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as the Granite State.

First settled by Puritans at Dover and

Portsmouth in 1623; formerly embraced in the charter of

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Elizabeth, the Virgin Queen of England, and popularly known as The Old Dominion, or Mother of States. First settled by the English at Jamestown in 1607. Chartered April 10, 1606. Formed a Constitution July 5, 1776.

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So named in honor of the Duke of York, and popularly known as the Empire or Excelsior State. First settled by the Dutch on Manhattan Island in 1614. Granted to the Duke of York, March 20, 1664.

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So named in honor of King Charles IX. of France, and popularly known as the Old North or Turpentine State. First settled by the English at Albemarle, in 1650. Chartered March 20, 1663. Adopted a Constitution December 18, 1776.

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It derives its name from the Island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean, and is popularly known as Little Rhoda. First settled by Roger Williams at Providence in 1636.

Chartered by

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March 4, 1791.

Area, 10,212 sq. miles.

Capital, MONTPELIER. Pop. 1870,330,551.

So named from the French vert mont, the Green Mountains, and popularly known as the Green Mountain State. First settled at Fort Dummer in 1764. Formed from territory belonging to New York.



June 1, 1792.

Area, 37,600 sq. miles.)
Pop. 1870, 1,320,011.

So called from its



principal river, and popularly known as the State of the Dark and Bloody Ground. First settled near Lexington, in 1775. Formed from territory belonging to Virginia.

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principal river, and popularly known as the Big-Band State. Formed from territory belonging to North Carolina in 1790. Constitution adopted February 6, 1796.

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Dec. 11, 1816. Area, 33,809 sq. miles. Capital, INDIANAPOLIS.

Pop.1870, 1,680,637

So named from the

American Indians, and popularly known as The Hoosier State. First settled at Vincennes in 1730. Formed from North-West territory. Constitutution adopted June 29, 1816.





Nov. 29, 1802. Area, 39,964 sq. miles. Capital, COLUMBUS. Pop.1870, 2,665,260.

So called from its

principal river, and popularly known as the Buckeye State. First settled at Marietta in 1788. Formed from North-West territory. Constitution adopted November 1, 1802.

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So named in honor of Louis XIV. and popularly known as The Creole State. First settled at Iberville in 1699; formed from French territory. Constitution adopted in January 22, 1812.

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So named from its principal river, the name signifying Muddy water. Formed from French territory; first settled in 1764, at St. Louis. Constitution. adopted July 19, 1820.

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So named from Lake Michigan, an Indian term, meaning a river for fish, and popularly known as The Wolverine State. Formed from the northwestern territory. First settled in 1650, on the Detroit river. Constitution adopted January 25, 1833.

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So named from its principal river, the name meaning the river of men, and popularly known as The Suck r or Prairie State. Formed from Northwest Territory; first settled at Kaskaskia in 1720. Constitution adopted Aug. 26, 1818.

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So named from its Western boundary, and popularly known as The Bayou State. First settled at Natchez in 1716; formed from territory of South Carolina and Georgia. Constitution adopted March 1, 1817.

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