THE MARRIAGE OF GERAINT GERAINT AND ENID 11:723 INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY C. MACAULAY, M.A. FORMERLY FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE London MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1892 [All rights reserved] PREFACE. THIS edition of the idylls of The Marriage of Geraint and Geraint and Enid is intended to be uniform with that of The Coming of Arthur and The Passing of Arthur by Mr. F. J. Rowe, of the Presidency College, Calcutta, and with my edition of Gareth and Lynette. For a general account of Tennyson and his poetry I may be permitted to refer to Mr. Rowe's Introductions, to which I must also acknowledge obligation for several suggestive remarks. In preparing the Notes I have occasionally found Brightwell's Concordance to Tennyson of service, notwithstanding its omissions, which are especially observable in the idyll of Enid; while for etymologies I have constantly given references to Dr. Skeat's Concise Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, a book which might with advantage be put into the hands of every student of English. In quotations from Lady Charlotte Guest's Mabinogion I have referred to the edition of 1877. V 118723 |