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seven-tenths perches to a post; thence north thirteen degrees west four and one-tenth perches to the centre of said Front street; thence along Front street south seventy-seven degrees west four and seven-tenths perches to the beginning; containing nineteen and twenty-seven onehundredths perches of land, being the same parcel and lot of land which Vincent Dye, John S. Follmer, William Hartman, and their wives, and John Rhodes, by their deed, dated the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, granted and conveyed to John F. Batler, Robert Patterson, William H. Johnston, Doctor William H. Marr and Doctor Thomas Hull, then trustees of the Washingtonville portic of the church aforesaid, in trust for the use of the Derry and Washing. tonville church, and upon the sale thereof and payment of the purchas money the said Hugh C. Fulton, Evan Hendershot, Joseph Carr, Joseph Rauch, and James H. Matchin, trustees as aforesaid, shall make execute, and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers a deed in fee simple for said parcel and lot of land, which deed shall be effectual to vest in such purchaser or purchasers a good and valid title in fee simple thereto, and the proceeds arising from the sale hereby authorized to be made shall be applied towards defraying the expenses of erecting a new hous of worship, for the use of the Washingtonville portion of the Derry and Washingtonville Presbyterian church.

JOHN S. RHEY, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

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APPROVED-The fourth day of May, A. D., one thousand eight hurdred and fifty-two.


Hawkers and
pedlers in

No. 356.


Relating to hawking and peddling in the borough of Greensburg; to the star ard weight of coal within said borough; to a plank road from Johnstown Samuel Davis'; to the Delaware academy in the county of Pike; to a new township in Monroe county; and to the claim of Joshua Morrison.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represe tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assemby met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, Thai from and after the passage of this act no person or persons shall sell « expose to sale within the limits of the borough of Greensburg, as a hawker, or pedler, or traveling merchant, any made up clothing, bas or jewelry, without first obtaining a license so to do, and paying there for to the treasurer of said county, for the use of the Commonwealth, the sum of fifty dollars, which license the treasurer of the county in hereby authorized to grant upon the payment of said sum.

SECTION 2. That if any person or persons shall so engage, or be con- Fine. cerned in hawking and peddling within the limits of said borough, without first obtaining such license as aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars; the one-half for the use of the Commonwealth and he other half for the use of the person who shall prosecute for the same, the said penalty to be recovered by action of debt before any justice of the peace, as debts of like amount are by law recoverable, and every epetition of said offence shall be considered and punished as a new ofence, and every person so employed who, upon demand, shall refuse to xhibit his license shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars, to be ecovered in the same manner and for the same use as aforesaid.

SECTION 3. That the standard weight for coal in the borough of Standard weight Greensburg, in the county of Westmoreland, shall be seventy-five pounds of coal. o the bushel, and that the burgess and town council of said borough nay, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to pass such ordiances as will be necessary to prevent the sale of coal in said borough, therwise than by the standard weight herein specified, which weight hall be ascertained and determined by the public scales in the said boough, and said burgess and town council shall have power to impose uch fines and forfeitures as they may deem necessary to insure a faithul compliance with said ordinances, and collect the same as like fines nd forfeitures are by law collected.

SECTION 4. That Eli Benschoof, John Galbraith, Daniel Goughenour, Commissioners. Hillis Harris, Samuel L. Gorgas, R. B. Gazely, or any three of them,

e, and are hereby appointed commissioners to open books, receive sub

criptions, and organize a company in accordance with and subject to Subject to prohe provisions of an act regulating turnpike and plank road companies, visions of cerpproved twenty-sixth of January, one thousand eight hundred and tain act. orty-nine, and supplements thereto, to be styled the Hinkson's Run Style. lank road company, for the purpose of constructing a plank road from ohnstown, Cambria county, to the Northern turnpike road, at or near Location. amuel Davis', on said road, near Eli Benchoof's mill, and the valley f Hinkson's run.

SECTION 5. That the capital stock of said company shall consist of Capital stock. ne thousand shares, of twenty-five dollars each, to be increased suffiiently to complete said road, if necessary, by a majority of the stock


SECTION 6. That from and after the passage of this act, that Martin Trustees. V. Dingman, Joseph Lattimore, and Cornelius M'Carty, be, and are ereby appointed trustees of the Delaware academy, in the county of 'ike; the first named for three years, the second two years, and the hird one year; the said trustees and their successors to have and exerise the same power and authority as was vested in the trustees of said cademy by the original act of incorporation, approved the fourth day f March, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen.


SECTION 7. That the qualified electors of the township of Delaware, Election of a n the county of Pike, at the election for constables, &c., in the year ne thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, and annually thereafter, hall elect one person for trustee of said academy, to serve for three ears, and in case any vacancy in said board of trustees shall occur hrough death, resignation, or removal from the township, said vacancy hall be supplied by the remaining member or members of the board, until the next annual election, when such vacancy shall be filled by a ote of the people as aforesaid; that so much of the act of the fourth of Repeal. March, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, as is hereby altered ›r supplied, be, and the same is hereby repealed.

ree co.

Stroud tp.,Mon- SECTION 8. That from and after the passage of this act, that part of the township of Stroud, in the county of Monroe, not included within the limits of the borough of Stroudsburg, shall be hereafter a separate and new township, school, and election district, to be called Stroud township, for all township, school, and election purposes, and the place of holding the general and township elections, shall be at the hous now occupied by Abraham and Simeon Barry, in the borough of Strouds burg, and that Robert W. Swink, be, and is hereby appointed judge, and Franklin Starbird and John Huston are hereby appointed inspec tors, to hold the elections in said township, until the proper officers for that purpose are elected, in accordance with the election laws of this Commonwealth.

