amendment by the Council and
Assembly of Western Australia, providing
for the house of representatives to be com-
posed of members subject to the provisions
of sub-section 3, 420; negatived, 420.
Amendment by the Assemblies of Victoria
and New South Wales, to omit the provision
that, as nearly as practicable, there shall be
two members of the house of representatives
for every one member of the senate, 420;
negatived, 452. Paragraph, as read, agreed
to, 452.

Paragraph 2. Amendment (verbal) by the
Hon. E. Barton, 452; agreed to, 453. Para-
graph, as amended, agreed to, and clause,
as amended, agreed to, 453.

Clause 25 (Provision for case of persons not
allowed to vote), 453. Amendment by the
Council and Assembly of New South Wales,
to omit the clause, 453. Clause agreed to,

Clause 26 (Mode of calculating number of
members) agreed to, 454.

Clause 27 (Representatives in first parliament)
agreed to, 454.

Clause 28 (Increase of number of house of
representatives) agreed to, 454.

Clause 29 (Electoral divisions), 454. Amend-
ment by the Assembly of Tasmania, omitting
the words "until the parliament otherwise
provides," 454; negatived, 454. Amend-
ment by the Legislative Council and Legis-
lative Assembly of Victoria, omitting the
proviso that until division each state shall
be one electorate, 454; negatived, 455.
Clause, as read, agreed to, 455.
Clause 30 (Qualification of electors), 455.
Amendment by the Legislature of Tasmania,
omitting "and if any elector votes more
than once he shall be guilty of a misdemean-
our," 455; negatived, 455. Amendment by

the Assembly of New South Wales, adding
the provision that the parliament may not
enact that any elector shall have more than
one vote, 455; negatived, 457. Clause, as
read, agreed to, 457.

Clause 31 (Qualification of members of house
of representatives), 457.

Sub-clause 1. Amendment by the Council
and Assembly of Tasmania, providing that
no person shall be capable of being chosen,
or of sitting or acting, as a representative of
any state except he has been for three years
a resident of the state for which he is chosen ;
the seat of any senator or representative
shall be declared vacant on his ceasing to be
a resident of that state, except during such
time as he may be a member of the executive
government, 458; negatived, 458. Sub-
clause, as read, agreed to, 458.
Sub-clause 2 agreed to. Clause, as read,
agreed to, 458.

Clause 32 (Members of states assembly ineli-
gible for house of representatives), 459;
postponed, 460; consideration resumed, 992.
Clause negatived on amendment suggested
by Council and Assembly of Tasmania,

Clause 33 (Election of speaker of the house of
representatives) agreed to, 460.

Clause 34 (Absence of speaker provided for),

Clause 35 (Resignation of place in house of
representatives), 460.

Clause 36(Vacancy by absence of member), 460.
Amendment by the Council and Assembly
of Tasmania, providing for vacancy by failure
of attendance, without permission, for thirty
consecutive sitting days, 460; amendment
negatived, and clause, as read, agreed to,


Clause 37 (Issue of new writs) agreed to, 461.
Clause 38 (Quorum of house of representa-
tives) agreed to, 461.

Clause 39 (Voting in house of representatives),
461. Amendment by the Council and As-
sembly of Victoria, providing that in case of
a proposed amendment of the constitution
the speaker may vote notwithstanding the
votes are not equal, and in such case he
shall not have a casting vote, 461; nega-
tived, and clause, as read, agreed to, 463.
Clause 40 (Duration of house of representa-
tives), 463. Amendment by Assembly of
Western Australia, providing that every
house of representatives shall continue for
four instead of three years, 463; negatived,
and clause, as read, agreed to, 463.
Clause 41 (Writs for general election), 463.
Amendment by the Council and Assembly
of Tasmania, providing that the first writs
shall be issued within six months from the
date of the establishment of the common-
wealth, 463; negatived, and clause, as read,
agreed to, 463.

Clause 42 (Continuance of existing election
laws until the parliament otherwise pro-
vides) agreed to, 464.

Clause 43 (Questions as to qualifications and
vacancies), 464. Amendment by the Council
and Assembly of Tasmania providing that
any question of a disputed election relating
to a house of representatives shall be deter-
mined by that house, 464. Clause post.
poned, 466. Consideration resumed, 993.
Amendment suggested by Council and As-
sembly of Tasmania, negatived: After "re-
presentatives" insert "or any question of
a disputed election relating to that house,'
and clause agreed to, 993.

