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of his friend. This description we shall apply to himself, trusting that it will be as well understood as admired.

Political eminence and professional fame fade away and die with all things earthly. Nothing of character is really permanent but virtue and personal worth. These remain. Whatever of excellence is wrought into the soul itself belongs to both worlds. Real goodness does not attach itself merely to this life; it points to another world. Political or professional reputation cannot last forever; but a conscience void of offence before God and man is an inheritance for eternity. Religion, therefore, is a necessary and indispensable element in any great human character. There is no living without it. Religion is the tie that connects man with his Creator and holds him to His throne. If that tie be all sundered, all broken, he floats away, a worthless atom in the universe; its proper attractions all gone, its destiny thwarted, and its whole future nothing but darkness, desolation, and death. A man with no sense of religious duty is he whom the Scriptures describe in such terse but terrific language, as living without God in the world. Such a man is out of his proper being, out of the circle of all his duties, out of the circle of all his happiness, and away, far, far away from the purposes of his creation.

A mind like Mr. Webster's active, thoughtful, penetrating, sedate, could not but meditate deeply on the condition of man below, and feel its responsibilities. He could not look on this mighty system,

This universal frame, thus wondrous fair,

without feeling that it was created and upheld by an Intelligence, to which all other intelligence must be responsible. I am bound to say that in the course of my life I never met with an individual in any profession or condition, who always spoke and always thought with such awful reverence of the power and presence of God. No irreverence, no lightness, even no too familiar allusion to God and his attributes ever escaped his lips. The very notion of a Supreme Being was, with him, made up of awe and solemnity.

It filled the whole of his great mind with the strongest emotions. A man like him, with all his proper sentiments and sensibilities alive in him, must, in this state of existence, have something to believe, and something to hope for; or else, as life is advancing to its close, all is heart-sinking and oppression. Depend upon it, whatever may be the mind of an old man, old age is only really happy when, on feeling the enjoyments of this world pass away, it begins to lay a stronger hold on the realities of another.

Mr. Webster's religious sentiments and feelings were the crowning glories of his character.

The address was followed by a prayer. The rooms, hall, and stairway, were filled by Mr. Webster's relatives and friends, while a vast mass of listeners stood on the piazza, and on the lawn; the position of the clergyman, near the hall door, enabling many to hear.

During the exercises, unperceived by the group round the clergyman, arrangements were made for conveying the body to the tomb. The metallic case, in which it was deposited, was covered, and placed on a simple, low platform, drawn by one pair of black horses, whose harness was slightly dressed with crape. The coffin was covered with full black cloth, confined by several plated ornaments; a wreath of oak leaves was at the head; another of fresh flowers at the foot.

After a few moments' pause, at the conclusion of the prayer, two or three gentlemen quietly and gradually opened a path through the dense mass of persons around the house. In solemn silence, six of Mr. Webster's neighbors, Asa Hewett, Seth Weston, Eleazer Harlow, J. P. Cushman, Tilden Ames, Daniel Phillips, took their places on either side of his bier. His son, grandson, relatives, domestics, and the persons having the charge and management of his estates, stood next. Among the domestics were several colored persons, who had been long in Mr. Webster's service, and were deeply attached to him. One of them had been recently emanci

pated by him. The Governor of the Commonwealth, the Council and State Officers, the Mayor of Boston and City Government, distinguished citizens of Massachusetts, and many from the other New England States, and delegations from other States and cities, with hundreds of personal, devoted friends of Mr. Webster, quietly passed into the long sad procession; truly a sad procession; for the multitudes that lined the path for nearly the whole distance to the tomb, where moved by the same grief that rested on the hearts of the mourners.

The morning had been uncommonly beautiful. The air was soft and warm, and the light so rich and golden, that the slight shade still found under some few trees, had been grateful. Just as the procession began to move, a chill breeze came up from the ocean, and threw a veil of mist over the sky.

When the funeral train, all on foot, unheralded by official pomp, military display, or even the strains of mourning music, had reached the modest tomb, the honored form was rested at the entrance. It was once more uncovered that the relatives and friends might again and for the last time, look upon that majestic countenance; a fervent prayer was again offered; and then, slowly and sadly, friend and stranger passed away, and left the illustrious sleeper with those whom he had so tenderly loved in life, and with whom death had now reunited him.

The tomb, with its group of unpretending monuments, is on a gentle eminence, about a mile from the mansion-house, and adjoining the ancient village burying ground, where rests the dust of some of the early Pilgrim Fathers. Mr. Webster had himself superintended the preparation of the tomb, and the erection of the monuments to the wife and children he had lost, directing that the one erected to himself should be of the same style and proportions. Over the door of the tombs is cut merely, "Daniel Webster." On the three monuments within the inclosure, are the following inscriptions.

Wife of Daniel Webster,
Born January, 16, 1781,

Died January 21, 1828.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.


wife of

Samuel Appleton Appleton;

Born January, 16, 1818,

Died April 28, 1848.

Let me go, for the day breaketh.


Born Feb. 7, 1848.

Died March 15, 1849.


Born July 20, 1820.

Died at San Angel, in Mexico,

In the military service
of his country,

Jan. 23, 1848.

A dearly beloved son and brother.

As the multitude turned from the hallowed spot, many gathered flowers, leaves, or even blades of grass, to be treasured as memorials of a day unequalled in solemn pathos, within their experience. The effect upon the minds of all present, can never be described. All things were in harmony,-the beauty of the day, the falling leaves, the countenances of the assembled multitude, the appropriate arrangements, the aspect of the autumnal landscape,-all aided in producing an elevated and tender mood of feeling. it was one of those rare occasions in which a brief space of time is sufficient to leave impressions, which all the experiences of future life will not be able to efface.



Considered merely as literary productions, we think the three volumes take the highest rank among the best productions of the American intellect. They are thoroughly national in their spirit and tone, and are full of principles, arguments and appeals, which comes directly home to the hearts and understandings of the great body of the people. They contain the results of a long life of mental labor, employed in the service of the country. They give evidence of a complete familiarity with the spirit and workings of our institutions, and breath the bracing air of a healthy and invigorating patriotism. They are replete with that true wisdom which is slowly gathered from the exercise of a strong and comprehensive intellect on the complicated concerns of daily life and duty. They display qualities of mind and style which would give them a high place in any literature, even if the subjects discussed were less interesting and important; and they show also a strength . of personal character, superior to irresolution and fear, capable of bearing up against the most determined opposition, and uniting to boldness in thought intrepidity in action. In all the characteristics of great literary performances, they are fully equal to many works which have stood the test of age, and baffled the skill of criticism. Still, though read and quoted by everybody, though continually appealed to as authorities, though considered as the products of the most capacious understanding in the country, few seem inclined to consider the high rank they hold in our literature, or their

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