THURSDAY, JUNE 28.. Seventh resolution- Amendment that the rule of voting in Congress be as established by the Articles of Confederation considered-Franklin's motion for prayers. FRIDAY, JUNE 29 Seventh resolution - Amendment of yesterday agreed to-Remainder of the seventh resolution postponed-Eighth resolution taken up—Rule of representation in the Senate considered. SATURDAY, JUNE 30... Eighth resolution-That each State have an equal vote in the Senate resumed-Franklin's plan of regulating voting. MONDAY, JULY 2 Eighth resolution-That each State have an equal vote in the Senate not agreed to-Agreed to commit to a committee of one from each State. THURSDAY, JULY 5. Report of the committee of one from each State read and discussed--Amendment that representation in the first branch be according to contribution defeated. FRIDAY, JULY 6.... PAGE. 226 237 247 263 270 281 "One Representative for every 40,000 inhabitants" recommitted to a committee of five-Agreed that the first branch alone should originate appropriation bills. SATURDAY, JULY 7.... 290 Eighth resolution—Agreed that each State shall have an equal suffrage in the second branch. MONDAY, JULY 9... Report of the committee of five considered-Second paragraph thereof, authorizing the Legislature to regulate the ratio of representation from time to time, adopted-First paragraph, apportioning the number of Representatives among the States, committed to a committee of one from each State. TUESDAY, JULY 10. Report of the committee of yesterday, apportioning sixty-five Representatives among the States, adopted-Motion that the Legislature cause a census to be taken and arrange representation according to it discussed. WEDNESDAY, JULY II. Amendment that in the ratio of representation blacks be rated equally with whites defeated-Amendment that a census of free white inhabitants be taken agreed to―That five slaves be rated with three whites in the ratio defeated-That a census be taken the first year after the meeting of the Legislature carried-Likewise that one be taken every fifteen years. 294 298 306 THURSDAY, JULY 12. Agreed that direct taxation be in proportion to representation—Likewise that a census be taken within two years after the first meeting of the Legislature; that one be taken every ten years thereafter, and that slaves be rated in proportion to whites as five to three. FRIDAY, JULY 13... Agreed that until a census be taken all money raised by direct taxation should be proportioned according to the number of RepresentativesProvisions authorizing the Legislature to adjust representation according to the proportion of wealth and inhabitants reconsidered, and the number of inhabitants made the rule. SATURDAY, JULY 14... That the Representatives of future new States never exceed in number those of the original States not agreed to-On reconsideration of the equality of States in the second branch no change made. MONDAY, JULY 16 Seventh and eighth resolutions, providing for representation in the two branches and for proportionate direct taxation, agreed to as amended - Sixth resolution, relating to the powers of Congress, considered. TUESDAY, JULY 17 Sixth resolution-Amendment that Congress have power to legislate in all matters except those of internal police not agreed to-Amendment that Congress have power to legislate in cases affecting the general interests, and where the States are separately incompetent, etc., agreed to-The negative of Congress on certain laws of States not agreed toThat all laws of the United States and all treaties shall be the supreme law, etc., agreed to. Ninth resolution considered-Agreed that the Executive be one person— That he be not elected by the people-Nor by electors appointed by legislatures—But that he be chosen by the National Legislature-That he be charged to execute the national laws agreed to-So that he appoint to offices in cases not otherwise provided for-So that he be not ineligible a second time-But not that he be appointed during good behavior-- Amendment that he be not elected for seven years defeated. WEDNESDAY, JULY 18.. Tenth resolution taken up--That the Executive have a veto on laws not Thirteenth resolution considered and jurisdiction of the national judiciary PAGE. 319 325 332 343 349 362 Fourteenth resolution, providing for admission of new States, adopted. Fifteenth resolution, relative to continuance of Congress and completion of its engagements, not agreed to. Sixteenth resolution considered-Amendment that a republican form of government be guaranteed to each State and it be protected against foreign and domestic violence agreed to. THURSDAY, JULY 19... "Constitution of the Executive" reconsidered-Agreed that he be elected by electors-So that the electors be chosen by State legislatures—So that he be not ineligible a second time-So that his term continue for six years. FRIDAY, JULY 20.... Proportion of electors in the different States for election of the Executive adopted-Likewise that he be impeachable-So that he receive a fixed compensation to be paid out of the National Treasury-Also that electors should not be members of the Legislature or officers of the United States, and that electors themselves be not eligible for the Presidency. SATURDAY, JULY 21. That the electors be paid out of the