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The Bill for appointing a Treasurer in the District of Edenton for the purpose of calling to account the Commissioners for building a public Jail in the District aforesaid.

The Bill for the Inspection of Tobacco in the County of Davidson, in the town of Nashville on Cumberland River.

The Bill for annexing part of the County of Pitt to Beaufort County, and

The Bill to allow further time for saving Lotts within this State. Respectively endorsed, read the third time and passed.

Ordered that these Bills be read, which being read, were passed the third time by this House.

Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.

The House met.

WEDNESDAY, 21 December, 1785.

Received from the House of Commons a Bill to amend and explain an act for opening the land office, & for adding part of the Officers and Soldiers boundary to the County of Davidson. Endorsed, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the first time and returned.

General Rutherford presented the Memorial and Petition of Paul Martin setting forth that he had apprehended and delivered to the Keeper of New Bern District Gaol two Felons, for which he wished an allowance and praying that some order might be taken thereon; Whereupon,

Resolved, That Paul Martin in consideration of his apprehending and delivering to the keeper of the District Gaol of New Bern, Rice Bass and Herman Bass, two capital offenders against the laws of this State, be allowed the sum of fifty pounds and that the Treasurer pay him the same and be allowed therefor in the settlement of his public accounts.

Ordered that this Resolve be sent to the House of Commons for


Recd. from the House of Commons the Bill for emitting one hundred thousand pounds in paper currency for the purposes therein expressed. Endorsed, read the second time, amended and passed. Ordered that this Bill lie on the Table until To-morrow, and that it be then read the second time in this House.

Recd. likewise by way of the House of Commons the Report of the Committee to whom was referred the Memorial and the Petition of Mr. John Burgwin, Merchant. Endorsed, read and concurred with; which report was drawn up in the following words, to-wit: Your Committee to whom was referred the Petition of John Burgwin, are of the opinion that it be referred to the decision of the Laws of the Land to which, they are informed, he has had recourse.

The House taking this report into consideration, Resolved, That they do not concur therewith; whereupon,

Ordered that the yeas and nays be taken on this question which were as follows, to-wit:

For concurring with the report-Mr. Coor, Mr. Easton, Mr. Herndon, Mr. Jones, Mr. Mooring, Mr. Thomas Armstrong, Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Parsons, Mr. McCullock and Mr. Lightfoot.-11.

Against concurring and for rejecting this Report-Mr. Warrington, Mr. Herritage, Mr. J. Miller, Mr. Harget, General Gregory, Mr. Riddick, Mr. Relf, Mr. Etheridge, Mr. Williams, Mr. McCawley, General Ramsey, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Payne, Mr. I. Armstrong, Mr. Bledsoe, Mr. Sharpe, Mr. Harris, Mr. Bryan, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Battle, General McDowell, Mr. Macon, Mr. Brown and Mr. Hawkins.-24.

So this report was rejected.

We have rejected the Report of the Committee on the Petition of John Brady and others, and propose that the Resolve herewith sent you on that head be substituted in lieu thereof.

Received from the House of Commons the following Reports, vizt. : The Report of the Committee to whom was referred the Letter from Captain Robert Fenner.

The Report of the Committee on Colonel Thomas Clark's Letter. The Report of the Committee on the Petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Miller.

The Report of the Committee on the Petition of Timothy de Munroe.

The Report of the Committee on the Petition of Doctor Robert Hornby, and

The Report of the Committee on the Petition of Edward Hall, Esquire. Respectively endorsed, read and concurred with.

The House taking these several Reports into Consideration, Resolved, That they do concur therewith.

Received likewise the following Bills, to-wit:

A Bill to amend the several Acts heretofore passed for regulating the Town of Wilmington; and

A Bill for directing the mode of proceeding on impeachments. Each endorsed in the House of Commons, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that these Bills be read, which being read, were passed the former the second and the latter the first time and returned.

Mr. Macon, presented the Petition of James Miller, Esquire, setting forth that he had furnished the troops of this State with a number of Beef Cattle, &c., for which he had received no allowance; which being read, was referred to the Committee of Claims and sent to the House of Commons.

Recd., by way of the House of Commons, a Message from His Excellency the Governor, addressed to the General Assembly and accompanied by sundry papers purporting to be Resolutions of a body of men stiling themselves Representatives of the State of Franklin, which being read, were ordered to be referred to the consideration of the Committee appointed to report on the former messages & papers from his Excellency the Governor, it was likewise ordered that General McDowell and Mr. McCawley be added to this Com


Adjourned till 4 o'clock p. m.

