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HAMAR, RICHD. (Private). 1780. Captain Eppes' company, Colonel Buford's regiment; sick in hospital at Hillsborough, North Carolina.

A, No. 78, volume 20, page 587.


IMLAY, JOHN. (No date.) To Congress. Petition signed by him and others recommending Frederick Phile to be Collector of Customs in the State of Pennsylvania. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 391.

INDIAN ATROCITIES. Bedford, May II, 1778. Thomas Smith gives the details of a recent outbreak and asks assistance. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 213.

INDIANS. 1780. "A statement of the depredations committed by the Indians in Kentucky since the first day of May, 1780." Chapter A, No. 78, volume 16, page 591.

[blocks in formation]

INGLIS, SAML. (No date.) To Congress. Petition signed by him and others, recommending Frederick Phile to be Collector of Customs in the State of Pennsylvania. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 391.

INSPECTOR OF THE UNITED STATES TROOPS. December, 1784. Major Will North encloses inspection returns to Congress; Forts Pitt and Schuyler; West Point and Springfield. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 17, pages 147, 152, 163, and 167. 6184-No. 92


the United States.

1789. To the President of Petition signed by fifty-four

men (Pennsylvanians), praying that their pensions may be paid in the State of Pennsylvania. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 671.

IRELAND, JNO. (Private). 1780. Artillery; Captain Finley's company; sick in hospital at Hillsborough, North Carolina. Chapter A, No. 78 volume 20, page 587.

JACKSON, HENRY (Colonel Fourth Massachusetts Regiment). Cantonment, New Windsor, February 1, 1783. Certificate, signed by officers of the Massachusetts line, advocating Captain Sumner's request to be appointed Major at large, to rank from October 1, 1782; his situation is peculiar; is an attentive, good, and active officer, and his promotion in this way will be no injustice to anyone in the State. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 21, page 279.

JACKSON, (Dr.). November 29, 1780. Is directed by Dr. Shippen to establish hospitals near Richmond. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 583.

[blocks in formation]

JEAN, ST. (Le Chev' and Major des Vaisseaux du Roi de France). Bordeaux, June 24, 1789. (French.) To the President of the United States (G. Washington). Through Colonel Eustace's kindness, asks the favor of the cross of the Society of the Cincinnati, to which he considers himself entitled by his many services, etc. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 21, page 531.

"JENIFER" (schooner). Nantes, March 13, 1777. Larkin Hammond (Captain); Thos. Morris announces the safe arrival with despatches for the Commissioners at Paris. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 15, page 166.


"St. a Cruse," Teneriff, July 15, 1780. Captain Carpenter gives a certificate as to his willingness to take John Mangnall as a passenger to Virginia. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 16, page 65.

JEWELL, ROBT. 1781. Ann Roberts, as his executrix, requests Congress to issue new warrants for payment in specie of moneys due her brother and his assistants; also cash advanced by him for the use of the public; account enclosed. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 19, pages 365 and 369.

KEAN, THOMAS (late Sheriff). December 2, 1789. A number of final-settlement certificates, attached as the property of Joseph Ogle, to be sold by him; certificate signed by Abel Glasford, sub-Sheriff, as to Ogle's loyalty to the country, annexed. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 17, page 421.

KEARSLEY, JOHN (Dr.). Carlisle, October 22, 1777. A State prisoner confined in Carlisle jail for nearly a year; a letter signed by five gentlemen of the committee of Carlisle in his behalf; his health broken; his room unfit even for a well man. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 15, page 273.

KENNEDY, GEO. (No date.) To Congress. Petition signed by him and others, recommending Frederick Phile to be Collector of Customs in the State of Pennsylvania. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 391.

KENTUCKY. 1780. "A statement of the depredations committed by the Indians in Kentucky since the first day of May, 1780." Chapter A, No. 78, volume 16, pages 587 and 591.

KETTLE, GEORGE. 1789. Petition signed by him and other invalid pensioners from Pennsylvania, praying that their pensions may be paid in the State of Pennsylvania. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 671.

KIDWELL, BENJTM (Private). 1780. Captain Armstrong's company, Colonel Williams' regiment; sick in hospital at Hillsborough, North Carolina. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 587.

KINCADE, PETER (Private). 1780. Captain Benson's company, Colonel Williams' regiment; sick in hospital at Hillsborough, North Carolina. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 587.

KING, JNO. (Private). 1780. Captain Anderson's company, Colonel Williams' regiment; sick in hospital at Hillsborough, North Carolina. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 587.

KING, JOHN, of Virginia. 1777. P. Penet sends a letter to John Hancock by him, congratulating Hancock on the birth of a daughter. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 155.

KITT, JNO. (Private). 1780. Captain Oldham's company, Colonel Williams' regiment; sick in hospital in Hillsborough, North Carolina. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 587.


(No date.) To Congress. Petition signed by him and others, recommending Frederick Phile to be Collector of Customs in the State of Pennsylvania. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 391.

LAFAYETTE, MARQUIS DE. Philadelphia, May 4, 1781. Colonel Saml. Miles (Deputy Quartermaster for Pennsylvania) encloses to Board of War an estimate of money needed for the transportation of clothing for his detachment; approved by the Board, May 9. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 16, page 181.

LAFONG, JNO. (Private, First Virginia Regiment). October 24, 1777. Died in the military hospital in Alexandria; Dr. William Rickman, director. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 19, page 141.


DE. 1786. Vice-Consul from France. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 16, page 483.


(Brothers). St. Marc, 1783. (French and translations.) Vouchers, letters, etc., in the matter of the claim of John Ross for the ship Diligent, unlawfully seized and condemned. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 19, pages 538-542.

LAKE ERIE. 1785. Map showing the tract of land ceded by the Six Nations for a proposed new State on the Western frontier. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 21, page 427.


Philadelphia, May 10.

(French.) To Charles Thomson. Enclosed a copy of M. le Cte de Rochambeau's letter, with the corrections suggested; promises to make these acceptable to the Count. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 19, page 347.

LAMARQUISIE (DE), (Captain). Fort Schuyler, April 30, 1777. (In French.) Assistant engineer at Fort Schuyler; conveying intelligence from Canada. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 15, page 175.


(Colonel). 1778. Return of artillery stationed at Forts Arnold and Constitution. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 15, page 373.


confined there.
page 335.

Forty men, British prisoners, Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20,

LANCASTER HOSPITAL. November 24, 1777. Gen

eral return of the sick and wounded in the American Army. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 163.

MACCULLOCH, ALEX'R (Deputy Commissary-General for Quebec). Burlington, June 29, 1776. To the President of Congress (John Hancock). Letter from him and Zach' Thompson, Captain Naval

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