Part IV.-Provisions relating to both houses.
Clauses 44 to 53 postponed, 467.

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Clause 44. "Until the parliament otherwise
provides, each member, whether of the senate
or of the house of representatives, shall re-
ceive an allowance for his services of four
hundred pounds a year, to be reckoned from
the day on which he takes his seat," 993.
Amendment suggested by the Council of
South Australia and Council and Assembly
of Tasmania: Omit "four," insert "three,
negatived, 995; clause agreed to, 996. New
clause to follow clause 44 suggested by the
Council of South Australia: "No member of
the senate or house of representatives whilst
in receipt, out of the general revenue, of
any official salary or annual sum shall be en-
titled to receive any such payment as afore-
said, except in so far as such payment may
exceed the amount of such official salary or
annual sum", negatived, 996. New clause
suggested by the Council and Assembly of
Tasmania: "44A. A member of a house of the
parliament of a state shall be incapable of
sitting in either house of the parliament of the
commonwealth,"negatived by 24 to 10, 1011.
New clause, suggested by the Council and
Assembly of Tasmania : "44B. A member of
either house of the parliament of the com-
monwealth shall be incapable of being chosen
or of sitting as a member of the other house
of the parliament" agreed to, 1011.
Clause 45. "Any person (1) who has taken an
oath or made a declaration or acknowledg
ment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence,
to a foreign power, or has done any act
whereby he has become a subject or a citizen,
or entitled to the rights or privileges of a
subject or a citizen, of a foreign power; or
(II) who is an undischarged bankrupt or in-
solvent, or a public defaulter; or (1) who
is attainted of treason, or convicted of felony
or of any infamous crime, shall be incapable
of being chosen or of sitting as a member of
the senate or of the house of representatives
until the disability is removed by a grant of
a discharge, or the expiration or remission
of the sentence, or a pardon, or release, or
otherwise," 1011. Amendment by Mr.
Glynn that the words "until parliament
otherwise provides" be inserted at the begin-
ning of the clause, negatived by 26 to
8, 1015. Amendment suggested by the As-
sembly of New South Wales to omit para-
graph 2, negatived, 1019. Clause agreed
to, 1022.



Clause 46 (Place to become vacant on happen-
ing of certain disqualifications) agreed to,

Clanse 47, paragraph 2. "Any person, being a
member of the senate or of the house of repre-
sentatives, who, in the manner or to the ex-
tent forbidden in this section, undertakes,
executes, holds, enjoys, or continues to hold,
or enjoy, any such agreement, shall there-
upon vacate his place," 1022. Amendment
by the Hon. E. Barton: That the following
words be inserted after the word "agree-
ment," paragraph 2:-" from any part or
share of it, or any benefit or emolument
arising from it," agreed to, and paragraph,
as amended, agreed to, 1022. Paragraph 3.
"But this section does not extend to any
agreement made, entered into or accepted by
an incorporated company consisting of more
than twenty persons, if the agreement is
made, entered into, or accepted, for the
general benefit of the company." Amend-
ment by the Hon. I. A. Isaacs: That the
word "twenty," paragraph 3, be omitted with
the view to insert "tewnty-five," agreed to,
1027. Amendment by Mr. Glynn: That the
following words be added to the clause :-
and the person holds less than one-twen-
tieth of the capital of the company," nega-
tived by 26 to 7, 1028. Amendment by
Council of New South Wales to omit para-
graph 4 negatived, and clause, as amended,
agreed to, 1028.

Clause 48. Paragraph 1. "If a member of
the senate or of the house of representatives
accept any office of profit under the Crown,
not being one of the offices of state held
during the pleasure of the governor-general,
and the holders of which are by this consti-
tution declared to be capable of being chosen
and of sitting as members of either house of
the parliament, or accepts any pension pay-
able out of any of the revenues of the com-
monwealth during the pleasure of the Crown,
his place shall thereupon become vacant, and
no person holding any such office, except as
aforesaid, or holding or enjoying any such
pension, shall be capable of being chosen or
of sitting as a member of either house of the
parliament," 1028. Amendment suggested
by the Assembly of Victoria: Line 3, after
"office," insert "except that of a justice of
the high court," negatived, 1029. Para-
graph 2. "Until the parliament otherwise
provides, no person, being a member, or
within six months of his ceasing to be a
member, shall be qualified or permitted to
accept or hold any office the acceptance or
holding of which would, under this section,
render a person incapable of being chosen
or of sitting as a member," 1029.
ment suggested by the Legislative Council
of New South Wales: That paragraph 2 be
omitted, agreed to by 19 to 10, 1034.
Clause 49. (Penalty for sitting when disquali-
fied), agreed to, 1034.

