INDEX. Agricultural Fund-Act creating an agent to receive Associate Justice-Act assigning Attachments and Garnishments-Act governing writs of Bear River-Act granting right to build a toll bridge Cities-Act to amend the charters of certain Congress-Memorial to Counties-Act for the organization of new Counties-Act for creating two new Counties-Act for changing county seats of Sanpete and Defrauding, etc.-Act in relation to 66 Delinquent Taxes-Resolution authorizing the collection of 89 Governor-Complimentary resolution to the 90 91 Great Salt Lake City--Act amending charter of 11 58 Jordan Irrigation Company-Act to amend the act incor. porating 6 Irrigation Companies--Act to incorporate INDEX. Lands-Resolution in relation to grants of Library-Tooele City Logan City-Act to incorporate Moneys-Act authorizing to collect Notaries Public-for Great Salt Lake and other counties Ogden Kanyon Road Company-Act to incorporate Payson-Act to incorporate the city of School Laws-Act consolidating and amending Taxes-Territorial and County Tooele City-Act changing boundary of Uiata Road Company-Act to incorporate Weber Kanyon Road Company-Act to incorporate ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS OF THE TERRITORY OF UTAH. AN ACT For the relief of A. P. Rockwood, Warden of the Peni- Dec. 18, 1864. tentiary. SEO. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legisla tive Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That the sum of three hundred and ninety-two dollars, and eighty-one cents, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Territorial Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to re-imburse A. P. Rockwood, Warden of the Penitentiary, the amount expended by him for feeding, clothing and guarding convicts, up to Dec. 1, 1864. GEORGE A. SMITH, President of the Council. JOHN TAYLOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved Dec. 19, 1864, JAMES DUANE DOTY, Governor Utah Territory. AN ACT Jan. 17, 1885. To amend an Act to Incorporate the Jordan Irrigation Company. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That the second second section of "An Act to incorporate the Jordan Irrigation company," approved Jan. 17, 1862, be amended to read-The aforesaid company.shall have the right and privilege, and the same is hereby conferred, to erect and construct a dam or dams across the Jordan river, and take out the waters on both sides thereof at any point not exceeding twelve miles above Jordan bridge, on north Temple street, Great Salt Lake city; and to conduct the same in a suitable canal or canals, on the most practicable route or routes in Great Salt Lake county, as far as it may be necessary, to water or irri gate lands: provided, said company be held responsible for any damage done thereby. SEC. 2. That the said company is authorized to increase their capital stock to two hundred thousand dollars. GEORGE A. SMITH, Fresident of the Council. JOHN TAYLOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved, Jan. 7, 1865. JAMES DUANE DOTY, Governor. AN ACT Jan. 11, 1865. In relation to Butchering and Meat Markets outside the imits of Incorporated Cities that are acting under their Charters. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That no person shall be allowed to erect a slaughter-house or yard, or to commence the business of butchering or keeping a meat market, without first obtaining a license therefor from the County Court of the county in which such business is designed to be carried on. SEC. 2. All persons so licensed as butchers, shall keep a book in which they shall record a faithful description of the age, size and colors of all cattle by them killed, with the brands and ear marks thereon, together with the name of the person from whom received, and the time when killed, which book shall be open to the inspection of the public. SEC. 3. All persons who receive license from the County Court for establishing a butchery or meat market, shall pay quarterly in advance into the County Treasury such sum as may be deemed necessary or suffi cient by the County Court of the proper county. SEC. 4. Any person violating this act shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a fine not to exceed oue hundred dollars for each offence. SEC. 5 Nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to interfere with any incorporated city. GEORGE A. SMITH, President of the Council. JOHN TAYLOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved January 11, 1865. JAMES DUANE DOTY, Governor. AN ACT Changing the boundary of Tooele City in Tooele SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legisla tive Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That the first section of an Act to incorporate Tooele city in Tooele Jan. 11. 1965. |