the West Indies, 216; Cotton Planters' Association, 217; Hog Statistics of the West,
217; The Cotton Crop, 218; Wines of Europe and America, 218; Culture of the Vine
in the Southwest Alleghanies, by David Christy, 343; The Growth of English Gardens,
346; The Production and Consumption of Rice, 340; The Potato Cultivation at
the South, 461; Overseers' Rules, 463; County Agricultural Societies, 464; The
Crops of the United States, 465; Fair at Richmond of the United States Agricul-
tural Society, 465; Health of Negroes, 571; Cotton Crops-Past and Present, 573;
Wheat Crops of the United States, 574; Farming on the Gulf Coast, 576; Black
Tongue, 578; Trees of California, 578; Cotton Planters' Convention, 713; Monthly
Range of Prices of Cotton in Mobile for Sixteen years, 714; the Crops of 1858, 714;
Mississippi Wines, 715; Crops in Europe, 716; Agricultural Colleges, 716.
ART. LI-MISCELLANEOUS.-The British Empire, 240; Fitting out of Slavers, 241;
The National Expenditures, 242; The Telegraphic Empire, 243; The Growth of our
Cities, Old and New, 243; Public lands in Canada, 244; Interesting Mississippi
Statistics, 244; Respective Progress of Free and Slave Communities, 453; The British
West Indies, 455; The Captured Africans at Charleston, 456; Slave holding in the
Border States, 458; Proposed Organization of the Southern Convention, 459; Texan
Seaports, 460; Development of the South, 589; S. C. Sea Islands, 591; Property
in Intellectual Labor, 593; The Camels, 594; Proper Names, 595; Bible Transla-
tions, 596; South America, 596; Georgia School Books, 597; Slavery in Texas, 597;
Asiatic Slave Trade, 598; Western Steamboat Life, 601; Northwest Pacific Terri-
tories, 602; Notes on Georgia: Augusta, 723; Milledgeville, 725; The Slaveholding
States, 726.
ART. LII.-EDITORIAL MISCELLANY.-118; Mexico, 245; Old Point Comfort, 245;
The Inca's Bride, 247; Patent Office, 249; United States and British Naval Forces,
249; Southern Convention, 250; Book Notices, 251, 252; Extract of a Letter
from Prof. George Steuckrath, 252; Old Point Comfort, Berkley Springs, 371;
Athens, Geo. 371; The Kansas Question, and the North and the South, 373; Mexico;
Growth of the Union, 374; Free Negroes, 375; Diplomacy of Revolution, 376;
Book Notices, Notes, etc., 378; Harper's Ferry, White Sulphur Springs, 483; Vir-
ginia Springs, Old Point Comfort, 484; Tallahassee, Florida, 485; Indian Springs,
Geo., 486; Southern Rights, 487; Can we buy Slaves from Cuba? 489; Book Notices,
Notes, etc., 490, 729.
EDITORIAL NOTES-372, 607, 729.