1871...... 19,472 13,033 678,716 46 560,595 08 1872...... 18,246 13,590 699,726 39 665,591 36 1873...... 20,414 12,864 703,191 77 691,178 98 1874...... 1875 21,602 13,599 738,278 17 679,288 41 ..... 21,638 16,288 743,453 36 721,657 71 TABLE.-Showing the number of Patents issued for each of the following mechanical devices since the organization of the U. S. Patent Office : Bee-hives.... 645 Bending-machines for wood and metal. 144 therein. 817 ... Year. POSTAL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. No. of Post Offices. Miles of Post Roads. Postal Expense. Postal Income. ............. $32,140.00 231,905.00 404,968.00 1,160,926.00 1,959,100.00 4,718,325.64 5,212,953.43 14,874,772.89 23,998,837.63 29,084,945.67 33,263,488.00 33,449,899.00 THE VOTES FOR THE PRESIDENTS. Year. Candidates. 1789-George Washington. Electoral Vote. Unanimous 1796-John Adams 71 Thomas Jefferson. 69 1800-Thomas Jefferson. 73 Aaron Burr. 73 John Adams 65 1804-Thomas Jefferson 148 C. C. Pinckney. ..28 1808-James Madison. 122 1828-Andrew Jackson... John Q. Adams 1832-Andrew Jackson... Henry Clay. 1836-Martin Van Buren Wm. H. Harrison. 1840-Wm. H. Harrison.. Martin Van Buren 1844-James K. Polk. Henry Clay.... 1848-Zachary Taylor. Lewis Cass... Martin Van Buren. 1852-Franklin Pierce. Winfield Scott. John P. Hale.... 1856-James Buchanan. John C. Fremont.. 186C-Abraham Lincoln J. C. Breckenridge.. 1864-Abraham Lincoln George B. McClellan. 1868-Ulysses S. Grant. Horatio Seymour. 1872-Ulysses S. Grant.... Horace Greeley.... 1876-Ruthaford B. Hayes. Samuel J. Tilden.... Peter Cooper...... 1880- Jas. A. Garfield...... Winfield S. Hancock. 214 155 99 41 37 178 83 219 49 11 7 170 121 234 60 .170 .105 .163 127 .. .254 42 174 122 8 .180 123 12 39 ..213 21 Popular Vote. Dem. Dem. Fed. Dem. Fed. Dein. Fed. Dem. Dem. Dem. Fed.. Dem. Fed. Fed. 105,321 Dem. 2,709,613 Lib. 2,834,079. .Rep. 4,033,295. .Dem. 4,284.265. Greenback 81,737. Prohibition 9,522. Rep. 4,450,921 Dem. 4.447,888. G'b'k. 307.740. ..Pro. 10,305. Dem. 155,872.. . Dem. 44,282 Whig. 46,587. Dem. 647,231.. Fed. 509,097. Dem. 687,502 Whig. 530,189. Ind. Anti M.. Dem. 761,549. Whig 736,656. Whig 1,275,011 Dem. 1,135,761.. Dem. 1,337,243.. Whig. 1,361,362... Whig. 1,360,099. Dem. 1,220,544. Free Soil. 291,263. Dem. 1,601,474. Whig 1,542,403... Abolitionist 157,296. .Dem. 1,838,169. .Rep. 2,215,798. .Am. 874,707.... Rep. 1,866,352 Dem. 2,810,501. Dem. 1,365,978... Union. 590,631 Rep. 2,216,067. Dem. 1,808.725. Rep. 3,015,071 .214 80 ..300 66 185 184 |