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January, 1906.

2 SERVIA-TURKEY. Treaty of commerce signed. Arch. dipl., 97:152. 9 BULGARIA-GERMANY. Ratifications exchanged at Berlin of convention of commerce, customs and navigation, signed August 1, 1905. Arch. dipl., 97:149; Reichs-G., 1906, No. 1; For. rel., 1906. See January 14. ARGENTINE-BRAZIL. Ratifications exchanged at Rio de Janeiro of trademark convention signed at Rio de Janeiro, October 30, 1901; approved by Brazilian Congress, November 28, 1905. B. A. R., April; Annales dipl. et consulaires, 3:348.

10 BELGIUM-FRANCE. Ratifications exchanged at Paris of convention concluded at Paris, April 12, 1905, for the rectification of the frontier along the Ry-de-France. J. O., January 23, p. 441. French law approving same, January 5. J. O., January 9, p. 169. The convention contains reciprocal cessions of territory. Ratified by Belgium, January 10, 1906. Monit., January 26, 1906; B. Usuel, January 10, 1906.

10 FRANCE-GREAT BRITAIN. Ratifications exchanged at Paris of agreement signed April 20, 1904, additional to convention of December 8, 1882. Postal money orders. Treaty ser., 1908, No. 1; J. O., January 27.

10 SAN MARINO-UNITED STATES. Treaty of extradition, signed at Rome, to take place of the unperfected treaty of March 15, 1905. 10 FRANCE-GREAT BRITAIN. Ratifications exchanged at Paris of convention signed at Paris, December 6, 1905. Telegraphic communication between Mauritius and Reunion. Treaty ser., 1906, No. 2; J. O., January 27.

10 CHINA. Chinanfu, capital of the province of Shantung, formally opened to foreign trade. The Imperial Decree was issued May 17, 1904. For diplomatic correspondence and regulations for the port, see For. rel., 1904, 1905. For list of treaty ports in China, see U. S. Monthly Consular Trade Reports, September, 1906, and Moore: Dig. Int. Law, Washington, 1906, Sec. 806. For cities subsequently opened to international trade, see Times, December 19, 21, 22.

10 CUBA. Adhesion to Pan-American convention of January 27, 1902, approved by Senate. Exchange of official publications. Ga. Oficial, January 26, 1906. For ratifications of this convention by other countries, see R. de dr. int. privé, 2: 248.

10 CUBA. Adhesion to Pan-American convention of January 27 1902. Patents, designs and trademarks. Ga. Oficial, January

January, 1906.

27, 1906. For ratifications of this convention by other countries, see R. de dr. int. privé, 2:248.


13 BULGARIA-FRANCE. Treaty of commerce and navigation signed at Sofia. Act authorizing ratification by France, April 30. J. O., May 4, p. 3057; Arch. dipl., 97: 151; For. rel., 1906. Took effect provisionally, January 14, 1906.

13 BULGARIA-ITALY. Treaty of commerce, customs and navigation, signed at Sofia. R. di dr. int. (Rome) 1:72, 482; For.rel., 1906. 13 GERMANY-NETHERLANDS. Ratification by Netherlands of treaty signed at The Hague, December 17, 1904. Status and treatment of subjects of each state residing in domain of the other. Staatsb., 1906, No. 4.

14 BULGARIA. New customs tariff as modified by conventions with Great Britain, Germany, France, and Italy, took effect. Reichs-G., 1906, No. 1; G. B. Cd., 2862; B. Usuel, January 12, 1906; Arch. dipl., 97:151; For. rel., 1906. See September 15.

15 BRAZIL-PERU. Tribunal of arbitration under treaty signed July 12, 1904, commenced proceedings. Mem. dipl., June 3.

15 PERU SPAIN. Proclamation by president of Peru of convention signed in Lima, April 9, 1904. Liberal professions. Ratified by Peruvian Congress, December 29, 1905. B. Min. Rel. Ext., Lima, Year 3, No. 9.

