5. It also puts us upon longing Desires after that Happiness. 6. These Defires put us upon the Ufe of Means appointed by GOD, for that end. 7. In the Use of these Means, the Spirit takes off our Affections to Sin, and enclines them to Holiness, Aft. ii. 37, 41, 1. Enlightning our Minds, that we may discover the Excellency of a holy Life. 2. Sanctifying our Wills, to follow the DiCtates of our Understanding, Rom. vii. 15, 16. 3. Rectifying our Affections. USE. Labour after this Blessing. 1. Who should labour after it? All that are in their Sins. 3. - that delight in it, I S. Pet. ii. 11. 4. 5. 6. 7. - that live in Neglect of Duties, S.Matt. XXV. 41. - that allow themselves in Sin, Fer. xviii. 11. Aft. iii. 26. who have not repented of Sin, Ezek. xviii. 30. - who believe not in Christ. 2. How must we turn? 1. Sincerely. 1. Because Sin displeases GOD, Pfal. li. 4. vii. 13, 14. 2. Wholly, Joel ii, 12. 3. Presently, Jer. xviii. 11. Pfal. xcv. 7. Bb3 MOTIVES. MOTIVES. Confider, 1. Your Misery, till converted. 1. Enemies to GOD. 2. Slaves to Satan. 3. Entitled to no Blessing. 4. No Answer of your Prayers. 5. Nothing you do is pleasing unto GOD, Prov. xv. 8. and xxi. 4. 6. Not capable of true Happiness, 1 Cor. ii. 14. 7. In continual Danger of Hell, S. Luk. xii. 20. 8. Either converted here, or tormented hereafter, S. Luk. xiii. 3. 2. Your Happiness, if converted. 1. Your former Sins pardon'd, Ezek. xviii. 30. 1 S. Joh. i. 9. 2. GOD will turn to you, Zach. i. 3. Mal. iii. 7.. 1. The Father will be your GOD, Jer. xxxi. 33. 2. The Son your Advocate, I S. Joh. ii. 1. 3. The Holy Ghost your Comforter, S.Joh. xvi. 7. 3. You will be Children of GOD, S. Joh. i. 12. be interested in the Promises of 4. GOD, Hebr. xiii. 5, 6. Ifa. xli. 10. and xliii. 2, 3. 5. in the Merits of Christ. - in the Prayers of the Saints, S. Luk. 8. All Things will be for your Good, Rom. xi. 2. 7. You will have free Access to the Throne of Grace, Hebr. iv. 16. viii. 28. 9. You will be always in Safety under GOD's 10. Protection, Ifa. xliii. 2. have the Angels to minister unto you, Hebr. i. 14. Pfal. xci. 11. 11. You will have a certain Evidence to your 12. Title in Glory, 2 Cor. V. I. - be happy to Eternity, Hebr. iv. 9. 1. In the Perfection of your Souls, Phil. iii. 10, 11, 12. 2. In the Vision, I Cor. xiii. 12. 3. In the Fruition of GO D. 3. Consider the many Obligations that lie upon you to turn, Ifa. V. 4. 1. GOD's Mercies. 1. Temporal. 1. Your Creation. 2. Continuance of your Life, Act. xvii. 28. 3. The Enjoyment of Health. 4. The Use of your Senses and Rea fon. 5. Worldly Enjoyments of all Sorts. 2. Spiritual. 1. His sending Christ to die for you. 2. Making known Christ to you. 3. The Means of Grace. 2. His Judgments, Jer. xviii. 11. Amos iv. 6, 8, 9. MEANS. 1. Frequent and serious Consideration. 1. What you are: Rational Creatures. Bb 4 2. What 22: 2. What you were made for: The Service of GOD, Prov. xvi. 4. 3. How long you must live, Deut. xxxii. 29. 4. The Difference of future Being, S. Matth. xxv. 46. 5. The way to Happiness, Hebr. xii. 14. 2. Prayer, S. Jam. i. 5. 3. Faith in Christ. 4. Hearing the Word, Rom. x. 7. Jer. xxiii. Аст. ------ TE Аст. х. 38. Who went about doing Good. W ought to follow Christ, in taking all Op portunities of doing Good. I. What are the good Works we should do in Imitation of Christ? 1. Works of Piety. 1. Internal, S. Joh. iv. 24. 1. Love, S. Matth. xxii. 37. 2. Fear, Prov. xxiii. 17. 3. Faith. 4. Trust, Prov. iii. 5. 5. Submiffion, S. Luk. xxii. 42. 2. External, as Praying, Hearing, &c. 2. Of Equity, Mich. vi. 8. 1. Distributive, Rom. xiii. 7. S. Matth. xvii. 27. 2. Communicative, Prov. iii. 27, 28. 1 Theff. iv. 6. ( 3. Charity, 1 Tim. vi. 17, 18. 1. To pity others in Misery, S. Matth. xx. 34. and xv. 32. 2. To pray for their Felicity, S. Luk. xxiii. 34. 3. Supply their Necessities, S. Matth. xx. 34. Confider, 1. Without this there is no true Re ligion, S. Jam. i. 27. |