IV. In our Employment; which will be to admire and adore, and praise God, for his Creation and Preservation of the World, Rev.iv., 10, 11. c. xi. 16. For his Redemption of Mankind, Rev. v. 9, 11, 12. And for his own infinite Perfections, Rev. iv. 8. c. vii. 9, 10, 11, 13. V. In the full Content and Satisfaction that will arife' from every Thing we there have, or are or do, Pfal. xvi. 11. Pfal. xvii. 15. Though our Defires be infinite, they will be there fully satisfied in the infinite Good. Quest. Whether will there be Degrees of Glory in Heaven, so as that some shall have greater Glory than others? Answ. Yes. For, 1. The Scripture speaks of Degrees of Glory, 1 Cor. XV. 41, 42. Dan. xii. 3. 2. There are Degrees of Torment in Hell, Matt. xi. 22, 23, 24. Luke xii. 47, 48. But ftill every One shall have and enjoy as much as he is capable of. 2. Life Eternal. 1. It is Eternal; so as never to have an End, 2 Cor. V. 1. 1 Pet. i. 4. Rev. xxi. 4. 2. We shall also be as perfectly assured of it, so as never to fear Death or Misery more. The Belief of this should, 1. Lessen our Affections and Love to this World, Col. iii. 2. 2. Encourage us to undergo any Trouble or Affliction in order to our getting to Heaven, Rom. viii. 18. 2 Cor. iv. 17, 18. 3. Persuade us to labour after Righteousness before all Things else, Matt. vi. 33. COR Therefore my beloved Brethren, be ye ftedfaft, unmoveable, always abounding in the Work of the Lord. N this Chapter are Four Things: I. A Summary of the Doctrine of the Gospel, to ver. 12: II. A Reprehenfion of such as deny the Resurrection of the Dead, to ver. 15. III. A Confutation of their Arguments, to ver. 28. > IV. A seasonable Inference from the Premisses, to ver. 58. Εδραῖοι γίνεθε, ἀμετακίνητοι. Δικαία λοιπὸν κὶ ἐυναιρὸς ἡ παραίνεσις, Chryf. Wherein we have, 1. His loving Compellation. 1. Brethren, 1 Pet. iii. 8. 2. My Brethren, Heb. ii. 11. 3. My beloved Brethren, Phil. iv. C 2. His Apoftolical Exhortation. 1. Be ye ftedfaft, Ἑβραῖοι. Quest. 1. What is it to be stedfaft ? 1. To be well grounded in our Religion, Τεθεμελιωμένοι κὶ ἑδραῖοι, Col. i. 23. 2. Well built upon that Foundation, Jud. xx, Col. ii. 7. Ἐρειζωμένοι κὶ ἐποικοδομύμενοι. Quest Quest. 2. What should we be thus stedfast and well grounded in ? 1. In the Profession of our Religion, Heb. iv. 14. c. X. 23. 1. That we do not take it up merely upon an implicite Faith, Heb. v. 12. 2 Tim. 1, 12. Ignorantia omnium errorum mater eft. Syn. Tol. 2. But that we be able to give a Reason of our Faith, 1 Pet. iii. 15. Ταῦτα γὸ κὶ πολλῷ πλείονα τέτων τὸν χρισιανὸν δέναι χρὴ κὶ τέτων πάντων ὑποδιδόναι λόγον τοῖς ἐρωτῶσιν. Chryf. 2. In the Principles of our Religion 1. Concerning the Scriptures. 1. That they are the Word of God, 2 Tim. iii. 16. 2 Pet. i. 21. 2. Contain all Things necessary to Salvation, 2 Tim. iii. 16, 17. 3. That all Persons ought to read them, John v. 39. Acts xvii. 11. Matt. xx. 29. 2. Concerning God. 1. That there is but one God, Deut. vi. 4. 2. That this one God is Three Persons, 3. The Holy Ghost, Atts v. 3, 4. Tit. iii. 5. 3. Concerning Man. 1. That he was made in the Image of God, Gen. i. 26, 27. Eph. iv. 24. 4 2. That by Adam's Fall, all Men are become sinful and miferable, Rom. v. 17, 18, 19, Ecclef. vii. 29. Rom. iii. 9, 10, 23. 3. That 3. That there is no Way for Man's Recovery, but only by Jesus Christ, Acts iv. 12. John iii. 16. Acts xvi. 31. 4. Concerning Chrift. 1. That he is both God and Man in One Person, Acts xx. 28. 2. That he as so died only for our Sins, Ifa. liii. 5. 1 John ii. 2. 3. That he is our only Mediator in Heaven, I Tim. ii. s. No Saints or Angels, John xiv. 6. 1 John ii. 1. 5. Concerning the Sacraments. I. That there are but Two as generally necessary to Salvation, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. The other Five, Confirmation, Matrimony, Orders, Penance, Extreme Unction, used by the Papists, cannot be properly called Sacraments. 2. These Two are absolutely necessary to Salvation: 1. Baptifm, Matt. xxvii. 19. John iii. 5. 2. The Lord's Supper, Luke xxii. 19. 6. Concerning the Lord's Supper in par ticular. 1. That the Bread and Wine are not turned Substantially into the Body and Blood of Christ, I Cor. x. 16, 17. That 'destroys the Nature of the Sacrament, there being no Figure. Our Saviour meant otherwise, Luke xxii. 19. 2. That it ought to be administred in both Kinds, Matt. xxvi. 27. Πίετε ἐξ ἀντὶ πάντες. Į Cor. xi. 26. : 7. Con |