16 ALGECIRAS CONFERENCE opened. President, Duke of Almodovar, Spanish minister of foreign affairs. Thirteen states were represented. The chief matters of controversy were the control of the proposed state bank and the policing of the port towns. France having lent nearly all of the money borrowed from foreign financiers by the Maghzen, wished to be predominant in the bank administration; Germany contended that the bank should not be used for political purposes nor controlled by one nation. France desired also to control the police. For declaration (Great BritainFrance) respecting Egypt and Morocco, April 8, 1904, see N. R. G., 32:15; G. B. Cd., 1952; for declaration (France-Spain) concerning integrity of Morocco, October 3, 1904, see N. R. G., 32:57; B. Min. Est., Madrid, October 1904. For history of the Moroccan question, see Arch. dipl., 96:559; 97:43, 98, 262, 270, 295, 358, 359; La Conference d'Algésiras, Paris and Nancy, 1906; Moulin: La Question marocaine d'après les documents du livre jaune, Paris, 1906, 77 pp.;

January, 1906.

G. Gray: Questioni diplomatiche e sociali dell'anno 1905, Turin, 1906; Gamazo: La cuestión de Marruecos desde el punto de vista español, Madrid, 1905; R. dr. pub., 23:532 (Lapradelle); Bekker: España y Marruecos, sus relaciones diplomaticas durante el siglo XIX, Madrid, 1903; For. rel., 1905; Guarini: La questione del Marocco e Guglielmo II. R. di dr. int. (Rome) 1:56; Isambert: La vie politique en Allemagne (1905-1906), Ann Sc. Pol., 21:731. See April 7.

VENEZUELAN officials prohibit M. Taigny, French chargé d' affaires, from landing again in Venezuela, and also expel the heads of the French cable offices at Caracas and La Guayra. See January 18. 18 FRANCE-VENEZUELA. M.Maubourguet, Venezuelan chargé d'affaires, is handed his passports; he is escorted to the Belgian frontier by a special commissary of police. Arch. dipl., 97:156; Arch. dipl., 97: 291, for Venezuelan position; Franklin: L'incident du Venezuela, Q. dipl., February 1, 1906.

18 ITALY-SWITZERLAND. Two conventions signed at Rome in execution of Art. 15 of the convention of December 2, 1899. Telegraphic, telephonic, and police service at Domodossola. See May 25.

19 BELGIUM. Promulgation of law of July 7, 1905, approving obligatory arbitration treaties concluded with Russia, October 17/30, 1904; Switzerland, November 15, 1904; Norway and Sweden, November 30, 1904; Spain, January 23, 1905; Denmark, April 26, 1905; and Greece, April 19/May 2, 1905. Monit., January 19, 1906; B. Usuel, January 19; For. rel., 1905.

20 FRANCE-ITALY. Arrangement signed at Paris. Transfer of funds between Italian and French savings banks. French law author

izing ratification, August 3, 1906. J. O., August 8, p. 5645; Arch. dipl., 97: 147.

23 BOLIVIA PERU. Protocol modifying postal agreement of July 12, 1902. Ratified by president of Peru, January 30, 1906. B. Min. Rel. Ext., Lima, Year 3, No. 11.

23 BOLIVIA PERU. Ratification by Peru of treaty signed at Lima, November 27, 1905. Commerce and customs regulations. Ratified by President of Peru, January 27, 1906. B. Min. Rel. Ext., Lima, Year 3, No. 11. For treaty, see For. rel., 1905.

25 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Decree. Regulations under act of September 29, 1905, organizing the diplomatic service. B. del Min. de Relac. Ext., No. 91.

January, 1906.

25 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Decree. Consular regulations under act of September 29, 1905, reorganizing the consular service. Under this law there are three classes of consuls general and three of consuls. Article 2 enacts that the executive power shall assign these officials according to the importance of the posts, taking into account protection of Argentine citizens and interests. The regulations state that promotions will be made preferably within the same consular body without prejudice however to such direct appointments as the executive power may deem desirable. B. del Min. de Relac. Ext., No. 91.

