GOV. CASWELL FROM MAJOR EVANS. SIR: MOCOSON GAP, Sept. 10th, 1787. Yours of the 13th of August last, which Came to hand the 24th, I received at Genl. Shelby's where I had halted the 18th in order to get a supply of Flour and Beef sufficient to carry us through the Wilderness, which was the cause of our being detained there much longer than I expected, we halted here the 29th for preparing ourselves with Pack saddles and other necessaries for our march, shall leave this place to-morrow morning by the way of Kentucky and you may rely every exertion in my power shall be used in order to forward on the Troops with all possible Dispatch. Inclosed I send your Excellency a return of the number of the Troops under my Command as also a return of my equipments, which return I should have sent much sooner but was prevented by my not getting a return from one of my Captains until the very day the Express arrived, and before I could get one from him was obliged to send an express to him for that purpose who returned the evening before your Excellency's dispatches came to hand. I had my papers ready to send by the same hand who would not agree to carry them which is the cause of my detaining them until this opportunity by Mr. Markland. Your Excellency may depend upon returns from me immediately upon my arrival at Nashville. I am, with respect, your Excellency's Most Obedt. & very hum. Servt., THOMAS EVANS. TO THE HON'BLE JOHN JAY, ESQ., MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, NEW YORK, FROM WINSTON CASWELL. SIR: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, September 13th, 1787. I am directed by his Excellency the Governor of this State (who is very ill and unable to write) to acknowledge the receipt from your office of your Letter of the 3d of July together with extracts of Letters and information from his Excellency John Adams; those matters are alarming and meet with every attention the Governor can give them. I have the Honor to be with great respect, Sir, Your most obedient and most humble servant, WINSTON CASWELL, p. Sec. TO TRE HON'BLE CHAS THOMSON, SECRETARY OF CONGRESS, FROM WINSTON CASWELL. SIR: STATE OF NORTH CARFLINA, September 13th, 1787. I am directed by His Excellency the Governor, who is now very ill and unable to write, to acknowledge his having received the following Letters, to-wit.: 14th July, enclosing an Act of Congress of the 12th touching those officers who may be entitled to pensions, and an ordinance passed the 13th for the Government of the Western Territory N. West of the Ohio. 21 July, enclosing of Copy of Treaty between the United States of America & the Emperor of Morocco, ratified the 18th July by the United States in Congress Assembled. 25 July, enclosing an Act of the 23d July Limiting time for all persons having unliquidated claims against the United States to exhibit the same for adjustment. July 31, enclosing a corrected Copy of the last mentioned Act. I am also directed to assure you that every attention shall be paid to those resolutions that the nature and importance of them require. I have the Honor to be with great respect, Sir, Your most obedt. & most humble Servant. WINSTON CASWELL, P. Sec. GOV. CASWELL FROM BENJ. HAWKINS. DEAR SIR: WARREN, the 17th Septr., 1787. Having performed my tour of service in Congress for the present Federal Year & returned to the State, I request the favour of your Excellency to send me by the bearer, Mr. John Seagrove, a warrant on the Treasury for my Monthly allowance. I was Six months in Congress and I am informed that there is allowed by the Legislature Eight months pay for a tour including the time of traveling to and from Congress; I in fact was that period from home owing principally to a tedious winter journey, and a Circuitous return which I was necessitated to make by water for want of the means to enable me to travel directly to Warren. We have not anything new in this Quarter. I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you at Tarborough, and that you will believe me very Sincerely, Dear Sir, Your Excellency's most obedient & humble Servant, BENJAMIN HAWKINS. RESOLUTIONS OF THE CONVENTION. IN CONVENTION, Monday, Sept. 17th, 1787. Present: The States of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Mr. Hamilton from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. Resolved, That the preceding Constitution be laid before the United States in Congress Assembled, and that it is the opinion of this Convention that it should afterwards be submitted to a Convention of Delegates, chosen in each State by the people thereof, under the recommendation of its Legislature, for their assent and ratification, and that each Convention assenting to and ratifying the same should give notice thereof to the United States in Congress Assembled. Resolved, That is is the opinion of this Convention, that as soon as the Conventions of Nine States shall have ratified this Constitution the United States in Congress Assembled should fix a day on which Electors should be appointed by the States which shall have Ratified the same, and a day on which the Electors should assemble to Vote for the President, and the Time and place for commencing proceedings under this Constitution; that after such publications the Electors should be appointed, and the Senators and Representatives Elected; That the Electors should meet on the day fixed for the Election of the President and should transmit their votes, Certified, signed, sealed and directed, as the Constitution requires, to the Secretary of the United States in Congress Assembled; that the Senators and Representatives should convene at the Time and place assigned; That the Senators should appoint a President of the Senate for the sole purpose of receiving, opening and counting the votes for President, and that after he shall be chosen the Congress, together with the President, should without delay, proceed to Execute this Constitution. By the unanimous Order of the Convention. GEORGE WASHINGTON, Pres. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Secretary. LETTER ACCOMPANYING THE SUBMISSION OF THE CONSTITUTION TO CONGRESS. In Convention: SEPTEMBER 17th 1787. SIR: We have now the honor to submit to the Consideration of the United States in Congress Assembled, that Constitution which has appeared to us the most advisable. The friends of our Country have long seen and desired that the power of making war, peace and treaties, that of Levying Money and Regulating Commerce and the Correspondent Executive and Judicial Authority should be fully and effectually vested in the General Government of the Union. But the impropriety of Delegating such extensive trust to one Body of men is Evident. Hence results the necessity of a different organization. It is obviously impracticable in the Federal Government of these States to secure all Rights of independent Sovereignty to each and yet to provide for the interest and safety of all. Individuals entering into Society must give up a share of Liberty to preserve the rest. The Magnitude of the Sacrifice must depend as well on situation and circumstances as on the Object to be obtained. It is at all times difficult to draw with precision the line between those Rights which must be surrendered, and those which may be Reserved, and on the present occasion this difficulty was increased by a difference among the several States as to their situation, extent, habits and particular Interests. In all our Deliberation on this Subject we kept steadily in our view that which appears to us the greatest interest of every true American, the Consolidation of our Union in which is involved our prosperity, felicity, safety, perhaps our National existence. This important consideration seriously and deeply impressed on our minds, led each State in the Convention to be less rigid, on points of inferior magnitude than might have been otherwise expected; and thus the Constitution which we now present, is the result of a spirit of amity and of that mutual deference and concession which the peculiarity of our political situation rendered indispensable. That it will meet the full and entire approbation of every State is not perhaps to be expected; but each will doubtless consider that had her interest been alone consulted the consequences might have been particularly disagreeable or injurious to others; that it is liable to as few exceptions as could reasonably have been expected, we hope and believe; that it may promote the lasting welfare of that Country so dear to us all, and secure her freedom and happiness, is our most Ardent wish. By Unanimous Order of the Convention. With Great Respect, we have the Honor to be, Sir, Your Excellency's Most Obedient and humble Servt., GOV. CASWELL FROM THE DEPUTIES FROM N. C. IN CONVENTION. PHILADELPHIA, September 18th, 1787. SIR: In the course of four Months severe and painful application and anxiety, the Convention have prepared a plan of Government for |