Claim of Joshua

SECTION 9. That the Canal Commissioners, be, and they are herety authorized and directed to examine the claim of Joshua Morrison, d Granville township, Mifflin county, for damages sustained by him by the breaking down of a canal bridge, on the nineteenth March, ore thousand eight hundred and fifty-two.


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APPROVED-The fourth day of May, A. D., one thousand eight hus

dred and fifty-two.

No. 357.



Relative to certain claims for damages on the Shenango line of the Erie extension.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the canal commissioners be, and they are hereby authorized to re-examine any claim for damages done to private property by the construction of the Shenango line of the Erie extension of the Pennsylvania canal where an adverse award has been made, and where additional testimony has been adduced, which, if it had been presented at the former investigation of the claim might probably have changed the character of the award, and that in all such cases the said commissioners shall report the facts and the amount of damage sustained, if any, to the Legislature, also the claims of David Scawden, Dyer Woodworth, Edward Herrington, on the French Creek feeder.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The fourth day of May, A. D., one thousand eight hun

dred and fifty-two.


No. 358.


To charter the Darby and Upper Darby Plank Road Company; relative to the Chester and Crookville Turnpike or Plank Road Company; to the old Methodist church in Wilkesbarre; and to the estate of James C. Fisher, deceased.

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SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Joseph M. Bunting, Daniel S. White, Albert Worral, Robert M. Smith, Commissioners. Charles Kelly, John H. Bunting, Joseph Hibbert, Edward Garrett, Christopher Fallon, Joseph Bunting, Evans E. Russell, Oborn Levis, Samuel Levis, Isaac Garrett, William Worral, Jacob S. Serrill, Athelbert Lobb, Joseph Allen, J. Mulford, and George Drayton, or a majority of them, be, and they are hereby authorized and appointed commissioners to open books, and receive subscriptions, and organize a company by the name, style, and title, of "The Darby and Upper Style. Darby plank road company," with power to construct a plank road from the village of Darby to the Garrett road, passing over, along, and upon Location. the bed of the present road leading from the aforesaid village of Darby

to the above mentioned Garrett road, subject to the provisions and re- Subject to prostrictions of an act regulating turnpike and plank road companies, visions of cerpassed the twenty-sixth of January, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, tain act. and the supplement thereto, with the exception that the Darby and Upper Darby plank road company shall be permitted to make but one

track not less than eight feet wide.

SECTION 2. That the capital stock of said company shall consist of Capital stock. three hundred shares at twenty-five dollars per share: Provided, That Proviso. the said company may, from time to time, by a vote of the stockholders at a meeting called for that purpose, increase their capital so much as may in their opinion be necessary to complete the road and to carry out

the true intent and meaning of this act.

SECTION 3. That if said company shall not commence the construc- Commencement tion of their road within three years, and complete the same within ten and completion years after the passage of this act it shall be null and void, except so of the work. far as may be necessary to wind up the affairs and pay the debts of said


SECTION 4. That so much of the act of Assembly incorporating a Repeal. company to construct a turnpike or plank road from Chester to Crookville, and from said road to Media, as requires the construction of such road from Shoemakerville to Media, be, and the same is hereby repealed.

WHEREAS, The old Methodist church building standing upon the town Preamble. plot of the borough of Wilkesbarre, has ceased to be occupied by the Methodist congregation for purposes of divine worship, said congregation having erected a new and more convenient church building for that purpose, and it is proposed by the present owners to convert said old church into a building for common schools for the borough of Wilkesbarre, in the county of Luzerne; therefore,

SECTION 5. That the said owners of the aforesaid building be autho- Transfer. rized and empowered to sell and transfer the same to the school direc


tors of the borough of Wilkesbarre and their successors in office for the purpose of being converted into a building for common schools in and for the borough of Wilkesbarre, in the county of Luzerne.

Trustees inves- SECTION 6. That the trustees for the time being of the estates of the reted with certain spective grand-daughters of James C. Fisher, deceased, in the act to which this is a supplement mentioned, are hereby authorized and empowered to unite with the other owners of individual shares of the real estate of the said James C. Fisher, deceased, remaining undivided and unsold in the improvement of the same by the alteration and existing buildings upon vacant lots or spaces, and for that purpose to pay and apply so much of the principal or capital of the personal estate of their respective trusts as may be requisite and proper in proportion to their respective shares and interest in the said real estate: Provided, That the rents which may be reserved or payable upon such improved real estate shall be received by the executors of the said James C. Fisher, and after payment of all taxes, charges, and the expenses relating to the premises shall be divided equally among the parties interested in the said estate: And provided also, That nothing herein contained shall be taken or deemed to interfere with or abrogate the powers given by the will of the said James C. Fisher, or by the said act of Assembly for the sale of the said real estate or of any undivided interest in the same after such improvement shall have been made.


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APPROVED-The fourth day of May, A. D., one thousand eight kun

dred and fifty-two.

No. 359.




For the erection of independent school districts in the counties of Indiana and Greene; relating to the Female Seminary of the borough of Indiana, and to the Columbus and State line plank road.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That all that part of Indiana county lying within the following bounds, to wit: school district Beginning at the mouth of Ross' run; thence up said run, including the farm of William Williamson, to where it intersects the Jefferson road; thence north including lands and dwellings of Henry Vanhorn, and Henry Kinter, to Frederick Hoover's; thence west from said Hoover's, including lands of David Black and Catherine Kinter, to Catharine Kinter's mill; thence in a straight line from said mill to the


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