of any taxable property, and any conveyance made upon such shall be valid. It shall be the duty of the County Court to appoint, in their respective counties, & board of examination, to consist of three competent men whose duty it shall be to hear and determine the quali fications of school teachers; and all applicants of a good moral character that are considered competent, shall receive a certificate to that effect signed by the board. SEC. 3. The trustees shall, out of the funds collected, see that a suitable building or buildings, with necessary appendages, are furnished, wherein a school or schools shall be taught, keep the same in repair and supply the fuel required. SEC. 4. The trustees in each district shall visit, officially, each school in their respective districts, at least once during each term of sixty days; they shall annually, on or before the second Monday in October, take a census of the children between the ages of four and sixteen years, residing in their districts, and shall, within eight days thereafter, make a report to the County superintendent, stating the condition of the school or schools under their supervision, and shall state particularly the items contained in the following form: Annual Report of School District, No.—in the County of - U. T., ending 186 No. of district. No. of schools. Grade of schools. Branches taught. No. of male teachers. No. of female teachers. No. of male children in the district between the ages of 4 and 16 years. No. of female children in the district be tween the ages of 4 and 16 years. No. of male scholars enrolled. Amount paid to teachers. To male: To female. No. of months schools have been taught during the year. No. of school libraries. No. of volumes in each. | Present condition of school buildings, &c. Amount of building funds raised. Amount of taxes appropriated to the use of schools. REMARKS. Quarterly Report of Scheel No. District No.-County of FORM OF SCHOOL TEACHER'S REPORT. -U. T., ending. -186 Teacher. Spelling. Reading. Writing. Grammar. 1 Book-keeping. Algebra. Geometry. Astronomy. History. Languages. Music. 20 SEC. 6. That there shall be elected annually by a vote of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah, a Superintendent of common schools for the said Territory, and the said Superintendent shall make his report annually to the Legislative Assembly during the first week of its session; said Superintendent before entering upon the duties of his office shall qualify by taking and subscribing an oath to faithfully perform the duties of his office. SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the Territorial Superintendent to keep a record of the condition of common schools throughout this Territory, as reported to him by the County superintendents, and he shall furnish each County superintendent with a blank record headed according to form for Trustees reports, and also forms of said reports, together with forms of school teachers reports, as contemplated in this Act, and he shall cause to be printed such a number of blanks, after the forms described in this Act, as will be necessary for distribution to the trustees and teachers throughout the Territory. SEC. 8. The Territorial and County superintendents are hereby empowered to decide upon what text books shall be adopted in the schools, and the County superintendents may regulate, in their respective counties, the school terms, allowing such holidays and vacations as in their judgment shall be advisable. Sac. 9. Each county shall elect at the general annual election held on the first Monday of August of each year, a competent person to fill the office of County superintendent of common schools, who shall hold his office until his successor is elected and qualified. SEC. 10. Said Superintendent shall qualify by taking and subscribing an oath to faithfully perform the duties of his office. SEC. 11. The duties of the County superintendent shall be first-to take the general supervision of schools in his county; to visit, officially, at least once in each year, the schools under his supervision and see that the school trustees are diligent in the discharge of their duties. Second-to superintend in the manner and to the extent to be prescribed by law, all business mat B ters connected with Public school domain within his jurisdiction. Third-to keep a correct account with the Conaty Treasurer and also with the trustees of school districts of all funds received or disbursed for school purposes. Fourth-to audit all school accounts against the County Treasury, and deliver his warrant for the payment thereof. Fifth-to make an annual report to the Territorial Superintendent of common schools, on or before the first Monday in November in each year, stating the particulars contained in the following form. |