(Henry Laurens). He and other field officers of the Second Light Dragoons sign a letter testifying to the fact of Lieutenant John Simonet De Valcour having served with reputation in the Second Regiment of Cavalry since its first establishment; as he now wishes to return to the Army of his Most Christian Majesty, they recommend his attachment and fidelity be rewarded by a captaincy, as an honorary compensation. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 337. TANDY, MOSES (Forage Master). Alexandria, Feb ruary 7, 1778. Affidavit in defence of Dr. William Rickman, Director of the Military Hospital in Alexandria, charged with neglect of his duties. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 19, page 1. TAYLOR, BENJ" (Private). 1780. Captain Benson's company, Colonel Williams' regiment; sick in hospital at Hillsborough, North Carolina. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 587. TAYLOR, GEO. Shrewsbury, October 19, 1776. To the President of Congress (John Hancock). Has taken off a schooner, driven ashore, six prisoners, whom he sends by Captain Smock; has given an account of the vessel and cargo to General Mercer; among the prisoners sent is a gentleman who was on board. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 22, page 157. TENNENT, GILBERT (Surgeon's Mate, General Hospital). Philadelphia, February 7, 1780. To the President of Congress (Samuel Huntington). Petition signed by him and other officers of the Hospital Department, setting forth their distressed situation and requesting to be supplied with clothing. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 499. THAYERS, (Captain). 1778. Stationed at Fort Arnold. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 15, page 373. UNITED NETHERLANDS. 1785. J. Rutledge declines appointment as Minister Plenipotentiary. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 19, page 501. "UNITED STATES" (ship). 1784. Thomas Bell, Captain; anchored at Pondicherry; the Government not permitting American colours to fly in the Roads of Madras, Stephen Popham addressed the President and Governor in Council on this and the subject of American commerce in India; permission granted March 12, 1787. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 19, page 603. UNZAGA (Governor of Havanna). David Beveridge, of Philadelphia, complains of the treatment received by Americans under Unzaga's administration; an enquiry into this ordered by Spain. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 607. VALCOUR, JOHN SIMONET DE. 1778. Also, Simonet De Valcour, John. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 337. VALENTINE, (Lieutenant). 1780. Artillery; sick in hospital at Hillsborough, North Carolina. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 587. VAN HORNE, WILLIAM (Rev.). June 17, 1779. Colonel William Shepard recommends him for a regular appointment, having served as Chaplain to General Glover's brigade since June, 1778. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 421. VAN HEER, BARTHOLEMEW. Camp at Kingsbridge, September 20, 1776. Jos. Reed, in accordance with the General's orders, makes him the bearer of a letter to Congress, to which body he is anxious to present himself and his certificates as a person likely to be of use to the public. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 19, page 55. VANUXUM, JAMES. (No date.) To Congress. Petition signed by him and others, recommending Frederick Phile to be Collector of Customs in the State of Pennsylvania. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 391. VAN SWEARINGHEN, 1776. Samples of sulphur obtained from him by William Trent. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 22, page 125. VAUGHAN, (Lieutenant). 1780. Colonel Williams' regiment; sick in hospital at Hillsborough, North Carolina. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 587. 6184-No. 93 "VENGEANCE." 1781. Convoy to a fleet of 35 merchantmen, intercepted off the Lizard and conducted into Brest by De La Motte Picquet. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, pages 411 and 415. VERNER, PETER. 1789. Petition signed by him and other invalid pensioners from Pennsylvania, praying that their pensions may be paid in the State of Pennsylvania. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 671. VERNIE, (Major, Pulaski's Legion). March, 1780. Killed at Monks Corner. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 21, page 307. VESSELS (American). December 20, 1788. To their Excellencies the Generals and Intendant of the French ports of Hispaniola. Complaint from 17 masters of vessels in the harbour of Port au Prince, as to the daily vexations experienced from the Royal Marine and Customs officers. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 19, page 590. VESSELS CAPTURED. 1785. July 30. The Dauphin (ship), of Philadelphia, Rich'd O'Bryan, master, bound from St. Ubes, captured by the Algerines. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 16, page 498. "VIGILANT" (sloop). 1787. Belonging to the custom-house at New Providence; the sloop Little Robert captured by her off the island of Heneagua. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 19, page 571. VINCAL, JOHN. 1789. Petition signed by him and other invalid pensioners from Pennsylvania, praying that their pensions may be paid in the State of Pennsylvania. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 671. VIOLETTI, (Mr.). 1780. Of Livorno; part owner of the cargo of the Berkenbosch, from Liverpool; captured by Captain Paul Jones, of the Alliance. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 16, page 29. WADE, (Captain Ninth North Carolina Regiment). October 15, 1777- Sick in hospital in Alexandria; Dr. William Rickman, Director. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 19, page 133. WALES, JACOB (Captain). Camp at Valley Forge, May 6, 1778. He and other officers of Colonel Marshall's regiment sign a certificate as to the acceptable services of Captain Joseph Shurtliff as Brigade and Regimental Quartermaster. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 211. WALKER, JACOB (Captain Continental Artillery). York County, January 20, 1778. Affidavit in defence of Dr. William Rickman, Director of the Military Hospital in Alexandria, charged with neglect of his duties. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 19, page 107. WALKER, (Captain). 1777. Of the artillery stationed at Forts Arnold and Constitution. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 15, page 373. WALKER, JNO. (Private). 1780. Captain Gator's company, Colonel Williams' regiment; sick in hospital at Hillsborough, North Carolina. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 587. WALL, -. 1776. Mr. Wall, of Providence, a gentleman of character, assures Mr. Purviance he may depend on the statement as to the destruction of Norfolk by ships of war. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 21. WALTON, GEORGE. Sussex County, August 9, 1777. Colonel W. Richardson informs the Board of War of his apprehending him and others in consequence of letters and papers found on board the sloop captured by Captain Murphy near Lewes Town, being addressed to them, from which a correspondence with the enemy is argued; released on bail. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 19, page 143. WALTON, (Colonel). Savannah, August 19, 1778. Recommends that Mordecai Sheftall be confirmed as Deputy Commissary-General of Issues for Georgia, vice John B. Garardeau, resigned. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 287. WARD, SAMUEL (Lieutenant-Colonel). Providence, May 31, 1779. To the President of Congress (John Jay). He and other field officers sign a statement of grievances; the depreciation of money makes it necessary to beg Congress to permit them to draw their rations in provisions or grant some adequate relief. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 409. Warren, June 3, 1779. To the President of Congress (John Jay). Certificate signed by him. and sundry officers of the Rhode Island Line in behalf of Major Box; a late resolution deprives him of employment in the Army; he entered the service early in the war as Brigade Major; is an adept in discipline, and they are of opinion the public should acknowledge their obligations by an appointment or allowance. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 413. YANCEY, 1776. Jos. Trumbull, yielding to General Schuyler's determination to rid himself of him and Mr. Elisha Avery, orders them to leave Ticonderoga. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 22, pages 115, 119, 121, and 123. YORKTOWN. October 21, 1781. Return of provisions and stores in the garrisons of Yorktown and Gloucester found in the possession of the British Commissaries on the surrender. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 21, pages 147 and 151. YOUNG, Headquarters, New York, August 13, 1776. To Congress. Jos. Reed, Adjutant-General, writes by him and Captain Hamilton, who have been apprehended as a precautionary measure; there being no specific charges against them, they are paroled, and wait on Congress, to be subject to their orders. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 19, page 49. YOUNG, MARCUS (Lieutenant of the German Regiment). (No date.) To the President of Congress (Samuel Huntington). Letter signed by him and other officers of the German Regiment, setting forth their distressed situation through not having cash to support themselves since their dismission from the Army on half pay; a few days before, they presented a memorial asking the advance of a sum of money on account of pay; they have been allowed three months, but the Board of War has endeavored to stop the payment; they are in debt, therefore beg the warrant may be issued. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 17, page 119. |