2073 k. & w. 623 p. 700k. 1000w. 300p. Confederate loss heavier. 29 k. Unions "etreated. Maj. Arlington killed. Confederate loss computed to be much greater. Capt. Connet captured. Confed, loss much greater. Maj. Fitzsimons wounded. Confederates defeated. 46 Gen. N. P. Banks Gens. Ewell and 26 Near Winchester, Va........ Col. Cluseret... Gen. Jackson... u 12 Near Village Creek, Ark..... Col. Brackett... Capt. Hooker... 64 14 On James Island, S. C.... 15 On James Island, Secession ville, S. C.. Gen. Benham.. Col. Lamar.... 2000 prisoners and large supplies taken. 20 k. & w., 156 p..6 officers were captured, 2 en gines, and 11 cars. Confederates defeated. 8 k. 5 w 2 w. 11 k. 1222 p.. 2800 k. 3897 w... 574 m. tk. 13 w. 13 W. k. 19 w. 15 k. 2 w. federate loss about 1000. Confederate killed and wounded left on the field. 28 k., W., and p... Confederates defeated. 17 k. 8 w...... 385 k., w., and p.. 40 k. 100 w..... Unions defeated. June 18 Near Smithville, Ark. 25 Oak Grove, Va.. 26 Chickahominy.. 27 Near Richmond 64 27 Gaines' Mills, Va.. Maj. Zeley... Capt Jones.... 1 Malvern Hill, Va. (7 days.)...Gen. McClellan. Gen. Lee. Maj. Caldwell.. Col. Porter 27 Village Creek, Ark.. 23 Florida, Mo..... 44 16 Low Jack, Mo.. 15 Merriwether's Landing, Tenn. Col. T. W. Harris Capt. Barfield.. Maj. Foster. ... Col. Coffee..... Capt Moore... |