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Meeting of the Bar Association

of North Dakota

Held at Grand Forks, North Dakota September 16 and 17, 1914

September 16, 1914.

Meeting called to order by the President.

The President: Gentlemen of the Bar Association of North Dakota :

When we met in Jamestown two years we adopted a new system for opening our conventions, and we will follow that system here today; and I am pleased to ask Dr. Robertson of Wesley College of Grand Forks to ask invocation of the Almighty for our guidance in these sessions. Dr. Robertson.

Prayer by Dr. E. P. Robertson.

Dr. Robertson: Oh Lord, God, the source of all law and in whom all is centered, we feel it important and proper that we come unto Thee at the beginning of these councils to counsel with Thee and pray that, at the same time, we may be open to the promptings of Thy spirit, that some of Thy wisdom may be ours; for we believe that in Thy wisdom is the source of all wisdom, the source of all law, and that if we are to follow wisely the responsibilities of life to which we are committed, we will take our bearings from Thee, and we will so interpret life that the law shall be the orderly process of human brotherhood. And we pray that every court room and every one who is an official of every court room, may realize the wisdom of the Great Interpreter of the law, who declared that the fundamental law is that men shall love God truly and their brother man practically and duly. We pray that this company of our important citizens in this commonwealth, charged with the great responsibility of interpreting human law, may be leaders in all social well-being; that they may

be the check to all over-desire of selfishness; that they may be the protection of all innocence, the guides to all sincerity for righteousness on the part of all litigants; and may they especially and earnestly, in the exercise of their gifts and profession be the interpreters of good citizenship in the broad human sense that in its ultimate analysis will be the truly divine sense. And in this, our desire, we pray the blessings of Almighty God. Amen.

The President: The Bar Association of Grand Forks county had no orator within its membership for this occasion, but have designated the Honorable Mayor, J. A. Dinnie, to make a few remarks to you at this time. Mayor Dinnie.

Mayor Dinnie: Mr. President and Members of the State Bar Association:

It surely gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the City of Grand Forks, and Grand Forks is surely proud to have such a distinguished lot of citizens of the State of North Dakota within her gates at this time. I assure you it is an honor to Grand Forks to have you here, and I extend the freedom of the city in all its departments to you while you are here.

I hope that while you are here your association will accomplish everything you are after, and that this meeting of your association will be a most successful one and one which will be of much good to you all.

When the chairman of the committee asked me to come up here and make a few remarks I accepted the invitation with real pleasure, and the first thing I did was to see the police to see to it that you are all properly taken care of while here, and for them to have a deaf ear to anything that is going on. And during your stay here if you see anything that you want, don't be bashful about taking it, because Mr. Bronson will see to it that you are protected for doing so.

I hope all you distinguished citizens of the State of North Dakota like to come to Grand Forks. We have got here everything that is necessary to make a great city, and we are surely glad to have you here. Gentlemen, I thank you.

The President: Judge Lauder of Wahpeton will accept the welcome given us by the City of Grand Forks.

Judge Lauder: On behalf of the State Bar Association I desire to return our sincere thanks to the City of Grand Forks and its offiecers for the very kindly generous, wholesovled welcome they have given us. Grand Forks is not unknown to this state, but when I came here and noted

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