25 BELGIUM. Arrêt of the Court of Cassation. Nature of marriage contracts of the royal family. R. de dr. int. privé, 2:558; J. de dr. int. privé, 32:416; id., 33, 940.

25 ITALY NICARAGUA. Treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation signed.


28 FRANCE-RUSSIA. Arrangement signed at St. Petersburg supplementary to convention of commerce signed September 16/29, 1905. Arch. dipl., 98:256, 272. See February 20. 29 DENMARK. King Christian IX. died. Born April 8, 1818. ceeded by his oldest son, Frederick VIII., proclaimed January 30; his second son, George, is king of Greece; his eldest daughter, Alexandra, queen of England; his second daughter, Marie Dagmar, empress dowager of Russia. King Haakon of Norway is son of Frederick VIII. See June 22.

31 GREAT BRITAIN-JAPAN. Convention signed at Tokyo.


mercial relations between Canada and Japan. Ratifications exchanged at Tokyo, July 12, 1906. Treaty ser., 1906, No. 13. Extends the stipulations of the treaty signed July 16, 1894, and of the supplementary convention signed July 16, 1895, to intercourse between Canada and Japan.

February, 1906.

5 NETHERLANDS-PORTUGAL. Ratification by Netherlands of arbitration treaty signed at The Hague, October 1, 1904. Staatsb., 1906, No. 18.

8 CRETE Consented to the payment of 20,000 francs as indemnity for the family of an Italian soldier killed in January, 1906. Italy had occupied the country where the crime took place, and sequestered customs duties.

February, 1906

PERU. Ratification of international treaty signed December 21, 1904, at The Hague. Hospital ships. Approved by the congress of Peru, October 25, 1905. B. Min. Rel. Ext., Lima, Year 3, No. 9.

11 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY-ITALY. Convention signed at Rome, to take effect March, 1, 1906, for the acquisition and possession of property, real and personal, by the subjects of either power in the territory of the other. Ratifications exchanged at Rome, February 28, 1906. Ga. Uffiziale, February 28, 1906; R. dr. int. privé, 1906, p. 810; R. di dr. int., 1:246. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY-ITALY. Treaty of commerce and navigation signed. Ratifications exchanged at Rome, February 28, 1906. Ga. Uffiziale, February 28, 1906; R. dr. int. privé, 1906, p. 811; R. di dr. int., 1:239.



FRANCE. Encyclical of Pope Pius condemning the French separation law. The law of December 9, 1905, on the separation of church and state abrogated the Concordat of the 26th Messidor, year IX (1801). For the history of the matter, see Lavergne: Chronique budgétaire et législative (1905), Ann. Sc. Pol., 1906, p. 383; Arch. dipl., 97; 165, 234, 252; J.O., July 31, 1904, p. 4828; Doc. dipl., Saint-Siège: la Séparation de l'Eglise et de l'Etat en France, Exposé et documents, Rome, typ. vat., 1905; Despagnet, La République et le Vatican 1870-1906, Paris, 1906; R. of Reviews, January 1907. See August 10.

12 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY-BELGIUM. Treaty of commerce and navigation signed at Vienna. Also final protocol. Ratified by Belgium, March 1; ratifications exchanged at Vienna, March 5, 1906. Monit., March 2 and 8; B. Usuel., March 1, 1906.

13 GREAT BRITAIN NICARAGUA. Ratifications exchanged at London of treaty signed April 19, 1905, at Managua. Extradition. Treaty ser., 1906, No. 7.; Arch. dipl. 98: 326.

14 GERMANY-SWITZERLAND. Ratifications exchanged at Berne of treaty signed at Berne, August 16, 1905. Reichs-G., 1906, No. 10. German customs stations at Basle.

15 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY-RUSSIA. Treaty of commerce and navigation. Ratified by Russia, February 12/26. Dr. d'autour, 29:4. 16 GREAT BRITAIN. Order in council. Administration of Southern Nigeria placed under that of Lagos, the whole colony to be known as Southern Nigeria. London Ga., February 20, 1906.

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