Clause 50. (Disputed elections), agreed to,


Clause 51. "The senate and the house of repre-
sentatives may each of them from time to
time adopt standing rules and orders," 1035.
Amendment by the Hon. I. A. Isaacs: that
the word "standing" be omitted, agreed
to, and clause, as amended, agreed to,

Part V.-Power of the Parliament.
Clause 52. The parliament shall, subject to
the provisions of this constitution, have full
power and authority to make laws for the
peace, order, and good government of the
commonwealth with respect to all or any of
the matters following, that is to say":-1035.
Amendment suggested by the Assembly of
Tasmania: to omit the words "for the peace,
order, and good government of the common-
wealth," negatived, 1037. Amendment sug-
gested by Assembly of Victoria: to add the
following words to sub-clause 1 providing
for regulation of trade and commerce:-
"Provided that all fermented, distilled, or
other intoxicating liquors or liquids trans-
ported into any state or territory or remain-
ing therein for use, consumption, sale, or
storage therein, shall upon arrival in such
state or territory be subject to the operation
and effect of the laws of such state or terri-
tory to the same extent and in the same
manner as though such liquors or liquids had
been produced in such state or territory;"
agreed to by 28 to 11, 1059. Sub-clause
agreed to, 1065.

Sub-clause 2. "Customs and excise and boun-
ties, but so that duties of customs and excise
and bounties shall be uniform throughout
the commonwealth, and that no tax or duty
shall be imposed on any goods exported from
one state to another," 1065. Amendment
suggested by the Council of New South
Wales: To leave out the words "customs
and excise and bounties, but," negatived,
and sub-clause agreed to, 1068.
Sub-clause 3. "Raising money by any other
mode or system of taxation; but so that all
such taxation shall be uniform throughout
the commonwealth,"1068. Amendment sug-
gested by the Council of New South Wales:
That sub-clause 3 be omitted, negatived,
and sub-clause agreed to, 1068.
Sub-clause 4. " 'Borrowing money on the pub-
lic credit of the commonwealth," agreed to,

Sub-clause 5. "Postal, telegraphic, tele-
phonic, and other like services,"
Amendment suggested by Assembly of South
Australia: to add "outside the limits of
the commonwealth," negatived by 24 to 10,
and sub-clause agreed to, 1069.
Sub-clause 6. "Military and naval defence,"
agreed to, 1069.

Sub-clause 8. "Navigation and shipping,"
agreed to, 1069.

Sub-clause 9. "Ocean beacons and buoys, and
ocean lighthouses and lightships," 1069.
Amendment suggested by Assembly of Tas-
mania: to omit "ocean" wherever occurring,
negatived, and sub-clause agreed to, 1071.

Sub-clause 10. "Astronomical and meteoro-
logical observations," agreed to, 1071.
Sub-clause 11. "Quarantine," agreed to, 1073.
Sub-clause 12. "Fisheries in Australian waters
beyond territorial limits," 1073. Amend-
ment suggested by the Council of South
Australia: to add "and in rivers which flow
through or in two or more states," nega-
tived by 19 to 13, 1073, and sub-clause agreed
to, 1074.

Sub-clause 13. "Census and statistics,"
agreed to, 1074.

Sub-clause 14. "Currency, coinage, and legal
tender," agreed to, 1074.

Sub-clause 15. " Banking, the incorporation of
banks, and the issue of paper money," 1074.
Amendment suggested by the Assembly of
New South Wales and the Council of Tas-
mania to insert after "banking" the words
"excluding state banking not extending
beyond the limits of the state concerned,"
agreed to, and sub-clause, as amended,
agreed to, 1075.

Sub-clause 16. "Insurance, excluding state
insurance, not extending beyond the limits
of the state concerned," 1075. Amendment
suggested by the Council of New South
Wales before "insurance" first occurring
to insert "assurance and," negatived, 1076.
Amendment suggested by the Council of
New South Wales: to omit "excluding state
insurance not extending beyond the limits
of the state concerned," negatived, 1076.
Sub-clause agreed to, 1076.

