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CABINET OFFICERS, 7TH ADMINISTRATION-1829-1837. Secretaries of State. Martin Van Buren, N. Y.; Edward Livingston, La.; Lewis McLane, Del.; John Forsyth, Ga. Secretaries of the Treasury. S. D. Ingham, Pa.; Louis McLane, Del.; Wm J. Duane, Pa.; Roger B. Taney, Md. Levi Woodbury, N. H.

Secretaries of War. John H. Eaton, Tenn.; Lewis Cass, O. Secretaries of the Navy. John Branch, N. C.; Levi Woodbury, N. H.; Mahlon Dickerson, N. J.

Post Masters-General. Wm. T. Barry, Ky.; A. Kendall, Ky. Attorneys-General. John M. Berrien ; Roger B. Taney, Md.; Benjamin F. Butler, N. Y.


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MARTIN VAN BUREN, Eighth President of the United States, was a descendant of Holland ancestry, and was born on a farm at Kinderhook, Columbia Co., N. Y., September 5th, 1782. He inherited a clear, logical intellect, which was quickened by academic culture. At the age of fourteen he began the study of law, and seven years later was duly admitted to practice. After a few years, spent in his native village, he established himself at Hudson. He early evinced a taste for politics, and before he attained his majority was a delegate at a county convention. In 1808, he assumed his first public office, that of Surrogate of Columbia Co. He was elected to the State Senate in 1812, and re-elected in 1816. In 1815, he was appointed Attorney-General of New York. In 1821, he was elected from New York to the United States Senate, where he continued until 1828, when he resigned to become Governor of New York. In the New York Senate he was a prominent leader in the Madison party, and when transferred to the Senate at Washington, he was a staunch supporter of the Democracy of those times. On the first day of January, 1829, he entered upon the gubernatorial duties of the State of New York, but in March following resigned to become Secretary of State in President Jackson's Cabinet. In 1831, President Jackson reorganized his Cabinet, accepting the resignation of Mr. Van Buren, but appointing him at once Minister to England. He proceeded to London, but, on the assembling of Congress, the Senate refused to confirm his appointment. He immediately returned to the United States. Mr. Calhoun, the Vice-President, having cast the deciding vote in the Senate against his appointment to England, was left out in the political slate at the national convention in the following May, and Van Buren was nominated to the second place on the ticket with Jackson, and was triumphantly elected.

On the 4th of March, 1837, he was inaugurated President of the United States, having been elected as the successor of Andrew Jackson. Mr. Jackson's financial measures and his war on the banks culminated, soon after his retirement, in the most disastrous monetary depression that has ever overtaken the country. Mr. Van Buren was held responsible. The Seminole War dragged wearily; the anti-slavery agitation increased, and the administration lost favor steadily until its close, when Mr. Van Buren retired to Kinderhook, to ap

pear again, in 1848, as a candidate for the Presidency on the "Free Soil" ticket, when he was defeated. He died at Kinderhook, July 24th, 1862, aged eighty years. Mr. Van Buren was a statesman of more than ordinary grasp ; he was gentleman of cultivated tastes and of amiable disposition.

RICHARD M. JOHNSON, Vice-President, was born near Louisville, Ky., Oct. 17, 1780.

He served as colonel in the Indian wars under Harrison was twelve years a representative in Congress from Ky.; and was elected to the United States Senate. He served four years as President of the Senate. In the Presidential campaign of 1836, no candidate for Vice-President received a majority of the electoral votes, and he was elected Vice-President by the Senate. He died at Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 19, 1850.

For President. | From. | For Vice-Pres. | From | Politics.
Martin Van Buren, N. Y. R. M. Johnson, Ky. Democrat.
Wm. H. Harrison, Ohio. Francis Granger, N. Y. Whig.
H. L. White,
Tenn. John Tyler, Va. Indepen.
Daniel Webster, Mass. William Smith, Ala. Whig.


Twenty-six states voting, Arkansas and Michigan having

been admitted during previous term. Whole number of Electors, 294.

For President.

Martin Van Buren 762,149 votes, electoral votes 170.

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W. P. Mangum, N. Ca. Total opposition vote 11.

For Vice-President.


R. M. Johnson, electoral votes 147. Francis Granger, 77.

John Tyler,

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No candidate for Vice-Pres. received a majority of the electoral votes and R. M. Johnson was elected by the Senate. Important Events of 8th Administration.

1837 March 4. Martin Van Buren inaugurated President. Independence of Texas acknowledged.

- Great financial distress. Banks suspend specie payment. Failures amounting to over $200,000,000 in New York city in March and April. Extra session of Congress called Sept. 4, to devise relief. Nov. 7. Riot at Alton, Ill.; Rev. E. P. Lovejoy mobbed and killed for anti-slavery sentiments.

1838 The Mormons driven from Missouri.

The Canadian Rebellion caused by disloyal English and Americans attempting to set up an independent govern


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