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and called loudly on some of her fellow believers to aid her in rescuing from the lambent flames, the lettered wisdom of many centuries, which was stored up within the tottering building. The arch now began to rock to and fro,

In the confused throng of victorious and from the violence of the flames below; some of Tanquished troops, Zelinda had contrived to the stones composing it gave way, and Fadrique disengage herself from Fadrique's arms, and anxiously warned the maiden of her imminent fled from him like an arrow shot by a skillful danger; scarcely had she receded a few steps, bowman, or like the wild gazelle among its before the very spot on which she had prenative hills, so that she was soon lost to the viously stood, in a moment came down with a eyes of the young soldier in those paths well huge crash, and crumbled into a thousand known to her, though love lent him wings. fragments on the pavement. Zelinda retreated into the inside of the burning palace, whilst Fadrique ran up the winding stairs which were of marble, followed by his faithful protecting comrade, Heimbert.

They hurried through high-roofed halls that echoed their footsteps at every tread; above their heads the ceiling was formed in lofty

The loss of so splendid a prize added an edge to the keenness of the Spaniard's rage, which burned in his breast against the unbelieving foe. Wherever a luckless group was still found offering resistance to the progress of the triumphant Spaniards, Fadrique put himself at the head of his troops, who gathered around him arches, and one chamber led to another like as a standard of victory; whilst Heimbert never quitted his side, and like a faithful shield the walls were covered with ornamented shelves, the various mazes of a labyrinth. On all sides warded off danger in various shapes, to which containing piled up rolls of parchment, papyrus, his comrade, intoxicated by success, and yet and palm leaves, which, filled with characters stung with rage at the loss of his fair captive, of bygone ages, had now, alas! reached the heedlessly exposed himself. On the following end of their existence, for the flames had alday, intelligence was gained of Barbarossa's ready effected an entrance and were consuming expeditious flight, and the troops entered the these records of hieroglyphic times. The fiery gates of Tunis without opposition. The squa- element, which now spread its lurid covering drons under the command of Fadrique and around one beam after another, had been Heimbert were close together. kindled by the rage of some Spanish soldiers, Dense volumes of smoke spread through the who, disappointed in their expectations of plunstreets; the soldiers were frequently obliged to der, had thus given vent to their savage feelshake off portions of inflamed materials which ings, the rather that in these singular characters settled upon their mantles, and richly plumed they recognised only the impressions of magic morions or storming caps. "I fear the enemy and witch-craft. Fadrique flew, as in a dream, has, in despair, set fire to some powder maga- through the splendid halls and corridors lit up zine!" exclaimed Heimbert, warily, whilst by a glare at once magnificent and terrible, Fadrique, nodding assent to the suggestion, hastened to the spot whence the smoke proceeded, followed by his soldiers.

whilst the only sound that issued from his lips was "Zelinda, Zelinda!" and the only object that presented itself to his eyes, the image of On suddenly turning the corner of a street, his enchanting love. Long did Heimbert follow they found themselves in front of a magnificent at his side, till both at last reached a staircase palace, out of whose elegant windows flames of cedar-wood, which led to a still higher story, issued forth, which, in their fitful glare, seemed when Fadrique, after having stood and listened, like torches of death lighting up the noble edi- suddenly exclaimed: "It is, it is, Zelinda! I fice, in the hour of its tottering grandeur: now hear a voice above; she calls, she needs my aid!” spreading a halo, bright as a sunbeam, over Scarcely had he uttered these words before he some part of its gigantic dimensions, and now stood on the steps which were already emitting again enveloping it in a gloomy cloud of smoke, sparks. Heimbert delayed an instant: he saw And like a faultless statue, the ornament of the the stairs tottering, and was about to apprise whole magnificent edifice, stood Zelinda, on an his friend of his impending danger, but at that arch of dizzy height, beneath which the spor- moment the whole scene burst into volumes of tive flames were wreathing a fiery garland, flame with a terrific crash. He could only just

perceive, through the flame and smoke, Fa- one step, and then let the rest beware of my drique firmly grasping the iron railing above vengance when I reach them."

and suspended by it;-there was no way left| The weapon glistened in the soldier's hand to follow him. After brief deliberation Heim- but still more did his eyes sparkle with rage; bert hastened to the neighbouring rooms, hoping the villains fled. Zelinda now bowed courto find some passage by which he might regain teously to her deliverer, and lifting up several his lost comrade. scrolls of palm leaves which, having dropped

