equal representation in the Senate without its consent-But not that MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17... Amendment that “the number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every 30,000 inhabitants" carried. Agreed that the Constitution be signed as "done by the unanimous consent of the States present". Agreed that the journals and papers of the convention be deposited with its President, subject to the order of the Congress if the government be ever formed. Constitution signed and convention adjourned. COPY OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON'S PLAN OF A GOVERNMENT FOR THE APPENDIX.... Part of Pinckney's speech of June 25 in his own handwriting. Documentary History of the Constitution of the United States of America. 1786-1870. ["Preface to Debates in the convention of 1787" stricken out] A ["jour" stricken out] sketch never finished nor applied. ["added to natural propensity" stricken out] Λ under an As the weakness and wants of man naturally lead to association of individuals, ["and" stricken out] a common Λ have authority, whereby each may ["be under" stricken out] the protection of the whole against danger from without, and enjoy in safety within, the advantages of social intercourse, and an [“mutual" stricken out] exchange of necessaries & comforts in like manner feeble communities, independent of each other, have resorted to a Union, less intimate, of life Λ common but with ["instituted for the Λ instituted" stricken out] Councils, for the common safety agst powerful neighbors, and the preservation of justice and peace among themselves. Ancient history fur con confederacies Λ nishes examples of these federal associations, tho' with a very imperfect account, of their structure, and of the attributes and functions of the presiding Authority. There are examples of modern date also, some of them still existing, the transactions modifications and ["careers" stricken out] of which are sufficiently known. It remained for the British Colonies, now United States, of North America, to add to those examples, one of a more 5 API I interesting character than any of them: and leading to which led to a system example without a | a precedent another ["of which no example" stricken out] ancient or a system founded Λ Λ modern has existed on popular rights, and so combing. a federal form with the forms of indivual Republics, as may enable Λ to supply the defects ["render" stricken out] each ["a counteract on the" stricken out] of the other and obtain the advantages of both— Whilst the Colonies enjoyed the protection of the parent country as it was called, against foreign danger; and were secured by its superintending controul, against conflicts among themselves, they continued independente of each other, ["but" stricken out] under a common, tho' limited dependence, on the parental Authority. ["As soon" however [“as" stricken out] the growth of the offspring in strength and in wealth, awakened the jealousy and tempted the avidity of the When exaction parent, into schemes of usurpation & extortion, the obligation was felt by the former of uniting their counsels, and efforts to avert the impending calamity. contributions having "had" stricken out] been ["sanctioned by that Govt" stricken out] As early as the year 1754, indications ["were" stricken out] given of a ["plan" stricken out] design in the Brit ["tish Legislature to" stricken out] tish Government to levy ["taxes" stricken out] on the Colonies, without their consent; ["in consequence of which" stricken out] a meeting of Colonial deputies took place at Albany, ["in that year," stricken out] which attempted ["in vain" stricken out] to introduce a compromising substitute, ["which" stricken out] might at once satisfy the British ["wants," stricken out] and save their own rights from violation. The attempt had no other effect, than ["to bring these" stricken out] into a Λ that requisitions by bringing these rights ["demonstrable" stricken out] more conspicuous ["and unanswerable" stricken out] view,* to invigorate without to confirm " stricken out] the attachment to them on one side; and ["to delay the exertion of" stricken out] haughty ["proud" stricken out] & Λ to nourish the encroaching spirit on the other. ["see the masterly letter of D Franklin to Governour Shirly in 1754, at that early day the argumentative vindication of America against A few pages brought in which the claim of the British parliament is afterwards expanded into volumes, is brought seen within the compass of a nut shell short letter which is fated with the greatest possible is triumphantly repelled, by reasoning, repelled with the greatest possible force, within the smallest possible compass. The letter short as it is comprises the germ, of which all the succeeding arguments, are but a development Λ stricken out] arguments of succeeding patriots are but The progress made by G. B. in the open asser the apprended ["manifest her manifest indicated" stricken out] indicated In 1774. tion of her ["usurping" stricken out] pretensions, and in ["preparations for asserting" stricken out] them ["by force than purpose of otherwise maintaining of arms as well as" stricken out] by Legislative ["enact stricken out] and declarations ments" stricken out] had been such that the Colonies did not formal hesitate to assemble, by their deputies, in a Congress, ["repre authorized to oppose to ^ senting the determination to meet" stricken out] the British innovations [proceedings" stricken out] measures on the modes best adapted to with such as whatever measures might be ought" stricken out] found best adapted to the occasion; however without losing sight ["of the hope" stricken out] of an Λ eventual reconciliation. ["Their appeals to the B" stricken out] effect, another Congress met in 1775, whose ["efforts" stricken out] efforts to bring about ["adju of the of" stricken out] a change in the views of the other party, ["and a warlike” the commencement ["& progress" stricken out] of stricken out] being equally unavailing, and actual hostilities A at length The Congress having put an end to all hope of reconciliation; ["the Con gress" stricken out] finding moreover that the["ir con" began to call stricken out] popular voice ["was calling" stricken out] for |