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ren, &c. from Drawings made on
the Spot. By Adam Neale, M.D.
3. An Account of the British Army,
and of the State of the Sentiments
of the People of Portugal and
Spain, during the Campaigns of
the Years 1808 and 1809. In a
Series of Letters. By the Rev.
James Wilmot Ormsby, A.Μ.
Chaplain of the Staff, &c.
4. Letters from Portugal and Spain;
written during the March of the
British Troops under Sir John
Moore: with a Map of the Route,
and appropriate Engravings. By
ii. An Orthöepical Analysis of the
English Language; or an Essay
on the Nature of its simple and
combined Sounds, and the Inade-
quacy of attempting to explain
them by means of the English Al-
phabet. The whole illustrated
and exemplified by the Use of a
new orthöepical Alphabet, or uni-
versal Character. To which is
added, a minute and copious Ana-
lysis of the Dialect of Bedford-
shire. By T. Batchelor.
Мг. Н. С. ROBINSON. 231
iii. An Address to the Public, upon
the dangerous Tendency of the
v. Observations on the Historical
Work of the late Right Honour-
able Charles James Fox: by
the Right Honourable George
Rose. With a Narrative of the
Events which occurred in the
Enterprise of the Earl of Argyle
in 1685: by Sir Patrick Hume.
vi. Pharmacopϕa Collegii Regalis
Medicorum Londinensis. 1809.
The Pharmacopϕa of the Royal
College of Physicians of London.
1809. Translated into English,
with Notes. By Richard Powell,
M.D. Fellow of the College, Phy-
sician to St. Bartholomew's and
the Magdalen Hospitals.
vii. Seventy-eight Studies from Na.
ture, engraved by Wm. Green,
from Drawings made by Himself. Mr. LANDSEER. 353
viii. Travels in Asia and Africa. By
Abraham Parsons, Esq. Consul
and Factor-marine at Scanderoon. Mr. BOVILL. 363
ix. Elements of Art: a Poem: in six
Cantos; with Notes and a Pre-
face, including Strictures on the