of it." And when, in 1797, President Adams, anticipating war with France, called him once more to the command of the American Army, he reiterated the same sentiment. "I must decline," said he, "having my acceptance considered as drawing after it any immediate charge upon the public; or that I can receive any emolument annexed to the appoint ment, before entering into a situation to incur expense." How generous and self-sacrificing the conduct of this great chieftain appears, especially when contrasted with the grasping, self-seeking spirit of the most of men! On the 3d of July, 1775, he assumed command of the army at Cambridge, Mass. The evacuation of Boston by the British; the transfer of the war to New York; the masterly retreat through the Jerseys; and the subsequent brilliant career of Washington as a military leader, are familiar to all readers of history. In 1789 he was unanimously elected to the Presidency, and inaugurated amid great demonstrations of popular favor, on the 30th of April, 1789. In 1794 he was re-elected, and served the nation with the same fidelity and success that had so pre-eminently distinguished his previous career. non. He died on the 14th of December, 1799, at Mount VerDistant nations were smitten with sorrow when he died, and wept with his own beloved nation, as her tears fell upon the grave of the citizen and soldier. "First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President. -For biographical sketch, see Second Administration. Electoral Vote. - First Administration, 1st Term.Under the Constitution as it then existed, each elector voted for two candidates; the one receiving the highest number of votes was declared President, and the next highest Vice-President. Ten States voting-Va., N. H., Mass., Conn., N. J., Pa., Del., Md., S. Ca., and Ga. Whole number of Electors, 69. N. Ca. and R. I. had not ratified the Constitution, and N. Y. had failed to make provisions for electors. George Washington, of Va., irrespective of party, received the unanimous vote, 69. John Adams, of Mass., 34, and was declared Vice-President. John Jay, N. Y., 9. R. H. Harrison, Md., 6 John Rutledge, S. Ca., 6. John Hancock, Mass., 4. Sam'l Huntington, Ct., 2. Jas. Armstrong, Ga., 1. Benj. Lincoln, Mass., 1. Geo. Clinton, N. Y., 3. John Milton, Ga., 2. Edw'd Telfair, Ga., 1. Electoral Vote.-1st Administration, 2d Term. Fifteen States voting-R. I. and N. Ca. having ratified the Constitution, and two new States had been admitted, Vt. and Ky. Whole number of Electors, 132. George Washington, of Va., for President, received 132 votes, and was declared unanimously elected. John Adams, of Mass., for Vice-President, received 77 votes. Geo. Clinton, N. Y., 50; Thos. Jefferson, Va., 4; Aaron Burr, N. Y., 1. Important Events of First Administration. 1789 March 4. The first Congress under the Constitution met in Federal Hall, Wall St., New York City; James Langdon, N. H., Pres. pro tem. - April 30. Geo. Washington took the oath of office as President, administered by Chancellor Liv. ingston. 1790 First census of U. S. taken -3,929,326. The Register of the Treasury reported the estimated cost of the seven years' war at $135,000,000. April 17. Benjamin Franklin died, aged 84. 1791 United States Bank established, Philadelphia. March 4. Vermont admitted into the Union. 1792 June 1. Kentucky admitted into the Union. United States Mint established. 1793 Congress adopts the Fugitive Slave Bill. Coal mines discovered at Lehigh, Pa. 1794 Gen. Wayne defeats the Indians on the frontier. 1795 Jay's Treaty with Great Britain ratified. The Cotton-gin invented by Eli Whitney. 1796 June 1. Tennessee admitted into the Union. - Sept. 17. Washington issues his Farewell Address. CABINET OFFICERS, 1ST ADMINISTRATION-1789 Tο 1797. Secretaries of State-Thomas Jefferson, Va.; Edmund Randolph, Va.; T. Pickering, Mass. Secretaries of Treasury-Alexander Hamilton, N. Y.; Oliver Wolcott, Conn. Secretaries of War and Nav-Henry Knox, Mass.; T Pickering, Mass.; James McHenry, Md. Postmasters General-Sam'l Osgood, Mass.; T. Picker ing, Mass.; Jos. Habersham, Ga. Attorneys-General-Edmund Randolph, Va.; Wm. Brad JOHN ADAMS. - Second President of the United States, was born at Braintree, Mass., Oct. 19th, 1735. His ancestry may be traced back to Henry Adams, who settled at Braintree, in 1640. His early educational advantages were of a very superior order. He was a good student and graduated at Harvard, 1755. He devoted himself for a time to teaching and to the study of law, and in Oct. 1758, was admitted to the bar as Attorney at Law. In 1764, he married Abigail Smith, whose ancestors were of Colonial fame. He became a prominent actor in the stirring events and scenes of the times. His first political step of any special significance was taken by the delivery of an address in op |