If the first assessment prove insufficient, another may be made in the same manner; or if too large a sum shall at any time be raised, the excess shall be refunded, rateably, to those by whom it was paid. GEORGE A. SMITH, President of the Council. JOHN TAYLOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved January 14, 1865. JAMES DUANE DOTY, Governor. - 0 AN ACT To incorporate the American Fork Library Association. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legisla- Jan. 14, 1865. tive Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That William Greenwood, Thomas Proctor, William Shelly, John Duncan, Washburn Chipman, Thomas Wallace and Richard Steele, their associates and successors in office, are hereby constituted a body corporate, to be known and styled American Fork Library Association, and shall have power to purchase, receive and hold property, real and personal, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended in all Courts of law and equity, and to do all things that may be proper to carry into effect the objects of the Association, by establishing a library of books, maps, charts and scientific instruments, connecting therewith a reading room and lectures: and the above named persons are hereby appointed a board of Directors of said Association, until superseded as provided in the following section. SEC. 2. A board of seven Directors shall be elected by the members of said Association on the second Monday of February, 1865, and biennally, thereafter, on said day, who shall hold office two years, and until their successors are duly elected, and they shall have power to appoint a President, Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and Librarian, and define their duties; and also to enact such bye-laws as may be necessary to do all business of the Association: a majority may form a quorum to do business and may fill any vacancy in the board until the next regular election. SEC. 3. This Association may raise means by the sale of shares, by contribution and donation, for the purchase of books, maps, charts, &c., and for leasing or erecting suitable buildings for the library, reading rooms and lectures. SEC. 4. Conditions of membership, admission to the library, reading-room and lectures, and the loaning of books or other property, shall be as provided by the byelaws of said Association. GEORGE A. SMITH, President of the Council. JOHN TAYLOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved January 14, 1865. JAMES DUANE DOTY, Jan. 16, 1865. AN ACT Concerning Surplus Stock. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That when two thirds of the citizens of any settlement vote to remove the surplus stock from the grass needed for their milch cows and work animals, if any person refuses or neglects to remove his surplus stock, to wit: all stock except milch cows and their sucking calves, animals needed and being used for riding, breaking, packing or draft, and swine constantly kept in pens or yards, any person hav ing the care of the surplus stock of said settlement, is hereby authorized and required to remove and take care of the surplus stock of any owner refusing or neglecting to remove his own, and for such services shall be entitled to the same amount others pay for herding the stock of said settlement, and five dollars in addition to that amount, and may retain lawful possession of said animals until said sum is paid, and may proceed for its collection as in action for debt. GEORGE A. SMITH, JOHN TAYLOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved January 16, 1865. JAMES DUANE DOTY, Governor. AN ACT To provide for the organization of new counties. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That the Probate Judge of any new or unorganized county, after he shall have been elected and qualified, shall proceed to organize said county by appointing three selectmen, citizens of the said county, who shall be qualified by the judge administering to them an oath of office, when they and the Probate Judge shall appoint all other county officers required by law, who are hereby authorized and empowered to act until the next general election, and until their successor are elected and qualified. GEORGE A. SMITH, President of the Council. JOHN TAYLOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved January 16, 1865. JAMES DUANE DOTY, Governor. Jan. 16, 1865. AN ACT Jan. 16, 1885. Creating two new Counties, and changing the county scats of Sanpete and Richland counties. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That all that portion of Sanpete county lying south of an east and west liue passing through the ford of Willow creek, between Gunnison and Salina, and east of the main range of mountains dividing Round and Pauvan valleys from the valley of the Sevier is hereby created and named Sevier county, with county seat at Richfield. SEC. 2. That all that portion of Beaver county lying east of the main range of mountains dividing Beaver and Pauvan valleys from the valley of the Sevier, is hereby created and named Piute county, with county seat at Gircleville. SEC. 3. That the county seat of Sanpete county is hereby removed from Moroni to Manti in said county, and that the county seat of Richland county be removed from Paris to St. Charles in said county. GEORGE A. SMITH, President of the Council. JOHN TAYLOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved January 16, 1865. JAMES DUANE DOTY, Governor. Jan. 18, 1865. AN ACT Concerning Notaries Public for Great Salt Lake, Weber and Millard counties. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That there shall be elected by the joint vote of this Legislative Assembly one Notary Public for Great Salt Lake county, two for Weber county, and one for Millard county, in addition to the number already provided by law for said counties: and that annually, hereafter, there shall, in like manner be elected, three Notaries Public for Great Salt Lake, three for Weber, and two for Millard counties, until otherwise altered or amended by Legislative enactment. Sac. 1 Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That where not already done, the County Courts in the Territory of Utah shall divide their respective counties into school districts and number the same, and shall notify the inhabitants, as soon as districts are formed, to meet within ten days, and choose three trustees, who shall appoint their own clerk, and they shall act one year, and until their successors are elected and qualified. SEC. 2. Said trustees shall cause to be assessed and collected, a tax upon all taxable property in said district, at such rates per cent, as may be decided upon by a vote of a majority of votes cast by the residents of said school district at a meeting called for that purpose, and in case of the neglect or refusal of any person to pay the tax assessed upon being duly notified thereto, the trustees shall have power to collect the same as the Territorial and County taxes are collected, to dispose |