Sub-clause 17. "Weights and measures,"
agreed to, 1076.

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Sub-clause 18. " 'Bills of exchange and pro-
missory-notes," agreed to, 1076.
Sub-clause 19. Bankruptcy and insol-
vency," 1076. Amendment suggested by
the Council and Assembly of New South
Wales and Council of Tasmania: to insert

after "insolvency ""and lunacy," nega-
tived; and sub-clause agreed to, 1077.
Sub-clause 20. " Copyrights, patents, and
trade-marks," agreed to, 1077.

Sub-clause 21. "Naturalisation and aliens,"
agreed to, 1077.

Sub-clause 22. "Foreign trading and finan-
cial corporations," agreed to, 1077.
Sub-clause 23. Marriage and divorce,"
agreed to, 1082.


Sub-clause 24. "Parental rights and the cus-
tody and guardianship of infants," 1082.
Amendment by the Hon. E. Barton: to
omit the figures 24, and to insert the words
"and in relation thereto," agreed to, 1085.
Sub-clause, as amended, agreed to, 1085.

Money Bills.

Clause 54" Proposed laws having for their
main object the appropriation of any part of
the public revenue or moneys, or the imposi-
tion of any tax or impost, shall originate in the
house of representatives," 467. Amendment
by the Council and Assembly of New South
Wales, to omit the words "having for their
main object," 467; agreed to, 469. Amend-
ment (the Right Hon. G. H. Reid) omitting

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the words "the appropriation of " and in-
serting the word " appropriating," 469;
agreed to, 476. Amendment by the Assem-
bly of Victoria omitting the words "the
imposition of" and inserting the word "im-
posing," 476; agreed to, 476. Amendment
by the Assembly of Tasmania: That a pro-
posed law which provides for the imposition
and appropriation of fines, cr for the demand
or payment and appropriation of fees or
licenses, or for services, and does not other-
wise impose any tax or appropriate any part
of the public revenue, may originate in the
house of representatives or the senate, 476;
amendment amended verbally, 480; amend-
ment by Mr. Glynn to insert after the word
"services" the words " or as incidental to
its policy of salaries," 480; negatived, 481;
amendment by the Hon. E. Barton inserting
after the word "revenue the words "or
moneys," and omitting the words "either in
the house of representatives or, " 481; agreed
to, 481; amendment, as amended, agreed to,
481. Clause, as amended, agreed to, 481.
Clause 55 (Appropriation and tax bills), sub-
clause 1. "The senate shall have equal power
with the house of representatives in respect
of all proposed laws, except laws imposing
taxation and laws appropriating the neces-
sary supplies for the ordinary annual ser-
vices or government which the senate may
affirm or reject, but may not amend. But
the senate may not amend any proposed
law in such a manner as to increase any
proposed charge or burden on the people."
Amendment by the Council of Western Aus-
tralia, omitting "laws imposing taxation
and," 481; negatived by 28 to 19, 537 ;
amendment by the Assembly of New South
Wales, omitting "the necessary supplies
for the ordinary annual services of the go-
vernment," and inserting "any part of the
public revenues or moneys," 538; negatived,
538; amendment by the Council of South
Australia, providing that the senate may not
amend any proposed law in such a manner
as to increase any proposed charge or burden
on the people, 538; negatived, 538; sub-
clause 1, as read, agreed to, 538. Sub-
clauses 2 and 3 agreed to, 539. Amendment
by the Council and Assembly of Tasmania,
providing that the law which appropriates
the supplies for the ordinary annual ser-
vices of the Government shall deal only
with the appropriation of such supplies, 539;
agreed to, 540. Sub-clauses 4 and 5 agreed
to, 540. Clause, as amended, agreed to, 540.
Clause 56 (Recommendation of money votes)
agreed to, 541.

New clause by the Assembly of New South
Wales: "57 (a.) If either house of parlia-
ment shall, in two consecutive sessions of
the same parliament, with an interval of at
least six weeks between, pass and transmit
to the other house for its concurrence there-
in any proposed law which such other house
fails to pass without amendment, within
thirty days after receiving the same, in the
second session, or within such period passes,

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