National Treasury agreed to-But not that the judiciary be "associated with the Executive in the revisionary power"-That the Executive have a veto on the laws carried. Eleventh resolution, that judges be appointed by the Senate, adopted. MONDAY, JULY 23 Seventeenth resolution, that provision be made for future amendments of the Constitution, agreed to. Eighteenth resolution, requiring oaths of fidelity to the Constitution from Nineteenth resolution discussed-That the Constitution be ratified by Agreed that a committee of five be appointed to report a constitution TUESDAY, JULY 24 Election of the President reconsidered-Agreed that he be elected by the Legislature-Various lengths of his term of service proposed— Consideration postponed-Committee of detail appointed-Committee of the whole discharged WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 .. Election of the President and length of term of service taken upVarious modes proposed, but not acted upon favorably-That delegates might take copies of resolutions which had been adopted not agreed to. PAGE. 372 382 390 403 414 423 THURSDAY, JULY 26. Election and term of service of the Executive-Agreed that he be elected by the National Legislature for seven years, and be ineligible for a second term-The whole clause then agreed to as amended-Agreed that members of the Legislature have the qualifications of property and citizenship-That persons "having unsettled accounts with the United States" be disqualified from being members of the Legislature not adopted. MONDAY, AUGUST 6...... Text of the report of the committee of detail - Draft of a Constitution. TUESDAY, AUgust 7. Report of committee of detail considered-The preamble and articles first and second agreed to-Article third-Agreed to confine the negative of each branch to legislative acts-And to strike out "shall in all cases have a negative on the other"-Agreed that a different day for meeting of the Legislature may be enacted by law--That the Legislature meet in December-That it meet once, at least, each year-And article third adopted as amended. Article fourth, section one- Not agreed that suffrage be confined to freeholders. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8 Article fourth, section one, adopted-Section two amended that citizenship of seven years be required-Also "inhabitant" substituted for "resident"-Section three adopted-Seçtion four amended that representation be regulated according to the rule hereafter to be provided for direct taxation-Amendment to insert "free" before “inhabitants" not agreed to-Section five, relating to origin of appropriation bills, stricken out. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9. Sections six and seven, relating to power of impeachment and to filling of vacancies in the House, agreed to. Article fifth, section one, considered-Amendment, that the power of State executives to fill vacancies in the Senate be stricken out, not Article sixth-Motion to take from the Legislature the power to regulate FRIDAY, AUGUST 10. Article sixth-Property qualification of President, legislators, and judges voted down and section two not adopted-Section three adopted with PAGE. 432 444 458 470 480 493 an amendment authorizing the Houses to compel attendance of absent SATURDAY, AUGUST 11.... Article sixth-Section seven adopted—Section eight adopted after the last sentence relative to the Senate had been struck out. MONDAY, AUGUST 13....... Article fourth-Section two reconsidered-Amendments requiring merely citizenship and inhabitancy," requiring a residence of nine years, requiring a residence of four years, requiring that qualification of residence do not apply to foreigners now in the country, and requiring residence of five years not agreed to. Article fifth-Section three confirmed after attempt to reduce the necessary residence from nine years to seven. Article fourth-Section five, relating to appropriations, reconsidered— Several amendments offered, but not agreed to, and the matter left in statu quo. TUESDAY, AUGUST 14... Article sixth-Two amendments to section nine, to allow members of the Legislature to accept office but to vacate their seats, lost-The section postponed-Section ten amended that legislators be paid out of the National Treasury and that their salaries be ascertained by law, and so adopted. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15. Article sixth-Section eleven adopted-Section twelve postponed—Amendments to section thirteen, that the Supreme Court be joined with the President in the revisionary power and that the President have a veto on "resolutions," rejected-But that three-fourths of each House be required to overrule the President's veto and that he have ten days to veto bills adopted, and the section carried as amended. THURSDAY, AUGUST 16.. Amendment subjecting resolutions to the President's veto adopted and made section fourteen of article sixth. Article seventh, relating to the power of Congress, considered-Section one taken up-Clauses relative to regulation of commerce, to coining money, to regulation of value of foreign coin, and to establishing standards of weights, etc., adopted - Amendment adding "post roads" after "postoffices" carried Power to emit bills of credit stricken out. PAGE. 503 507 523 535 541 |