Meanwhile Fadrique, invited by the damsel's from her hands, lay close at her feet, hastily voice, had entered a gallery, the floor of which, made her way through a side door of the enveloped in flames, was falling into the abyss gallery. Fruitless was the search made for her beneath with a tremendous noise, whilst a range by Fadrique throughout the whole of the burnof pillars on each side still braved the fury of ing palace. the devouring element. He now beheld the figure of his lady-love on the opposite side,


clinging to a pillar with one hand, and with On a sort of common within the conquered the other menacing some Spanish soldiers who town, Duke Alva and some of the principal seemed prepared each moment to seize her. Spanish nobles had collected together, for the Fadrique could not come to her assistance, as purpose of questioning several Ottoman prisonthe space which divided them was too broad to ers, through interpreters, what had become of be leaped over. Trembling lest his cries should the wonderful female who had appeared as the frighten the maiden, who thus might fall into inspiring angel on the Turkish trenches, and the yawning gulf beneath, he said in a whisper, must be regarded as one of the loveliest as though he were wafting his words across the enchantresses ever beheld by mortal eyes.— flaming interval, "Zelinda, Zelinda, yield to no Their answers did not afford much information, desperate thoughts, your protector is at hand!" since the captives themselves, though aware The maiden turned her queenly head towards that the beautiful Zelinda possessed the power him, and when Fadrique saw that she was col- of magic, and was accordingly reverenced by lected and calm, he exclaimed in the thunder their nation as a sovereign mistress, knew of a war trumpet, addressing himself to the little or nothing concerning her mysterious soldiers: "Back, audacious rascals! the first visits to Tunis, whence she came, or to what that approaches one step nearer the lady falls corner of the earth she had now betaken herby my avenging arm!" They started, and The conqueror, deeming this account were about to turn away, when one among them fabulous, or at best evasive, began to threaten said: "Comrades, the knight will not eat us, the prisoners with condign punishment unless and the space he has to cross before he can they should reveal more satisfactory details, reach us is considerable. As to the lady prewhen an old Dervise, who had been overlooked cipitating herself down this gallery-it seems till now, stepped forth and said, with a grim as though the captain there was her gallant, smile: "Whoever is desirous of tracking her and the lady who has a gallant is not, generally steps, may do so forthwith. I will conceal from very eager to throw her life away." him nothing that I know of her mysterious course, and I do know some little. But I must first exact a promise that I am not to be com

These words created a unanimous burst of boisterous applause, and the soldiers again ad


vanced; Zelinda stood at the extreme edge of pelled to accompany the adventurer, be he who the flooring, in the act of leaping down. At he may. If this condition be not complied with, this critical moment Fadrique, looking like an my lips are closed; and no circumstances whatever shall induce me to open them." infuriated beast of prey when disappointed of its victim, tore his targe off his shoulders, and He looked like one who would prove as good hurled it with his dexterous right hand so surely as his word, and Alva, pleased with a decision that the ringleader of the soldiers received a of character that so nearly resembled bis own, violent blow on his skull, and fell senseless to pledged himself to the proposed condition, the ground. The rest once more stood still. whereupon the Dervise began as follows: "Away with you," cried Fadrique in a com- "Having once upon a time penetrated into manding voice, or my poignard transfixes the the almost boundless desert of Sahara (whether next presumtuous fool that dares to advance led on by curiosity or some other feeling, I do


"I question that," uttered a sturdy voice in

not now remember), I lost my way, and after wandering about for some time, I at length, the crowd. "But well I know, that I, rather

half dead with fatigue and vexation, reached one of those fruitful islands, commonly called Oases."

than any man, may claim a right to the adventure, even if it were the prize for the storming of Tunis. Who first scaled the ramparts, or entered the town a conqueror ?"

Now followed, in true oriental style, a description of the wonderful things seen there, so "It was, unquestionably, Don Fadrique that the hearts of the listeners swelled with fond Mendez," replied Heimbert, leading forth his desire, and now their hair stood on end at the comrade by the hand, and presenting him to recital of some horrible thing; though on account the collected nobles. "Though I should forego of the strange accent and the stream-like the reward already granted to me, I will console rapidity of the old man's utterance, scarcely myself, for he has merited the thanks of the one half of the tale could be gathered. whole army more than I have."

"Neither of you is deprived of his reward," exclaimed Duke Alva: "to each, I now grant leave to track the maiden's steps, in any manner he may choose."

Quick as lightning the youthful heroes darted from the circle in opposite directions.


