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The Citizen


MARCH, 1897-FEBRUARY, 1898

Published by

The American Society for the Extension of University Teaching
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



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Adeane, J. H. (ed.), 'Letters of Maria Joseph Holroyd,'
by M. G., 31.

Aldrich, T. B., Judith and Holofernes,' by A. H.
Quinn, 17.

Allen, James Lane, The Choir Invisible', 216.
'America and Americans', 45.

American Library Association, 97.

American Society of University Extension, Annual
Report, 1897-8, 267.

Ames and McLellan, 'The Public School Arithmetic,'

Appeal for aid of Lafayette College, 269.

Arber, E. (ed.), "The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers,' by
E. D. Warfield, 259.

Ardel, Henri, 'Renée Orlis', 217.

Aubrey, Frank, "The Devil Tree of El Dorado,' 123.
Axson, Stockton, 15, 67, 208.

[blocks in formation]

Bell, F. H., 286.

Belloc, H., 48; 'Verses and Sonnets,' 23.

Bird, Albert A., 185 (cf. 173).

Birney, E. C., Saintsbury's "Thoughts on Republics,' 10.
Boughton, Willis, 'A History of Ancient Peoples', 71.
Bourget, Paul, 'Recommencements', 96.

Bourne, Henry E., 161, 257.

Bourninot, J. G., 'The Story of Canada', 70.

Bright, J. F., Maria Theresa and Joseph II,' by C. H.
Lincoln, 140.

Brinton, Daniel G., 'Maria Candelaria,' 191.

British Association, 173.

Bronson, W. C., English Literature in Secondary
Schools, 178.

Brown University and Dr. Andrews, 149.

Brown, Kate Louise, The Plant Baby and its
Friends,' 241.

Browning, R., Poems, new ed., 21.

Bruce, P. A., Economic History of Virginia in the
XVII. Century', J. C. Ballagh, 67.

Bryce, James, 'American Commonwealth,' 45.
Bullock, Charles J., 'Introduction to the Study of
Economics,' 192.

Burgess, John W., The Middle Period,' 169.

Burr, G. B. (ed.), 'The Witch Persecutions,' by A. F.
Chamberlain, 261.

Bury, John B., Gibbon's 'Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire,' 20, 145.

Caine, T. H., "The Christian', by Erin Graham, 205.
Callahan, J. M., 117.

Carlyle's Prentice Hand, A. MacMechan, 200.
Carman, Bliss, Ballads of Lost Haven,' 215.
Cartwright, J., Jean François Millet,' by H. Gren-
fell, 209.

Cattaneo, R., 'Architecture in Italy', by F. M. Day, 135.
Chamberlain, Alexander F., 262.

Chamberlain, J., Foreign and Colonial Speeches', by
F. H. Bell, 280.

Chambers, Robert W., "The Makers of Moons', 44.
Channing and Hart, 'Guide to American History,' 144.
Charity Bazaar, Paris, 101.
Charity Organization, 128.
Cheney, E. P., 120.

[blocks in formation]

D., W. M., Letters to Dead Economists, I, 179; II, 225;
III, 275.

Dallinger, F. W., 'Nominations for Elective Office in
the United States,' by F. W. Speirs, 237.
Daudet, Alphonse, 'La Fédor', 122.
Davis, Richard Harding, 'Soldiers of Fortune', 166.
Day, Frank Miles, 137.

Dayton, A. C., 'Last Days of Knickerbocker Life in
New York,' by A. H. Wharton, 90.

Dead Woman, A (tr. de Musset), F. H. Sykes, 142.
Devlin, T. C., Municipal Reform in the United
States,' 44.

Dowden, Edward, 'French Revolution and English
Literature,' 121.

Doyle, A. Conan, 'Rodney Stone', by Stockton Ax-
son, 14.

Drexel Institute, 53.

Drexel Institute, by James MacAlister, 57.
Du Bose, The Ecumenical Councils', 94.

Edgar, Pelham, 20.

Fducation and Crime, 127.
Education of the People, 199.

