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SECTION 8. That no misnomer of said corporation shall defeat or an- Misnomer. nul any gift, grant, devise, or bequest to the said corporation: Provided, That the intent of the parties shall sufficiently appear in said gift, grant, will, or other writing, whereby any estate or interest in any thing real or personal was intended to pass to said corporation.

[blocks in formation]

APPROVED. The twenty-seventh day of April, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two.


No. 287.


Relating to official printing in the county of Luzerne.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennnsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the twentieth section of an act of Assembly entitled "An act regulating certain election districts, and for other purposes," passed the twelfth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, be, and the same is hereby repealed.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED The twenty-seventh day of April, A. D., one thousand

eight hundred and fifty-two.


No. 288.


To incorporate the Hiland and Rochester Track-way Road Company; and relative to viewers of roads in Indiana county.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Commissioners. A. P. Lacock, Joseph Irvin, Israel Gray, Lewis Reno, Samuel Stiles,



Subject to provisions of cer

tain act. Exception.

Capital stock.


and completion of road.

F. Reno, Geo. Spoyerer, Jacob Wagoner, Thomas Hayes, Thomas
McKee, John Garver, Henry Woolf, William Dunlap, Senior, David
White, James McElheny, Martin Snyder, William Breitenstine, Charles
McGuire, and John Downey, of Beaver county, and William Nealy,
Senior, David Duff, Esquire, Samuel Woods, Henry Young, Phil. Wig-
gins, James Nealy, Senior, Jonas Willowby, Thos. Means, Joseph Means,
John Simpson, S. S. Shields, and John Brown, of Allegheny county, be,
and they are hereby appointed commissioners to open books, receive sub-
scriptions, and organize a company by the name, style, and title, of
"The Hiland and Rochester Track-way Road Company," with power
to construct a track-way road from the Allegheny and Perrysville plank
road, at or near the farm of Robert Hilands, in Allegheny county, to
the village of Rochester, in Beaver county, on or near the Three Degree
State road, between said points laid out by an act of the General As-
sembly, passed the eighteenth day of March, one thousand eight hun-
dred and fifty-one, with privilege and authority to extend the same to
New Brighton, by the nearest and best route as the stockholders and
directors may determine upon, subject to all the provisions and restric-
tions of an act regulating turnpike and plank road companies, passed
the twenty-sixth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-
nine, excepting that portion of the eleventh section of said act relating
to the general construction of said turnpike and plank roads, and the
company hereby incorporated shall have power to lay out their road of
any width not exceeding forty-seven feet; thirty-three feet of which
shall be graded and shaped in such manner as may be necessary for laying
on a double track of track-way road, and so nearly level that it shall in no
place raise or fall more than will form an angle of three degrees with a!
horizontal line, each track to be of such width as the stockholders and
directors may deem necessary and convenient for wheel vehicles to travel
upon, also excepting that portion of the thirteenth section of said act
relating to width of wheels, and the company hereby incorporated shall
have power to regulate their tolls within the limits prescribed by said
thirteenth section, and may in all cases determine upon the width of
wheel to travel upon their road.

SECTION 2. That the capital stock of said company shall consist of twelve hundred shares at twenty-five dollars per share: Provided, That said company may, from time to time, by a vote of the stockholders, at a meeting called for that purpose, increase their capital stock so much as in their opinion may be necessary to complete the road and to carry out the true intent and meaning of this act.

SECTION 3. That if said company shall not commence the construction of their road within one year after the passage of this act, and

complete the same within five years thereafter, this act shall be null and void, except so far as the same' may be necessary to wind up the affairs and pay the debts of the company.

diana co.

SECTION 4. That from and after the passage of this act, any person Compensation employed in viewing or reviewing, laying out, or vacating any road in of viewers of the county of Indiana, being appointed by order of the Court of Quar- roads acting as ter Sessions of the peace in and for said county, who shall act as sursurveyors in In. veyor in viewing, reviewing, laying out or vacating the road mentioned in said order of court, shall be paid one dollar and fifty cents for each and every day by him necessarily spent in viewing, reviewing, laying out, or vacating and making draft and report of such road to be paid in manner directed by the acts of Assembly in such cases made and provided.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twenty-seventh day of April, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two.


No. 289.