Met according to adjournment.

Recd. from the House of Commons the following message: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

We propose that the report of the Committee on the representation of the Secretary be committed and that the Committee be directed to report the facts proved before them specially.

This Message being read it was ordered that the following be sent to the House of Commons:

Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen:

We agree that the report of the Committee on the Representation of the public Secretary be committed as by you proposed.

Recd. from the House of Commons a Bill to release Simon Terrell and Joseph Kirk from the Forfeiture of a Recognizance and from the Judgment which ensued thereon. Endorsed, read the first time and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the first time and returned.

Mr. Herndon moved for leave and presented a Bill to impower Commissioners to build a Court House, Prison and Stocks in the County of Wilkes, and other purposes, which was read, passed the first time and sent to the House of Commons.

Recd. from the House of Commons the Bill for ascertaining the Duties and Salary of the Public Printer. Endorsed, read the second time, amended and passed.

Ordered that this Bill be read, which being read, was passed the second time and ordered to be engrossed.

The several amendments agreed on were now inserted in the Bill for emitting one hundred thousand pounds in paper currency for the purposes therein expressed. Whereupon, the Bill was put on its passage when it was passed the second time and ordered to be engrossed.

The Yeas and Nays being required on the passage of this Bill by Mr. Payne, seconded by Mr. Battle, were as follows, to-wit:

For the passage of this Bill-Mr. Coor, Mr. Herritage, Mr. J. Miller, Mr. Harget, Mr. Easton, Mr. Relf, Mr. Jones, Mr. Herndon, Mr. Williams, Mr. Etheridge, Mr. Mooring, Mr. Moore, General Ramsey, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Thomas Armstrong, Mr. I. Armstrong, Mr. Bledsoe, Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Sharpe, Mr. Harris, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Bryan, Mr. Parson, Mr. Campbell, General McDowell, Mr. Brown, Mr. Hawkins, General Rutherford, Mr. Spicer, Mr. Herritage, and Mr. Stephen Miller.-31.

Against the passage of this Bill-Mr. Warrington, General Gregory, Mr. Riddick, Mr. Payne, Mr. Battle, Mr. Macon, Mr. McCullock and Mr. Lightfoot.-8.

So this Bill was passed the second time.

On motion, agreed that Mr. Moore have leave to absent himself from the service of this House after Saturday next.

On motion, it was likewise agreed that Mr. Relf have leave to absent himself from the service of this House after Saturday next. Recd. from the House of Commons the Petition of the Militia Officers of Wilkes County. Endorsed, read and referred to a joint Committee, the members chosen on the part of this House are Mr. Polk, Mr. Blount and Mr. Jno. P. Williams; which being read was, on the part of the Senate, referred to General Rutherford, General McDowell and General Harrington.

Recd. likewise the Report of the Committee to whom was referred the letter and account of General Rutherford. Endorsed, read and concurred with; which being read, was concurred with by this House and returned.

Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.

The House met.

THURSDAY, 22 December, 1785.

Pursuant to the order of the Day "the Bill for emitting one hundred thousand pounds in paper currency for the purposes therein expressed," was read and sent to the House of Commons with sundry amendments proposed by this House.

On the reading of this Bill a motion was made and seconded that it be amended by deleing the words One Hundred Thousand and inserting in their place the words Eighty Thousand, this being objected to the question was put and carried in the negative; whereupon, on motion of Mr. Macon, seconded by Mr. Payne, it was ordered that the yeas and nays be taken which were as follows, vizt.:

For the amendment-Mr. Warrington, General Gregory, Mr. Riddick, Mr. Etheridge, Mr. Payne, Mr. Bledsoe, Mr. Battle, General McDowell, Mr. Macon, Mr. McCullock, Mr. Lightfoot and Mr. Wynns.-12.

Against the proposed amendment-Mr. Coor, Mr. Herritage, Mr. J. Miller, Mr. Harget, Mr. Easton, Mr. Relf, Mr. Jones, Mr. Herndon, Mr. Williams, Mr. Mooring, Mr. McCawley, Mr. Moore, General Ramsey, Mr. Lewis, Mr. T. Armstrong, Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Sharpe, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Bryan, Mr. Parsons, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Hines, Mr. Brown, Mr. Hawkins, General Rutherford, Mr. Spicer, General Harrington and Mr. Stephen Miller.-28.

So the question was lost.

A motion was likewise made and seconded that this Bill be amended by deleing fifty shillings, the sum which the Commissioners for

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