Eggleston, Edward, 'The Beginners of a Nation', 96.
Engineers' Strike in Great Britain, 246, 270.

English Literature in Secondary Schools, W. C. Bron-
son, 178.

Eno, H. L., Walter Pater, 248.

Evils of the Penal System, The, P. C. Garrett, 176.
Exhibition of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts,
The, 273.

F., 189.

Farmer, James E., 'Essays on French History', 145.
Farrar, Frederic, "The Bible, Its Meaning and Su-
premacy’, 264.

Fête-days and National Character, 150.
'Figaro-Salon', 95.

Fisher, S. G., 'Pennsylvania Colony and Common-
wealth', by J. G. Rosengarten, 137.

Fisher, S. G., The Evolution of the Constitution of
the United States,' by F., 188.

[blocks in formation]

Fletcher, W. I., "The Public Library Movement in
Organized Form', 157.

Ford, Paul Leicester, 'Washington', 43.
Frederic, Harold, M. E. Wardwell, 152.

Free Lectures to the People, New York board of
education, 199, 222.

Frye, Prosser Hall, "The Substance of His House', 190.
Furst, C. B., "The Story of a Love Story', I, 82;
II, 104.

Gardiner, Samuel R., 'Cromwell's Place in History',


Garrett, P. C., 'The Evils of our Penal System', 176.
Gentry, Thomas G., 'Life and Immortality', 170.
George, A. J., Tennyson's 'Princess', 22, Coleridge's
Ancient Mariner', 218.

Giddings, Franklin S., Theory of Socialization', 144.
Gilder, Richard Watson, 'For the Country', 291.
Godkin, E. L., 'Problems in Modern Democracy,' 44.
Goodnow, 'Municipal Home Rule,' 121.

Goodyear, W. H., 'Discovery of Greek Horizontal Curves
in the Maison Carrée at Nimes,' 22.

Gordon, George A., 'Immortality and the New
Theodicy', 143.

Gordy, 'History of Political Parties in the United
States', 72.

Gosse, Edmund, 'Seventeenth Century Studies,' 123.
Graham, Erin, 205.

Gregorovius, History of the City of Rome in the

Middle Ages', 71.

Grenfell, H., 211.

Grenfell, M. A., 34, Historical Novels, 251.
Gudeman, Alfred, 115.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Jacobs, W. W., 'The Skipper's Wooing,' 263.

James, E. J., University Extension and the Uni-
versity of Berlin, 106.

James, Henry, Spoils of Poynton,' 69.
Jastrow, Morris, Jr., 163, 214, 291.
Jenks, Jeremiah W., 43, 262.

Jevons, F. B., "The History of Religion', by Morris
Jastrow, Jr., 213.

Johns Hopkins University and State Aid, 174.
Johnson, J. F., International Law and Cuba, 5.
Johnston, Wm. P., The Johnstons of Salisbury,' 241.

[ocr errors]

Keasbey, Lindley M., The Nicaragua Canal and the
Monroe Doctrine', 169.

Kipling, Rudyard, 'Captains Courageous', 239; "The
Seven Seas', by Stockton Axson, 65.

Kuhn, Oscar, "Treatment of Nature in Dante's
Divina Commedia', 167.

Külpe, O., 'Introduction to Philosophy', by John Wat-
son, 233.

Labor Bureaus, 198.

Ladd, G. T., "The Philosophy of Knowledge', by W.
R. Newbold, 211.

Lassar-Cohn's Chemistry of Daily Life', 70.
Lathrop, R. H., Memories of Hawthorne', by A. H.
Quinn, 182.

Leathes, 'Claims of the Old Testament,' 218.
Lenotre, G., La Captivité et la Mort de Marie-
Antoinette', by H. Morse Stephens, 257.

Lesueur, Daniel, 'Invincible Charme', 145.
Letters to Dead Economists, by W. M. D., I, To Pro-
fessor Adam Smith, 179; II, To the Rev. Thomas
Robert Malthus, 225; III, To David Ricardo,
Esq., 275.