Relative to the election of Judges.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That in the event of any vacancy occurring in any judgeship in this Commonwealth by death, resignation, removal from office, the failure to elect, or otherwise, the Governor shall appoint some suitable person to fill such vacancy until the first Monday in December following the next general election, and the qualified electors shall at the first general election which shall happen more than three calendar months after the vacancy shall occur, elect in the manner provided by the act of the fifteenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, entitled "An Act to provide for the election of judges of the several courts of this Commonwealth, and to regulate certain judicial districts," a suitable person to fill such office for the full term authorized by the Constitution of this Commonwealth, and so much of any law as is hereby altered or supplied, be, and the same is hereby repealed.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED. The twenty-seventh day of April, A. D., one thousand


eight hundred and fifty-two.




No. 288.


To incorporate the Hiland and Rochester Track-way Road Company; and relative to viewers of roads in Indiana county.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Commissioners. A. P. Lacock, Joseph Irvin, Israel Gray, Lewis Reno, Samuel Stiles, F. Reno, Geo. Spoyerer, Jacob Wagoner, Thomas Hayes, Thomas McKee, John Garver, Henry Woolf, William Dunlap, Senior, David White, James McElheny, Martin Snyder, William Breitenstine, Charles McGuire, and John Downey, of Beaver county, and William Nealy, Senior, David Duff, Esquire, Samuel Woods, Henry Young, Phil. Wig. gins, James Nealy, Senior, Jonas Willowby, Thos. Means, Joseph Means, John Simpson, S. S. Shields, and John Brown, of Allegheny county, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners to open books, receive subscriptions, and organize a company by the name, style, and title, of "The Hiland and Rochester Track-way Road Company," with power to construct a track-way road from the Allegheny and Perrysville plank road, at or near the farm of Robert Hilands, in Allegheny county, to the village of Rochester, in Beaver county, on or near the Three Degree State road, between said points laid out by an act of the General As sembly, passed the eighteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, with privilege and authority to extend the same to New Brighton, by the nearest and best route as the stockholders and Subject to pro- directors may determine upon, subject to all the provisions and restric tions of an act regulating turnpike and plank road companies, passed the twenty-sixth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fortynine, excepting that portion of the eleventh section of said act relating to the general construction of said turnpike and plank roads, and the company hereby incorporated shall have power to lay out their road of any width not exceeding forty-seven feet; thirty-three feet of which shall be graded and shaped in such manner as may be necessary for laying on a double track of track-way road, and so nearly level that it shall in no place raise or fall more than will form an angle of three degrees with a horizontal line, each track to be of such width as the stockholders and directors may deem necessary and convenient for wheel vehicles to travel upon, also excepting that portion of the thirteenth section of said act relating to width of wheels, and the company hereby incorporated shall have power to regulate their tolls within the limits prescribed by said thirteenth section, and may in all cases determine upon the width of wheel to travel upon their road.

visions of certain act. Exception.

Capital stock.


and completion of road.

SECTION 2. That the capital stock of said company shall consist of twelve hundred shares at twenty-five dollars per share: Provided, That said company may, from time to time, by a vote of the stockholders, at a meeting called for that purpose, increase their capital stock so much as in their opinion may be necessary to complete the road and to carry out the true intent and meaning of this act.

SECTION 3. That if said company shall not commence the construc tion of their road within one year after the passage of this act, and

complete the same within five years thereafter, this act shall be null and void, except so far as the same' may be necessary to wind up the affairs and pay the debts of the company.

diana eo.

SECTION 4. That from and after the passage of this act, any person Compensation employed in viewing or reviewing, laying out, or vacating any road in of viewers of the county of Indiana, being appointed by order of the Court of Quar- roads acting as ter Sessions of the peace in and for said county, who shall act as sursurveyors in Inveyor in viewing, reviewing, laying out or vacating the road mentioned in said order of court, shall be paid one dollar and fifty cents for each and every day by him necessarily spent in viewing, reviewing, laying out, or vacating and making draft and report of such road to be paid in manner directed by the acts of Assembly in such cases made and provided.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twenty-seventh day of April, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two.


No. 289.


Relative to the election of Judges.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That in the event of any vacancy occurring in any judgeship in this Commonwealth by death, resignation, removal from office, the failure to elect, or otherwise, the Governor shall appoint some suitable person to fill such vacancy until the first Monday in December following the next general election, and the qualified electors shall at the first general election which shall happen more than three calendar months after the vacancy shall occur, elect in the manner provided by the act of the fifteenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, entitled "An Act to provide for the election of judges of the several courts of this Commonwealth, and to regulate certain judicial districts," a suitable person to fill such office for the full term authorized by the Constitution of this Commonwealth, and so much of any law as is hereby altered or supplied, be, and the same is hereby repealed.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED. The twenty-seventh day of April, A. D., one thousand

eight hundred and fifty-two.


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