On the whole, however, it was inferred that Zelinda lived in a blooming island, in the midst of the pathless steppes of the desert, and that during the last half hour she had been on her way thither, as doubtless the Dervise well knew, but was unwilling to express in definite terms. The sneering manner in which the old man had concluded his story, proved that he had nothing more at heart than that some Like a vast ocean of sand extending to the adventurous Christian might be led to under- remotest horizon, destitute of every object to take a journey which would inevitably be vary the monotony of its immense surface, attended with extreme peril, if not actual loss unchangeably white and one continuous waste, of life. At the same time, he took a solemn the wilderness of Sahara meets the eye of the oath that the whole matter was precisely as he wanderer whose unfortunate lot it is to explore had related it, and that he had not been guilty its barren regions. It may be said to resemble either of adding to, or diminishing from the the ocean in this respect also, that ever and exact truth. The Spanish nobles stood around anon huge waves of sand are driven upwards, him in speechless amazement and contempla


whilst not unfrequently, too, a nebulous mist broods over its gigantic plain. It is not, howAt this juncture, Heimbert, who had just ever, that wild, sportive undulation which been compelled, by the violence of the flames unites, as it were, all the coasts of this earth, which enveloped the castle ruins, to quit his where each successive wave that rolls towards you friend's side, stepped forth and bowed low to seems pregnant with news from every distant the great leader of the united troops. "What blooming isle, and when it has communicated may be your wish, valiant young sword?" its intelligence, recedes with your answer into asked Alva, nodding familiarly to the youth- the wavy dance-no! it is only the miserable ful soldier. "I remember your cheerful, coquetting of the sultry winds with the inconblooming features; 'tis not long since you showed yourself my guardian angel, and since I know that your request cannot be but hon ourable and knightly, 'tis granted ere yon speak it."

stant sand, that falls down again into its joyless bed, where human beings know no happiness, and where they tarry not. It is not the genial refreshing exhalation of the main, in which friendly faries love to frolic, shaping in airy "Good, my lord Duke,” said Heimbert, glow- form now blooming gardens, and now splendid ing with modest pride, "since you permit me palaces and gorgeous piazzas—it is a suffocating to prefer my humble petition, I would that you vapour, rebelliously mounting up from the allowed me this very hour to pursue the beau- desolate region to the scorching sun. teous Zelinda, whose path yon strange Dervise has pointed out."

Hitherto the two adventurers had come at the same moment, and with looks that bespoke The warrior once more nodded assent, and feelings of trepidation, were peering into the added: "So noble an adventure could not be trackless chaos that lay widely extended before entrusted to a worthier knight,"


Zelinda's footsteps, which were not

easily lost sight of, had till then obliged them the fatal influence of the moving clouds. At almost always to join company, wherefore times he heard a noise, as if something were Fadrique was not a little disconcerted, and rapidly rushing past him, or sweeping the often threw a scowling glance at his unwelcome ground with the ample folds of a mantle; on companion. It had been the eager wish and such occasions he would rise in anxious haste, hope of both to overtake Zelinda before the but he only perceived what he had, alas, too desert should have buried her course in hope- often seen lately, the wild animals of the willess uncertainty. But now both were disap-derness, sportively roaming through the vast pointed in their wishes, as the avalanche of void in enjoyment of undisturbed liberty. Now sand, perpetually in motion, made it a most he would see ugly camels, now long-necked difficult and uninviting task to pursue a south-giraffes with seemingly disproportionate limbs, ern path by the guidance of the stars till, as and now again a long-legged ostrich hurrying fabled story narrates, the wanderer would come along with extended sail-like wings. They all to a wonderful blooming Oasis, the abode of a appeared to mock him, and he had already most lovely enchantress. The young men resolved not to open his eyes again, but linger looked dolefully on the immense void before on till death should put an end to his sufferings, them, their steeds snorted as they snuffed the rather than behold these strange-looking creadry, parching air, whilst doubts and despair tures disturbing his tranquility at the hour of seemed to overcloud the brows of their riders. death. Then, as though the word of command had been On a sudden he heard the prancing of a given, they leaped down from their saddles, and snorting steed which stepped close by him, and loosed the girths of their chargers, in order that he fancied that a human voice whispered into the noble animals, which must have died for his ear. Though half reluctant, he could not want of subsistence in the arid desert, might resist his inclination to rise once more, and retrace their way and gain a happier home.- great was his astonishment on seeing a horseAnd now having taken some provisions from man, in Arabian costume, seated on a welltheir saddle-bags, they disengaged their feet made Arabian courser. Transported with joy from their heavy riding-boots, and disappeared at again finding himself in the vicinity of a like two courageous swimmers, in the boundless



human being, he exclaimed, "O man, whoever thou art, welcome in this frightful solitude, and refresh, if thou canst, thy fellow-man, who else must die of thirst!" And immediately recoWhere the sun was the only guide by day, lecting that the accents of his dear native tongue and the starry array at night, it could not but were unintelligible in this secluded locality, happen that the two adventurers soon lost sight dialect termed Lingua Romana, which forms he repeated the same address in that mixed of one another, more especially since Fadrique the ordinary vehicle of intercourse used by purposely avoided his comrade's society, to Heathens, Mahometans, and Christians, in which he now felt unconquerable aversion.Heimbert, on the other hand, entertained no those parts of the world where they meet other thoughts than those which had reference together in any great numbers. to the attainment of his end, and walked on in southern direction, cheerfully hoping for assistance from above.

