EXONERETUR cannot be entered by a judge of the Circuit Court, at his chambers EXPATRIATION. No man can expatriate himself without the 276 461 consent of his government FORFEITURE, under the Embargo. See Acts of Congress. HIGHWAYS, the use of, belongs to the publick, but the 535 HITCHEN D. WILSON, reported 275 276 JONES v. SMITH reported JURISDICTION. The Circuit Court of the United States cannot grant a writ of injunction in a case state Of the Examining Court in Virginia A Circuit Court of the United States cannot en- The jurisdiction of the courts of the United - A ship of war belonging to a friendly power, INDENTURE 63 78 ib. 250 Silva, an infant slave in the island of Cuba, 110 ILLEGITIMATE. Whether the lawful issue of a bastard can inherit property devised to his father by his 457 INSTRUCTIONS. Resolutions of the legislature of Virginia, on the right of that body to give instructions to the members of the Senate of the U. S. LEIGH'S MR. resolutions in the Virginia legislature, on the LIVINGSTON et al. v. VAN INGEN et al., reported v. Jefferson LOCATION. See Ejectment. See Evidence. 571 623 120 571 56, 169 78 LIBEL. LIEN. Where cordage and other materials are furnished, LICENSES, British, cases under 88 473, 485, 505 NON-IMPORTATION. See Acts of Congress. ORDERS IN COUNCIL, cases arising under the 279, 289, 505 505 PATENT-RIGHT. The acts of Congress respecting patent- PEOPLE THE V. FERRIS 209 PENNSYLVANIA, Debates in the convention of, on the consti- RECORDS, how to be authenticated, according to the laws of RECAPTURES. Provisions of the Consolato del Mare, on TRESPASS, Action for, not barred by action for mesne profits 126 VINCENT U. CONRAD reported 1 WARRANTY, The doctrine of, discussed. Mr. Martin's opinion 129 In the sale of a horse, exemplified 620 WAGES SEAMENS'. Where a vessel had been captured and So, where a vessel was sent in for adjudication, WILLIAMS'S CASE.-Mr. Martin's opinion WOODRUFF D. SHIP Dearborn case of, reported 275 275 278 129 - 88 620 254 WILKINSON GEN. The attorney general's opinion, on his accounts ZODIACK, Judgment in the case of the . .. Pennsylvania-Munns v. De Nemours. Malicious Prosecution. : 102 Translation of a Turkish Power of Attorney. Notes of Cases decided in the General Court of Maryland. TO WHICH IS ADDED, A SUPPLEMENT, containing an Abridgment of the Laws of Maryland for the year 1809, (containing those General Laws which are omitted in Maxcy's Edition) and the Acts of general interest passed in 1810, and the |