3-10-26.EHW W HEREAS Our Trusty and Well-beloved seller, has humbly represented unto Us, SUNDERLAND. THE PUBLISHER TO THE READER. HE volumes, I am now presenting the World with, are, truly speaking, no other than loofe Papers; and the Author, that great and venerable Prelate, whose Name they bear, does not seem to have design'd them for the Press: And upon this Account it is I have debated for some Time with my self, whether a Publication of them would any ways lessen the Esteem of that Good and Excellent Man; whose Labours, in the Learned Languages as well as our own, have justly gained high Applause, and done fo much good in the World already. Upon consulting then with several Eminent Divines, and other Pious and Learned Gentlemen, my very good Friends, they did, after Ferufal, conceive of them as just and choice Fragments, containing a Summary of the Christian Doctrine; the several Topicks being digested in a most excelient Method, confirm'd from several Parallel Places of Scripture; and very often illustrated, in the like concise manner, from the Testimonies of Fathers, Councils, &c. And upon these Confiderations, I perswade my self, what I offer will be in some measure serviceable to all in general that apply themselves to the Study of the Holy Scriptures, especially the Clergy, who will bere here meet with so sure a Guide, and have so true a Foundation laid for the Superstructure they shall think fit to raise upon it. And I have been still more inclined to think they may serve these good Ends, after those many Letters I have received from feveral Parts of this Kingdom, as well as from abroad, full of earnest Sollicitations to oblige the World with the Remains of that Person, whose profound Learning, exemplary Piety, and fingular Humility has fomuch endear'd bis Memory to the whole Chriftian World; and more especially to those that have a just sense of Religion on their Minds. A CATALOGUE of the Greek, Latin, and English Works of the Right Reverend Father in God William Beveridge, D. D. late Lord Bishop of St. Afaph. E Linguarum Orientalium præfertim Hebraica, Chaldaica, Syriace, Arabica & Samaritana, cum Grammatica Syriaca tribus libris tradita, per G. Beveridgium. 8vo. Londini 1658. D N. B. This was writ when the Author was about Eighteen years of Age. and Published when he was Twenty. Inftitutionum Chronologicarum Libri duo: una cum totidem Arithmetices Chronologica Libellis. Per. G. Beveridgium, M. A. Londini 1699. ΣΥΝΟΔΙΚΟON Sive Pandectæ canonum, S. S. Apoftolorum & conciliorum ab Ecclefiæ Græca receptorum, &c. 2 Tomes, Fol. per Guil. Beveridgium. Oxon, 1672. Codex canonum Ecclesia Primitiæ Vindicatus ac Illuftratus, authore G. Beveridgio, Londini 1678. Private Thoughts upon Religion, digefted into twelve Articles, with PraAical Resolutions form'd thereupon. Written in his younger Years for the tettling of his Principles and Conduct of his Life. The fifth Edition 12me. Price 1s. 2 d. in Sheep, and Is. 6 d. Calf. The 8vo. Price 35. 65. N. B. This Book was writ when the Author was about Three or Four and Twenty Years old. The Great Neceffity and Advantage of publick Prayer, and frequent Communion, designed to revive Primitive Piety; with Meditations, Ejaculations and Prayers, before, at, and after the Sacrament, the third Edit. Price 3 sa Svo. and I s. 6d. in 12me. Sermons on several Occasions in Ten Volumes. Price 5s. each Volume. The Church-Catechism explained, for the Use of the Diocese of St Afapb. Frice ts. bound in Sheep, and I s. 4 d. in Calf. All the English Works Printed for R. Smith, at his Warchonfe in Exeter Chang in the Strand. |