Night and morning had succceded each other several times, when Heimbert stood, one even

The Arabian maintained strict silence for some little time, and seemed to chuckle at the rare booty chance had thrown in his way. At length he replied, in the above-mentioned idiom, "Know that I too was in the Barbarossa

ing about twilight, alone in the vast sandy fight, and though our defeat was not a little plain, without a single settled object in the vexatious at that time, yet I find myself somewide sphere of his vision. The light flask what compensated in seeing at my feet, and in hanging from his side, was emptied of its con

so truly miserable a condition, one of the con

tents; and evening instead of refreshing breezes, querors in that siege." was accompanied by a whirlwind of sultry "Miserable, did you say?" asked Heimbert, sand, so that the exhausted wanderer was enraged; and whilst insulted honour gave him necessitated to press his glowing cheeks close more than his usual strength for the moment, to the arid ground, to escape, in some measure, he started up, unsheathed his sword, and, with

his right, made a desperate thrust at the The affectionate steed of the Arabian had stranger. meanwhile again approached; for it is the wont “Oho," sneered the Arabian, receding a few of those noble animals never to desert their paces; can the Christian adder still hiss so masters, even when prostrate. Thus it stood loudly? As for the matter, I need but strike behind the two men, and, extending its long my legs against my dark-brown friend here, and graceful neck, looked at them in a friendly and, galloping off, leave thee to thy wretched manner.

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fate, thou stray worm."

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"Arabian," said Heimbert, in a somewhat Away with thee, heathen dog!" replied weak voice, “take from off thy horse's back the Heimbert. "Rather than accept a crumb food and beverage thou carriest about thee, from thy hands, I will perish here, should my and set all down before me here."

gracious God not be pleased to provide manna for me in the wilderness."

The other humbly obeyed this order, and now appeared as anxious to execute the dictates of his superior foe, as he before burned with rage against him.

The Arabian now urged his flying steed, and galloped a few hundred paces, laughing in loud mockery at his helpless foe all the while. After having taken a draught of palm-wine Then he halted, looked round at Heimbert, and from a skin, Heimbert looked with refreshed again approaching said: "Thou really dost eyes at the young Arabian by his side; and appear to me too good to die here of hunger when he had partaken of some fruit, and and thirst. See, my glorious sabre shall de- quaffed a little more of the palm-wine, said, spatch thee!" "Was it your intention to proceed on your journey this night, young man !"

Heimbert, who had again sunk down in hopeless despair on the burning sand, quickly "Oh yes!" answered the Arabian, with sad got upon his feet, at these words, sword in looks. "On a remote Oasis dwell my aged sire hand, and though the Arabian's steel bore and blooming bride. Now, though thou shouldst down upon him with rapid course, the expert give me my liberty, I fear I shall pine away in swordsman, with one stroke of his weapon, intimidated the charger of his foe, and parried the blow which the Arabian, like all Mahometans, struck at him backwards with his scythe

like cimitar.

this sultry desert, for want of provisions ere I reach the fond limit of my journey."

"Can it be," asked Heimbert, "the Oasis which the fair magician, Zelinda, inhabits ?”

"Allah protect me!" exclaimed the Arabiar, clasping his hands together. "Zelinda's enchanted isle is accessible to none but enchanters, It lies in the distant, scorching south: but our friendly island is situated in the cool west."

"Well," replied Heimbert, cheerfully, "I only desired to know whether we were to be

Several times the Arabian charged on one side and on another, in vain hoping to cleave his foe. At last he became impatient, and approached so boldly, that Heimbert whilst parrying a side thrust, gained time to seize the horseman by the girdle with his left, and pull him down from his horse, which then galloped companions on the way. But if this be not the off. The violent exertion which this feat cost case, we must of course divide the provisions. him caused Heimbert to fall to the ground; he as I do not wish that so brave a soldier as yourlay, however, upon his antagonist, and skilfully self should perish with hunger and thirst.” drawing a poignard from its sheath, held it before his eyes. "Wilt thou have compassion, or death?" asked he.

Hereupon the young German commenced arranging both eatables and liquid in two different shares, placing the larger portion at his The Arabian, casting his eyes up to the left, and the smaller at his right; and giving murderous knife that glittered before him, re- the former to the astonished Arabian, said;— plied, "Be merciful thou valiant fencer. I "You see, my dear fellow, I have either not far yield myself into thy hands." to go, or I must sink in the wilderness, this my mind foretells me. And, besides, I cannot proceed so far on foot as you can on horseback."

Upon this Heimbert commanded him to throw down the sword, which he still held in his right. He did so, and both combatants rose, but soon sunk down again on the sand, for the victor still felt more feeble and exhausted than the vanquished one.

"Victorious master!" said the Musselman, with amazement, "am I to keep my horse too?"

"It were indeed a sin," replied Heimbert, with a smile, "to separate so generous a steed

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