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county, relating to the boundaries, shall be amended to read after the enacting clause as follows: that all that portion of country situated within the following boundaries, to wit: beginning at a point one mile due south from where the county road crosses the big creek, at the mouth of the settlement kanyon, thence east two and-ahalf miles, thonee north five miles, thence west four and a half miles, thence south five miles, thence east two miles to the place of beginning.

SEO. 2. All that portion of the first section of an Act to incorporate Tooele city in Tooele county, approved Jan. 18, 1853, conflicting with this act is hereby repealed.

President of the Council.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Approved January 11, 1865.



Jan. 18, 1905. Granting unto John Nelson, and others, the right to build a toll bridge across Bear river in Cache county.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That John Nelson, Crandell Duno, George O. Pitkin, George Barber and Simpson M. Molen, citizens of Chohe county, are bereby empowered to form a company for the purpose of building a toll bridge across Bear river in Cache county, between a point on said river west of Hendrick's grist mill and were said river passes through the mountains on the west side of Cache valley.

SEC. 2. The within named John Nelson, C. Dunn, George O. Pitkin, George Barber and S. M. Molen are hereby authorized to take and sell stock at twenty-fivé dollars each share, until a sufficient amount of stock shall be taken to defray the expenses of building said bridge,

SEC. 3. There shall be a committee of three chosen from among and by the stockholders, whose duty it shall be to keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures, and report the same annually to the County Court of said county, also to superintend the building, and do such other business for the company as a majority of the stockholders may deem expedient for the general good.

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SEC. 4. Every stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share that he may hold.

SEC. 5. The bridge shall be built to the acceptance of the County Court of Cache county.

SEC. 6. The County Court of Cache conuty is hereby authorized to regulate the rates of toll for crossing said bridge, and to require said company to pay five per cent annually, of all receipts arising therefrom, into the Territorial Treasury, for the benefit of schools.

SEC. 7. The company thus formed may have the right to hold claim on said bridge until the nett profits have amounted to one hundred per cent, over and above the first cost of the bridge, after which said bridge shall be turned over to the County Court of Cache county, in good repair, and be free to the traveling community. GEORGE A. SMITH,

President of the Council.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Approved January 18, 1865.




To incorporate the Tooele City Library Association.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legisla tive Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That Eli B. Kelsey, Andrew Galloway, Hagh S. Gowans, Richard Warburton, John Rowberry, Thomas Lee, John Shields, their associates and successors in office, are hereby.con

Jan. 18, 1963.

stituted a body corporate, to be known and styled Tooele City Library Association, and shall have power to purchase, receive and hold property, real and personal, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, in all courts of law and equity and to do and perform all things that may be necessary and proper to enable them to carry into effect the objects of the Association, in the diffusion of knowledge, by establishing a library of books, maps, charts and scientific instruments, connecting therewith a reading room, and scientific and other popular lectures, and the above named persons are hereby appointed a board of Directors of said Association until superseded, as provided in the following section.

SEC. 2. A board of seven Directors shall be elected by the members of said Association on the last Saturday of February, annually, who shall hold their office for one year, and until their successors are duly elected, and they shall have power to appoint a President, Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian and such other officers as may be deemed necessary, and define their duties, and to enact such bye-laws as may be necessary for proper management of all business of the Association; a majority may form a quorum to do business, and they may fill any vacancy in the board until the next regular election.

SEC. 3. This Association may raise means by the sale of shares, and may receive contributions and donations for the purchase of books, &c., and for leasing and erecting suitable buildings for the library, reading room and lectures; new members may be added on such conditions as may be prescribed in the bye-laws of the Association, and the library and reading rooms shall be open for the use of the public, or books loaned out under such regulations, and at such times as the board of Directors may determine.


President of the Council.


Speaker of the House of Representatives

Approved January 13, 1865.



Amending the Charter of Great Salt Lake City.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of tee Territory of Utah:

Fist: That the City Council of Great Salt Lake city shall have power and authority to license, tax and regulate livery stables.

Second:-To license, tax and suppress hackmen, draymen, carters, porters, omnibus drivers, cabmen, packers, carmen and all others who may persue like occupations, with or without vehicles, and prescribe their compensa


Third: to establish, erect and control hospitals, infirmaries and medical colleges; to purchase grounds for their erection and improve and adorn the same: and license, control and regulate physicians and surgeons..

Fourth: to purchase and improve suitable grounds for a house of correction; to erect buildings thereon and adopt such rules and regulations for the government and punishment of offenders therein, as said Council may from time to time deem expedient.

Fifth:-to direct and control the location of railroad tracks and depot grounds within the city and regulate or prohibit the use of locomotive engines thereon, and may require the cars to be used within the inhabited portions thoreof to be drawn or propelled by other power than that of steam.

Sixth:-to regulate and control the location of gas works, canals, telegraph poles and all improvements of similar nature.

SEC. 2. The City Council shall have power to levy and collect on real estate (or land claims and improve

Jan. 14, 1865.

ments thereon) in any district or division benefitted, within the limits of said city, a sufficient tax to defray the expense of leveling, paving, macademizing or plank ing and opening and keeping in repair the streets and sidewalks, of constructing sewers and drains and keeping the same in repair, and of erecting lamps and lighting the streets in such respective districts or divisions: provided, the money thus raised shall be exclusively expended for such purpose in the district where such taxes are assessed, and by such person or persons as the City Council may appoint. The amount to be assessed for any such improvement shall be determined by the City Council, who shall appoint three commissioners, reputable citizens, to make such assessment, who shall be sworn to faithfully and impartially execute their duties.

Before entering on their duties the commissioners shall give six day's notice of the time and place of meeting to all persons interested. The commissioners shall assess the amount directed by the City Council on the real estate (or lard claims and improvements) by them deemed benefitted by any such improvement in proportion to the benefit resulting thereto.

When the commissioners shall have completed their assessment and made a correct copy thereof, they shall deliver the same to the City Recorder within thirty days after their appointment, signed by all the commission


The City Recorder shall cause a notice to be published to all persons interested, of the completion of the assessment, and the time and place shall be designated therein, when the City Council shall hear appeals and objections and correct or confirm said assessment.

When the said assessment shall have been completed, the City Recorder shall, within ten days thereafter, make a correct tax-list, which shall be delivered to the collector or any authorized agent appointed by the City Council, who shall collect said taxes within such time as may be prescribed by said Council.

If any assessment is set aside by order of any Court, the City Council may cause a new one to be made in like manner for the same purpose for the collection of the #mount so assessed.

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