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[For the purposes of this index, the several classes of papers deposited in the Bureau of Rolls and Library are considered as one collection. The Bureau, under existing equipment, can not confine its indexes or catalogues to any one particular class or collection of papers without neglecting others, to which there exists at present little, if any, clue. While this series of indexes will therefore follow the alphabetical arrangement in the sense of authors, titles, and subjects combined, without regard to the separation by classes of the severally distinct collections of papers, the separated papers of any collection can be readily united by the chapter initial. The existing classification and arrangement of the bound manuscripts (by volume and number) will not be disturbed except where the restoration and preservation of the papers render ripping and rebinding imperative; and in that, as well as in the binding of loose papers, the original classification and arrangement will be followed as closely as may be to avoid the possible confusion consequent upon numerous citations from original manuscripts and references to them by historical writers in their published works. The following entries are merely items of accession to the catalogue, and they are published as "advance sheets," as heretofore.]

ADAMS, (Captain). July 11, 1777.


Spencer informs Congress of the capture, by Lieutenant-Colonel Barton and Captains Adams and Philips, of Major-General Prescot and Major William Barrington, his Aid-de-Camp, on July 10, on Rhode Island. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 128.

ADAMS and NOURSE. 1788. To the Secretary of Congress (Charles Thomson). The post, having refused to bring on the public newspapers directed from one printer to another, is obliged to forward those for the Delegates in Congress under cover to him; considers this an insult to the public. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 651.

"AGATHY" (sloop). December 30, 1775. Memorandum of vessels, cargoes, owners, masters, etc.— Willson, Captain; Shadden & Co., owners; from Granada to Norfolk; cargo, rum. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 22, page 13.


1785. He, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in Portugal, enjoins on Ignace Polyart the desirability of a reciprocal commercial treaty being concluded between that Court and the United States. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, pages 573 and 579.


1780. Employed in the Militia hospitals at Charlotte, North Carolina. Chapter A. No. 78, volume 20, page 585.

ALGERINES. 1785. Capture of the ship Dauphin, of

Philadelphia; master, Rich" O'Bryan; bound from
St. Ubes; and of the schooner Maria, of Boston;
master, Isaac Steevens; bound to Cadiz.
A, No. 78, volume 16, page 498.



November 24, 1777.


eral return of the sick and wounded in the American Army. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, page 163.

ALLEN, ETHAN (Colonel). (No date.) "Humanus" writes to the Connecticut Courier concerning Allen's treatment while a prisoner in England; enclosed to Congress in a letter from various British officers, prisoners at Hartford. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 54.

“ALLIANCE" (frigate). 1780. Claim of John Daniel Schweighauser and Puchelberg & Co. for supplies furnished. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 20, pages 598 to 606.

ALLISON, (General). Goshen, August 10, 1785. To Nathaniel Sackett. Matters connected with the settlement of the proposed new State on the Western frontiers. [Copy of letter annexed to the memorial.] Chapter A, No. 78, volume 21, page 421.

BUCHANAN, AND. Baltimore, August 24, 1777. To the President of Congress (John Hancock). Report of Captain John David, of the Conqueror, galley, as to number and position of the enemy's fleet. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 2, page 233.

Baltimore, August 21, 1777. To the President of Congress (John Hancock). Nine of the enemy's fleet off the mouth of the river, standing up the bay. Encloses Captain Nicholson's letter. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 2, page 227.

BUCHANAN, WM. (C. G. of Purhs). Philadelphia, August 12, 1777. To John Hancock, President of Congress. Enclosing an estimated return of stores per Colonel Trumbull; wishes Congress to consider the advisability of removing a part of the salt pork, and so putting a check on the price of that article; wishes directions, too, respecting other groceries, etc. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 2, page 223.

By direction of Board of War, Buchanan supplied a Colonel Mason, of Leesburgh, Virginia. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 4, page 379.

Yorktown, October 2, 1777. To John Hancock, President of Congress. Concerning public stores (wheat); disposition of. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 2, page 269.

Yorktown, October 2, 1777. To John Adams, President of Congress. Detailed account of the supply of provisions for the Army in the neighborhood of Philadelphia. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 2, page 271.

Yorktown, November 8, 1777. To Henry Laurens, President of Congress. Wishes to be informed if a fifth department of the commissariat has been established for the Western waters, and who is appointed deputy commissary-general. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 2, page 293.

Yorktown, November 21, 1777. To Henry Laurens, President of Congress. Encloses advertisement to show the prices at which provisions for the Army have been procured hitherto. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 2, page 301.

[blocks in formation]

Yorktown, January 26, 1778. To Henry Laurens, President of Congress. Encloses extract from Mr. Colt's letter of roth instant for the consideration of Congress; desires an inquiry into his official conduct and his expenditure of public money. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 2, page 357. CABELL, Q. V. Williamsburg, December 29, 1775. To Matthew Tilghman, Thos. Johnston, jr., and Saml. Chase. Letter signed by him and others, giving a detailed account or affairs in Virginia, pursuant to their letter, by Captain Hyde, whose enquiry they endeavoured to assist; the position, force, etc., of the enemy under Lord Dunmore; the behaviour in Norfolk a disgrace to the colony; cowardly conduct of the militia, etc. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 22, page 9.

CADWALADER, JOHN. Bristol, December 15, 1776. To Robert Morris. Refers to Lee's capture; movements in New Jersey; urges Morris' return to Philadelphia. "A good face among men in power keeps up the spirits of the people, and one chearful countenance may do wonders." Chapter A, No. 78, volume 15, page 309.

CALDWELL, ANDW. (No date.) To Congress.

To Congress. Petition signed by him and others, recommending Frederick Phile to be Collector of Customs in the State of Pennsylvania. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 391. CALDWELL, ANDW. JAMES.

new frigate Congress.
16, page 143.

1781. Part owner of the Chapter A, No. 78, volume

CALDWELL, SAML. Lancaster, January 27, 1778. To James Mease. Has reread the resolves of Congress respecting the clothing of the Continental Army; feels himself terribly affected by the fifth article of the resolve of December 20; is unhappy that he can learn nothing as to the source of the information which led Congress to assign the reasons prefixed to the resolve; as it stands, it affects the character of everyone engaged in the department, himself particularly; will give no more assistance till the matter is cleared up. Chapter A, No. 78,

volume 15, page 385.

Lancaster, February 6, 1778. To Hon. F. L. Lee and James Lovell. The bearer is George Seneff, a tailor employed by him to make clothing for the soldiery; carries with him coats cut by himself; has always found him faithful; sends him to be examined by themselves, as he will be under no bias; will endeavor to procure the testimony of some of the officers as to proper attention having been given the clothing, etc. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 15, page 393.

Lancaster, March 4, 1778. To Hon. James Lovell. Received his letter by Seneff; has conversed with him, but can find no improvement on the plans agreed on by the Board of War; will be at Yorktown shortly; will cheerfully be of use; encloses Colonel Shee's certificate as to a proper attention having been given to the distribution of clothing among the soldiery; refers to the charge of infidelity contained in the preamble of the resolve, etc. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 15, page 389.

(No date.) To Congress. Petition signed. by him and others, recommending Frederick Phile to be Collector of Customs in the State of Pennsylvania. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 18, page 391.


(Captain). 1778. Of the brig Ellen, seized by John McClintock; details of the matter set forth in McClintock's Memorial, dated 1780. Chapter A, No. 78, volume 16, page 49.

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