DISCOURSES. I. An ESSAY On the whole ART of CRITICISM as it relates to PAINTING. Shewing how to judge II. An ARGUMENT in behalf of the CONNOISSEUR; Wherein is fhewn the DIGNITY, CERTAINTY, PLEASURE, Both by Mr. RICHARDSON. LONDON: Printed for W. CHURCHILL at the Black Swan in Pater- Of the Goodness of a Picture, &C. II No Picture without Some Faults. 12 Two ways of Judging; Directly from the Thing it felf, and Obliquely by Autho- A fhorter way of confidering a Picture Ex- emplified upon one of Annibale Caracci.94 No two Men Think, and Act alike. 100 There is a real Difference therefore in the Works of the feveral Mafters. 102 Obfervations on the Ufe of the Other, 116 The Mafters have Differ'd from Them- felves as well as from Each Other; Requifites to a Connoiffeur in Hands. I. To be acquainted with the Hiftory of Painting, and of the Mafters. 147 2. To be able to form Clear, and Just I- Of Originals, and Copies. The Question whether a Picture, or a |