Lincoln, C. H., 17, 141.

Lindsay, Samuel McCune, 187, 237.

Link, S. H., 'Pioneers of Southern Literature,' 45.
Literature and the history of literature, 129.

Literature vs. the History of Literature, H. S. Pan-
coast, 130.

Locke, Clinton, The Age of the Great Western
Schism,' 95.

Longfellow, H. W., 'Evangeline', 20.

Loti, P., 'Ramuntcho', by M. H. Harvey, 118.

Low and the mayoralty of New York, 150.

Lowell, A. L., Governments and Parties in Con-
tinental Europe,' C. H. Lincoln, 15.

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[blocks in formation]
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'Paris, 1897', 193.

Parker, Gilbert, 'Pomp of the Lavilettes', 143.

Parry, 'Evolution of the Art of Music,' 143.

Pater, Walter, H. L. Eno, 248; 'Gaston de Latour', by
Pelham Edgar, 18.

Payson, William F., "The Copymaker,' 292.
Pearson, Henry G., Freshman Composition', 218.
Pearson, K., The Chances of Death', by W. F. C.
Morsell, 234.

Penn, W., 'Essay towards the Present and Future

Peace of Europe', 22.

Pennell, J., Irving's 'Alhambra', 21.
Pennypacker, Samuel W., 233.

Peters, J. P., 'Nippur, or Explorations and Adven-

tures on the Euphrates', by M. Jastrow, Jr., 289.
Philadelphia's Better Self', 94.

Philadelphia gas-works, 197.
Philadelphia Museums, 80.
Philanthropic effort misapplied, 1.

Platt, Isaac Hull, 'Are the Shakespeare Plays signed
by Francis Bacon', 193.

Popular Education, not overdone, 79.

Poseur, A., by A. E. T., 55.

Poulton, É. B., Charles Darwin and the Theory of

Natural Selection', 20.

Preston, South G., The Secret of Hamlet', 292.
Professors, aristocracy, and summer schools, 81.
Public Library Movement in Organized Form, The,
W. I. Fletcher, 157.

Quinn, Arthur Hobson, 18, 183.

[blocks in formation]

Restriction of Fiction in the Public Libraries, The, W.
M. Stevenson, 203.

Review of autumn publications, 223.

Richardson, O. H., 'National Movement in the Reign
of Henry III. and Its Culmination in the Barons'
War', 144.

Rideal, S., 'Water and its Purification', by S. C.
Hooker, 164.

Riley, James Whitcomb, 'Rubaiyát of Doc Sifers', 263.
Roberts, C. G. D., 'A Book of the Native', 120; 'His-

tory of Canada', 124.

Rod, Édouard, 'L'Innocente,' 123.

Rodney, George Brydges, "The Buff and Blue', 167.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 'American Ideals', 240.
Rosengarten, J. G., 138.

Rowe, Leo S., 188.

Russell, W. Clark, 'Wreck of the Corsaire', 216.
Russell, Sir E. R., and P. C. Standing, 'Ibsen on His
Merits', by W. S. W. McLay, 230.

[blocks in formation]

Sinall colleges, 245.

Smith, C. A., 'Old English Grammar', 20.

Smith, Goldwin, 'Guesses at the Riddle of Existence',

Smyth, Newman, "The Place of Death in Evolution',

'Southern Writers', 45.

Speirs, Frederic W., 238; "The History of the Gas
Franchise in Philadelphia', 201; "The Street
Railway System of Philadelphia', by A. A. Bird,


[blocks in formation]

Public Libraries, 203.

Stockton, Frank R., 'A Story-teller's Pack', 144.
Story of a Love Story, The, C. B. Furst, I, 82; II, 104.
Stokes, Anson Phelps, 'Joint-Metallism', 44.

Stone, F. D., Papers on the Lords of Plantations and
Trade, 35.

Street, J. A., Jean Ingelow, 224.

Students' Association as a Factor in University Ex-
tension in America, 219.

Summer Meeting of the American Society for the
Extension of University Teaching, 46, 74, 97, 125.

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